List of Publications

List of Publications (2009~2014)




Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hiroyuki Fukutomi, Hidetoshi Hazhizume, Low frequency eddy current inspection of wall thinning of large pipe by bobbin coils, the 11th International Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation and Testing (FENDT 2014), Chengdu, China, 2014/06/20-23.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Hiroki Shishido, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Development of electromagnetic non-destructive testing method for the inspection of heat exchanger tubes of Japan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor –Part I Application of remote field eddy current testing, The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Xi’an, China, 2014/06/25-28.
  • Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Takashi Wakai, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Development of electromagnetic non-destructive testing method for the inspection of heat exchanger tubes of Japan Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor –Part II Detection of flaws on the inner surface using electromagnetic waves, The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Xi’an, China, 2014/06/25-28.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Mika Kemppainen, Iikka Virkkunen, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Numerical modeling of thermal fatigue crack from viewpoint of eddy current testing, The 19th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Xi’an, China, 2014/06/25-28.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Hiroki Shishido, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Evaluating the Ill-Posedness of inverse problem to size flaws from eddy current NDT signals obtained with an absolute type probe, International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 2014/07/17-18.
  • 橋爪秀利、佐々木幸太、遊佐訓孝、長尺配管内壁面広域一括探傷のためのマイクロ波探傷法の開発、日本保全学会第11回学術講演会、八戸工業大学、2014/07/23-25.
  • Shigeru Kanemoto, Masaya Watanabe, Noritaka Yusa, Advanced Machine learning Algorithm Application for Rotating Machine Health Monitoring, International Symposium on Future I&C for Nuclear Power Plants 2014/International Symposium on Symbiotic Nuclear Power Systems 2014, Jeju, Korea, 2014/08/24-28.
  • Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Development on Microwave Nondestructive Testing of a Wall Thinning inside a Pipe by Optimizing the Frequency Range of Incident Microwaves, Eleventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2014/10/08-10.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Hiroki Shishido, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Numerical investigation of the ill-posedness of inverse problems to size a crack from eddy current signals, The 2nd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology, Kobe, Japan, 2014/11/02-05.
  • Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Evaluation  of  the  Applicability  of  Efficient  Nondestructive  Testing Using Microwave for Wall Thinning Inside a Long-range Metal Pipe, The 2nd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology, Kobe, Japan, 2014/11/02-05.


Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • 遊佐訓孝, 内一哲哉, 高木敏行, 橋爪秀利, 佐藤公仁弘, きず進展モニタリング用アレイ化一様渦電流プローブの開発, 日本原子力学会2013春の年会, 近畿大学, 2013/03/26-28.
  • 青木孝行, 高木敏行, 古村一朗, 古川敬, 遊佐訓孝, 浦山良一, PIRT手法を用いた超音波探傷検査及び渦電流探傷検査の検査精度向上に必要な研究課題の抽出, SCI'13第57回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 兵庫県民会館, 2013/05/15-17.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Numerical modeling of real cracks for electromagnetic nondestructive inverse problems, The 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2013/06/25-28. [INVITED]
  • Kota Sasaki, Linsheng Liu, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, A novel side-incidence probe with numerically optimized parameters for online microwave remote NDE of pipe wall thinning, The 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2013/06/25-28.
  • 遊佐訓孝, 橋爪秀利, 王晶, Iikka Virkkunen, Mika Kemppainen, 熱疲労割れ破面の電気的接触度評価, 日本保全学会第10回学術講演会, ホテル阪急エキスポパーク, 2013/07/24-26.
  • 高木敏行, 青木孝行, 古村一朗, 古川敬, 遊佐訓孝, 浦山良一, 疲労割れの非破壊検査性能向上に必要な重要課題の抽出, 日本保全学会第10回学術講演会, ホテル阪急エキスポパーク, 2013/07/24-26.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hongliang Pan, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Modeling of thermal fatigue crack for enhancement of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation of nuclear power plant, 21st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Chengdu, China, 2013/07/29-08/02.
  • Shigeru Kanemoto, Norihiko Yokotsuka, Noritaka Yusa, Masahiko Kawabata, Diversity and integration of rotating machine health monitoring methods, 2013 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference PHM-2013, Milan, Italy, 2013/09/8-11.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Kota Sasaki, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Numerical evaluation of the effect of the mode of microwave propagating inside a pipe on the detectability of a microwave nondestructive testing method, Tenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2013/11/25-27.
  • Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Experimental evaluation of the applicability of a sided-incidence microwave probe for a microwave nondestructive testing method, Tenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 2013/11/25-27.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Jing Wang, Iikka Virkkunnen, A round-robin project in Japan for the evaluation of nondestructive responses of natural flaws, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Economy, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013/12/01-04.


Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • 王晶、遊佐訓孝、潘红良、橋爪秀利、平板裏面欠陥探傷に対するリモートフィールド渦電流探傷法と低周波渦電流探傷法の比較検討、日本非破壊検査協会第15回磁粉・浸透・目視部門・電磁気応用部門・漏れ試験部門合同シンポジウム「表面探傷技術による健全性診断」、東京都城南地域中小企業振興センター、2012/02/20-21.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hongliang Pan, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Finite element modeling of stress corrosion cracking for electromagnetic nondestructive evaluations, The 18th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC2012), Busan, Korea, 2012/03/18-23.
  • 佐々木幸太、遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利、マイクロ波探傷法の管径に対する適用性評価、日本原子力学会2012春の年会、福井大学、2012/03/19-21.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hongliang Pan, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Discussion on distributed conductivity for modeling stress corrosion crack in eddy current testing, The Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications, Dalian, China, 2012/06/19-21.
  • 佐々木幸太、遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利、配管減肉に対するマイクロ波探傷法の口径依存性評価、第17回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム、九州大学医学部キャンパス、2012/06/21-22.
  • Linsheng Liu, Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Application of microwaves on remote and nondestructive testing of both biofouling and wall thinning inside a metal pipe, 日本保全学会第9回学術講演会, 国立大学財務・経営センター 学術総合センター, 2012/7/25-27.
  • 王晶、遊佐訓孝、藩紅良、橋爪秀利、Mika Kemppainen、Iikka Virkkunen, Investigation on electromagnetic characteristics of modeling thermal fatigue cracks in numerical simulation by eddy current testing, 日本保全学会第9回学術講演会, 国立大学財務・経営センター 学術総合センター, 2012/7/25-27.
  • 遊佐訓孝、王晶、藩紅良、橋爪秀利、Mika Kemppainen、Iikka Virkkunen, 熱疲労割れの直流電位差法による測定及び分析、日本保全学会第9回学術講演会, 国立大学財務・経営センター 学術総合センター, 2012/7/25-27.
  • 遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利, 強度変調複合電磁場を用いた渦電流探傷法による鉄鋼材料表面きず深さ評価, 日本鉄鋼協会第165回秋季講演大会, 愛媛大学, 2012/09/17-19.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hongliang Pan, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Effect of shape of shield on the sensitivity of remote field eddy current testing for inspecting flaw of large diameter tube, Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012), Sendai, Japan, 2012/09/19-21.
  • Linsheng Liu, Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, A novel approach of microwaves on remote and nondestructive detection of both gradual and abrupt wall thinning inside a metal pipe, Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2012), Sendai, Japan, 2012/09/19-21.
  • Kota Sasaki, Linsheng Liu, Noritaka Yusa, Takashi Wakai, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Development on microwave nondestructive testing of a wall thinning inside a pipe by optimizing microwave probe and analyzing wall thinning profile, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology Tokyo 2012 (ICMST-Tokyo 2012), Tokyo, Japan, 2012/11/11-14.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Kota Sasaki, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Fabrication of an artificial flaw with an arbitrary profile and non-destructive response for the development of NDT&E techniques, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology Tokyo 2012 (ICMST-Tokyo 2012), Tokyo, Japan, 2012/11/11-14.
  • Zhenmao Chen, Taihuk Huang, Li Wang, Noritaka Yusa, A study on the distribution of electric conductivity around a stress corrosion crack, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology Tokyo 2012 (ICMST-Tokyo 2012), Tokyo, Japan, 2012/11/11-14.
  • Linsheng Liu, Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Microwave NDT method utilized for remote distinction of biofouling and wall thinning defects inside a metal pipe, 第21回MAGDAコンファレンスin仙台, 仙台市戦災復興記念館, 2012/11/21-22.
  • Linsheng Liu, Kota Sasaki, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Microwave NDT method used for remote detection and inversion of edge profiles of wall thinning defects inside a metal pipe, 日本原子力学会・東北支部会第36回研究発表会, 東北大学, 2012/12/07.


Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • 遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利, 高周波探傷と深部情報抽出能を両立させる新型渦電流探傷プローブの開発, 日本非破壊検査協会平成23年度春季講演大会, 東京, 2011/05/26-26.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Practical numerical modeling for electromagnetic nondestructive testing and evaluations, 2011 Far-East NDT Forum, Hangzhou, Chiha, 2011/05/31-2011/0/6/02.
  • 橋爪秀利、遊佐訓孝、酒井康智, 分散補償法によるクラックレーダーの高性能化. 第6回動力・エネルギーシンポジウム, 関西大学, 2011/06/23-24.
  • 遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利, 拡散接合を用いた非破壊検査技術用模擬応力腐食割れ製作技術の開発. 第6回動力・エネルギーシンポジウム, 関西大学, 2011/06/23-24.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Fabrication of imitative stress corrosion cracking specimen using lithography and solid state bonding, The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Napoli, Italy, 2011/09/06-09.
  • Hidetoshi Hashizume, Noritaka Yusa, Yasutomo Sakai, Improvement of crack radar system to detect flaws in pipes, The 15th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Napoli, Italy, 2011/09/06-09.
  • Jing Wang, Noritaka Yusa, Hongliang Pan, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Investigation of application of remote field eddy current testing for inspecting flaws in large diameter tubes from outside, Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, 2011/11/9-11, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.
  • 遊佐訓孝, 橋爪秀利. 積層薄膜の固相接合による模擬応力腐食割れ試験体製作技術の開発, 平成23年度日本設備管理学会秋季研究発表大会第3回検査・評価・保全に関する連携講演会, 2011/12/15-16, 大阪市立大学.


Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • Yasutomo Sakai, Noritaka Yusa, Satoshi Ito, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Evaluation of microwave in pipes for inspection, The 15th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Szczecin, Poland, 2010/06/13-16.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Fabrication of imitative stress corrosion cracking specimens for electric nondestructive evaluations. The 15th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Szczecin, Poland, 2010/06/13-16.
  • Zhenmao Chen, Taihui Hwang, Li Wang, Shuxia Tian, Noritaka Yusa, Investigation of the features of the electric conductivity around a stress corrosion crack, The 15th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Szczecin, Poland, 2010/06/13-16.
  • 遊佐訓孝、内一哲哉、高木敏行、橋爪秀利, 固相接合を用いた電磁非破壊検査のための模擬応力腐食割れ試験体製作, 第7回保全学会学術講演会, 御前崎, 2010/07/13-15.
  • 大瀧啓太郎,内一哲哉,高木敏行,遊佐訓孝,竹田陽一. 渦電流探傷試験による応力腐食割れの深さサイジングに対するき裂分岐構造と充填酸化物の影響評価, 第7回保全学会学術講演会, 御前崎, 2010/07/13-15.
  • 酒井康智, 遊佐訓孝, 橋爪秀利, マイクロ波を用いた配管減肉の検出とサイジング、第7回保全学会学術講演会, 御前崎, 2010/07/13-15.
  • Yasutomo Sakai, Noritaka Yusa, Hidetoshi Hashizume, The effects of wall thinning shapes on microwave testing for piping, 7th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2010), Sendai, 2010/11/01-03.


Journal papers

Conference presentations

  • Haoyu Huang, Ryo Kayata, Stephane Perrin, Koh-ichi Maki, Shingo Mawatari, Noritaka Yusa, Kenzo Miya, A novel electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation method for rotating machinery. The 7th International Conference in relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurized Components, Yokohama, Japan, 2009/05/12-14.
  • 萱田良、真木紘一、石川達也、堀内隆夫、遊佐訓孝. ポンプ軸受およびインペラの不具合の大きさと電磁診断技術の信号との相関関係, 第6回保全学会学術講演会, 札幌, 2009/08/03-05
  • 遊佐訓孝、橋爪秀利. 渦電流に対する応力腐食割れの等価的抵抗値に関する検討. 第6回保全学会学術講演会, 札幌, 2009/08/03-05
  • 遊佐訓孝、瀬良健彦、平野伸朗. 電流制御型渦電流探傷法を用いた応力腐食割れサイジングの試み、日本原子力学会2009年秋の大会、仙台、2009/09/16-18.
  • Noritaka Yusa, Kenzo Miya, Ichiro Komura, Zhenmao Chen, A project aiming at the enhancement of NDT&E of stress corrosion cracking. The 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Xian, China, 2009/09/20-24.
  • Haoyu Huang, Ryo Kayata, Stephane Perrin, Noritaka Yusa, Kenzo Miya, Numerical analysis of an electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation method for rotating machinery. The 14th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Xian, China, 2009/09/20-24.
  • Yasutomo Sakai, Noritaka Yusa, Satoshi Ito, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Numerical analysis of microwave NDT applied to piping inspection. The 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-destructive Testing. Yokohama, Japan. 2009/11/08-13.

-List of Publications

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