Hi, this is Fujita. I'm going to tell you about the tour of climbing Mt. Fuji.
事の発端は6月中旬。気怠い午後の雑談の中で、富士山の話題が出ました。見たことはあるけど登ったことはないとか、麓までは行ったけれども天候のせいで登山は断念したとか。そんな会話の中、登ってみたいなあという機運がにわかに高まり、今年の夏中に登ることが決定しました。院試であったり海外研修であったりの都合で、9/9 ~ 9/10 の閉山ギリギリで登山に挑むこととなりました。
We made a first plan in mid-June. We talked about Mt. Fuji in casual conversation in the afternoon that day. Some had only seen it, other couldn't climb because of bad weather. The conversation made us want to climb Mt. Fuji, so we decides to climb Mt. Fuji this summer. We also decided to do it 9th to 10th Sep considering the date of entrance examination of graduate student and overseas training.
We decided to climb Mt. Fuji, but it was mid-August when we began to formulate a concrete plan because we had many things to do. In mid-August, the number of participants is decided. (I studied for entrance examination of graduate university under the threat ("If you pass the exam, you can go to summit of the mountain, but if not, we leave you in sea of trees"). )
富士山に入るのが 9/9 であるなら当日に仙台を出発するのでは時間的にも体力的に厳しかろうという判断から、9/8 までには東京まで出て前泊することにしました。東京での滞在先についてはそれぞれで手配し、登山前日の夕食は一緒にとることに。Mohammad さんリクエストによりイラン料理のお店で頂くことに。そのレストランには、Mohammad さんの母語であるペルシャ語を話す人がおり、話が弾んでおりなんだか嬉しそうでした。
We decided to stay the night before in Tokyo to prepare for the climbing. Each of us arranged their own transportation and accommodation for the day, but we took a dinner together. We had a dinner at an Iranian restaurant by Mohammad san's request. A staff of the restaurant was native Persian and we thought that made Mohammad san happy.

翌日 9/9 は 7時にバスタ新宿というなかなかハードな集合となりましたが、無事全員時間通りに到着し、そこからのバス乗り換えも予定通り行うことができ、富士スバルライン5合目までは順調にたどり着くことができました。
The next day, we had to meet early, 7 a.m., but we could do it all transportation. We could get to 5th station as planned.
However, it doesn't go well from there. Sudden short heavy rain, time to rental some equipments, time to take a lunch and time to post some application documents of scholarship prevented us to start as planned.

The road was not so heavy while some time after we started climbing, so we talked like "the road of Aobayama is steeper than here". However, the longer we walked, the steeper the road get. As we continued to climb, finally, a rocky place appeared. When rocky place continues, we didn't have a room to chat, so we only walked and walked.

The road was hard, but the higher we cimbed, the higher the attitude got. Finally, we could see coulds below.

We arrived at mountain hut 1 hour late. This may be the result of dalay of departure from 5th station.

山小屋で私の登山靴が取り違えられ出発が遅れたため7人のグループは一時 4:3 に分かましたがなんとか解決し、ご来光前に山頂で合流することができました。
After arriving at mountain hut, we went to bed to prepare for the next day's sunrise.
I couldn't depart from mountain hut immidately because somebody mistakenly took my trekking shoes away. Because of that, our member spilited into 4 and 3, but we could gather at the summit before the sunrise.

