Activity Report Conference ICFD Student



Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamicsにて当研究室D2の宋君とM2の藩君が研究発表を行いました。発表タイトルなどは以下。

  • Haicheng Song, Noritaka Yusa, Development of three-dimensional probability of detection model for monitoring local wall thinning in pipes (配管局所減肉モニタリングのための3パラメータきず検出確率モデルの開発).
  • Pencheng Pan, Noritaka Yusa, Numerical analysis for pipe wall thinning detection using electrical impedance tomography (電気インピーダンストモグラフィーを用いた配管減肉検出の数値解析).


This is the first time to attend a virtual academic conference, all of the experience is totally new to me. As I joined the session for students, I was requested to make a movie to record my presentation and upload it onto Youtube, so that attendees can watch it anytime. The comments or questions can be posted below the video in the comment area. Therefore, this conference also gave me a chance to experience what it is like to be a vlogger.

-Activity Report, Conference, ICFD, Student

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