先日Measurement誌にDemonstration of detection of the multiple pipe wall thinning defects using microwaves (マイクロ波を用いた複数配管減肉検出の実証)とのタイトルで投稿した論文の受理通知です。



Author: Takuya Katagiri, Guanren Chen, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume
Abstract: In this study, the applicability of a nondestructive method using microwaves to the detection of multiple pipe wall thinning defects was investigated. In numerical simulation, a single full circumferential defect was introduced into a straight pipe of 19 mm inner diameter, and the effect of the defect on transmitted waves was investigated. The transmitted energy ratio of the TM01 mode to the emitted wave was found to be 93% in average even in the presence of a 1-mm depth thinning. After that, experimental measurements were performed using a flanged brass tube with two artificial thinning defects. By applying signal processing to the measured S-parameters, clear reflections from the two defects were observed. By comparing the signals, we confirmed that the first full circumferential defect provides at most 12% amplitude attenuation of the reflected signal from the second defect, which should be related to the distance and size of the defects.