It’s the first time for Niibori-Yusa laboratory to hold a year end party.
It is a pity that Professor Yusa could not attend because of neck pain and we sincerely hope that our professor will recover soon and have a good health hereafter.
We gathered at this restaurant which have miyagi traditional food ( 宮城の郷土料理 ) at 6 pm.

We have the very famous traditional food in Sendai, serinabe ( せり鍋 ), which is delicious. And we drink a lot in the party. What special in the party is the Japanese wine we ordered looks rare, the color of the wine is either blue or red. Then we asked is it really Japanese wine? From Dr.Ge’s taste, the ABV ( アルコール度数 , alcohol by volume) is much lower than a normal one. (Probably they added water into the wine)

We each spend 3500 japanese en for this meal while we couldn’t feel full because there is barely no meat in the meal. And after finished at 8 pm, we went to KFC for a second party to eat meat.
We wish in the next year everything will be good.
Author:Pan Pengcheng