「In English」 一覧

Posts in English. Sorry, quite limited number.


Gyoza Festival

2024/06/24   -Activity Report, Event, Event, In English

Last Saturday was my fourth weekend in Sendai, and it was a beautiful day. It ha ...

NDE Workshop2024@Tohoku University

2024/06/06 The NDT Workshop was held at Tohoku University (Katahira Campus) on J ...

ELyT2024 Workshop@Sendai and Yamagata

2024/03/11-13 The “ElyT” workshop in 2024 was held in Sendai and Yamagata from M ...

Farewell party for Professor Yong Li and Mr. Liu from XJTU

2023/12/01   -Activity Report, Event, In English

Professor Li and Mr. Liu from XJTU were visiting our lab for two weeks, followin ...

ISEM2023@Hachioji, Tokyo

2023/11/12-15 This year, the International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics ...

16th Asia pacific conference for non-destructive testing 2023 (APCNDT2023)@Melbourne

2023/3/14 APCNDT2023 was held at Melbourne convention and exhibition centre from ...

Breakfast Party

We had an Iranian breakfast party today and this is a short report about it writ ...

32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2022) @Croatia (Hybrid)

2022/9/29 SOFT 2022 was held as the hybrid conference in Croatia and online from ...

City tour and Sendai Aoba festival

2022/05/17   -Activity Report, In English

My name is Mohammadjavad Faridafshin, I am from Iran, 29 years old, and a new Ph ...

Mr. Faridafshin来日!!

 こんにちは。藤田です。今回は当研究室への新メンバー加入と彼を交えたお茶会の様子をお知らせします。  Hello, this is Fujita. I'm go ...

The 30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research @Online

November 16-19, 2021 The 30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion ...

30th MAGDA conference at online

December 6-7, 2021 The 30th MAGDA conference was held online during December 6-7 ...

The 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2021)

ICFD2021 was held during October 27-29, 2021. This is my first time to do poster ...

Visit to Xi'an Jiaotong University@Xi'an, China

Thanks to Prof. Yusa’s help and permission of Prof. Zhenmao Chen in Xi’an Jiaoto ...

Internship at NIMS@Tsukuba

I obtained a change to take the internship program of National Institute for Mat ...

日本非破壊検査学会 東北支部 第8回 支部会・講演会

 The 8th JSNDI (Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, 日本非破坏検査学会) bran ...

New Year Party for 2020

2020/02/22   -Activity Report, Event, In English

2020.01.08 We farewelled 2019 in the Year-end party and it is also desirable to ...

Welcome Party for Mr. Mahesh Raja2019

2020/01/07   -Event, In English

2019/12/24 Today, we hold a welcome party for Mr. Mahesh Raja from India. He wil ...


2019/12/18   -Activity Report, Event, In English

2019/12/13 It’s the first time for Niibori-Yusa laboratory to hold a year end pa ...

日本原子力学会東北支部会第43回研究交流会2019@仙台, 日本

2019/12/13 日本原子力学会東北支部会第43回研究交流会 The 43th seminar of Tohoku branch of Atomic Ene ...

論文掲載決定(NDT&E International誌)!!

今年も残りあとわずかというところでまた素晴らしいニュースが参りました。非破壊検査に関する学術論文誌NDT&E International誌に今年2報目の ...

Trip to Matsushima with Dr. Siritorn

2019.11.24 In order to let Dr. Siritorn enjoy her stay in Sendai, we decided to ...


2019/09/19-25 After attending the ENDE 2019 in Chengdu and ISEM 2019 in Nanjing, ...

ENDE2019@Chengdu, China

2019.09.11-14 It was an impressive experience for us to attend The 19th Internat ...

Visit of Prof.Yin and Students from UPC

2019/07/11 Prof. Yin and his students from China University of Petroleum (East C ...

Farewell party & Final report for Mr. Fairat

2019/07/29   -Activity Report, Event, In English

2019/07/23 Time goes so fast and two months elapsed in a blink. Mr. Fairat has f ...

Visit to Lisbon University@Lisbon, Portugal

2019.03.13-2019.03.16 After the final defense for my Master's degree, I traveled ...

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