After saw the sunrise and walked around, we split into two groups.
I thought the climbing will be hard because there are many risks, for example, bad weather or developing altitude sickness in any one person.
I was delighted to climb and decsend together.
Finally, I'd like to introduce comments from the participants.
文責:B4 藤田
The hard and suffering time it was: steep and endless sloop, long fight with urinary urgency… However, they are my great memory when I looked them back. Thanks to sunny weather, we could see the Great sunrise and super view from the highest in Japan without any dropouts. (Bless our plan with enough time to spare!) Hot spring after climbing was also a pleasure for me. It was brilliant to look up the mountain we just climbed down enjoying a hot spring.
It was the only self-examination that we should have climbed during the opening period of shrines on the top and toilets on the Subashiri.
(D2 Tomizawa )
I started my trip to Mount Fuji by Shinkansen on September 8th.
Mr. Yu and I visited the campus and museum of Tokyo University and bought the gilded bookmark of Tokyo University.
I hope to have the opportunity to collect bookmarks from each Imperial University. In the evening, we enjoyed delicious Iranian food.
We took a bus to 五合目 and started to climb Mount Fuji from noon on September 9th.
Although I climb the Aobayama every day, they are not comparable/ (ㄒoㄒ)/~~.
Alpenstock saved my life (*^_^*)。
The scenery on the way is monotonous but unique.
We even need use hand to clime the steep slope in 七合目 and八合目.
It took us four hours to get to the hut. It's hard for people without experience to know how we felt.
we started the final sprint from 3:00 am on September 10th, and finally reached the top before sunrise!
I was impressed by the sunrise and felt peaceful. The effort is worth it!!
Because of time, we only stayed at the top of the mountain about an hour and went downhill.
然后就真的体会到了什么叫上山容易下山难(ノ′Дヾ) 。
Then I really realized why people always say it is easier to go up the mountain than to go down (ノ) Д ヾ) 。(D2 Guo)
I challenged myself to climb Mt. Fuji for the second time in my life. The last time was six years ago. I was young and poor, so, I planned to leave at night to watch the sunrise without rest at the mountain hut. It didn't go as planned and I fell asleep on a rock on the way and woke up after sunrise.
This time, we planned to rest in a mountain hut and depart early morning to surely watch the sunrise.
However, things didn't go according to plan. We had to delay our departure due to sudden rain, and FJT’s shoes were lost in the mountain hut. Even so, it did not rain during climbing, and clouds appeared, which delayed the arrival of the sunrise, and we were able to watch the sunrise. In addition, we had news that FJT's shoes were found at the summit.
The climbing down was harder and more slippery than I expected. I fell three times but somehow managed to get down to the 5th station.
Onsen was great after climbing. Probably, we climbed to enjoy the onsen. (M2 加子)
First, I tell you about having Persian foods. We stayed in Tokyo the day before the climbing day. That night, we went to a Persian food restaurant and had naan, kebab, chai tea, etc. There were three types of kebabs, kubide (beef and mutton), juju (chicken), and burgh (mutton). Everything was good, but I especially liked juju. In the end, we had chai tea and learned how to drink it from Mr. Faridafshin. I was surprised by the way I hold the sugar block in my mouth before drinking chai tea.
Next, I tell you about climbing Mt. Fuji. It was raining before we left. The rain made me nervous about mountain climbing. However, when we started climbing, the rain stopped, and the clouds blocked the sunlight. It became a perfect condition for climbing. Even so, the road became more and more difficult, and I got tired. I ate portable food such as sweets during climbing to recover from fatigue. Mr. Mohammad gave me the large black beans called dates that tasted like Japanese traditional bean paste. I like it so much. That night, we stayed in a mountain hut. Then, Mr. Guo gave me Chinese sweet buns. It has more than 1000kcal. This trip was full of surprises.
次に富士登山について話します。出発前は雨が降っており、登山に対して不安を感じていました。しかし、登り始めると雨も止み、雲が日光を遮っていて、最高の登山日和になりました。それでも、登るにつれて道は険しくなっていき、疲れもたまっていきました。疲労を回復するために登山中はお菓子等の携帯食を食べます。そのときにFaridafshinさんから日本の伝統的な餡子に似た味のデーツと呼ばれる大きくて黒い豆を頂きました。とても美味しかったです。その夜、私たちは山小屋に泊まりました。そこでも私はGuoさんから中国の甘い饅頭を頂きました。1000キロカロリー以上ありました。驚きに満ちた旅でした。(B3 本條)
~~~(D1 Faridafshin)
~~~(D1 Yu)