The 3rd International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020)にて当研究室D2の宋君が研究発表を行いました。
- Haicheng Song, Noritaka Yusa, Probabilistic fracture mechanics model of wall-thinned pipe by incorporating multi- dimensional probability of detection (多次元検出確率モデルを組み込んだ配管減肉確率論的破損モデル)
This conference was originally planned to be held in Kobe, Japan, but regretfully, due to the COVID-19, it had to be run virtually. The topics of this conference include disaster prevention and mitigation, structural and material failure, safety and security maintenance, and so on.
Even though it was an online conference, a Japanese traditional magic show was presented to the attendees.

After listening to several presentations, I found the research fields presented on this conference are pretty new, but interesting, to me. The presentations I attended mainly focus on the computation mechanics and numerical simulations of natural hazards, like earthquake, tsunami, landslide and so on, and crack propagation, which involves multi-scale modeling of the target. This can give me some inspiration about the modeling of the growth of the defect I'm studying, pipe wall thinning. (Song)