日本非破壊検査学会 第24回 電磁気応用部門・磁粉・浸透・目視部門・漏れ試験部門合同シンポジウム 「表面探傷技術による健全性診断、品質検査」にてD1の郭君、M2の冨澤君が研究発表を行いました。
- GUO YIJUN, KATAGIRI TAKUYA, CHEN GUANREN, YUSA NORITAKA, HASHIZUME HIDETOSHI, Relationship between pipe wall thinning size and resonant frequency in microwave NDT
- 冨澤拓真, 宋海成, 遊佐訓孝, 複数信号特徴量を用いたâ/a法に基づくステンレス鋼溶接部に対する渦電流探傷試験の確率論的きず検出性評価手法の開発
The 24th JSNDI (Japanese Society for Non-Destructive Inspection, 日本非破坏检查学会) online symposium of surface inspection was held on March 19, 2021. Since it was my first time to attend such an academic activity, I really expected it and felt very excited during the preparation.
Mr. Tomizawa made the presentation in the morning, while my presentation was arranged in the afternoon. Although it was difficult for me to understand speaker’s words due to my poor Japanese level. I could get the basic idea through the pictures and tables in slides. It was nice to have a look at other NDT method through this opportunity. Unfortunately, taking photos is forbidden during the symposium so please enjoy our beautiful Aobayama campus. (*^_^*)