Call for Student Participants: HeKKSaGOn Student Workshop

We are calling for participants those who attend the HeKKSaGOn We are calling for participants to attend the HeKKSaGOn Student Workshop, which will be held at the HeKKSaGOn Presidents Conference at Heidelberg University in September.
Those who are interested are encouraged to complete the supplied selection form and send it to the Global Engagement Division, Tohoku University.

Since the theme to be discussed at the Student Workshop is under discussion, we will publish it as soon as it has been determined.


September 12-13, 2019
Tentative program (WORD)


Heidelberg University, Germany


Graduate Students (Master’s Students, PhD Students)

Number of Nominees

3 people


HeKKSaGOn for Future: How can the Japanese-German university network contribute to sustainable development?

Financial Support

The Global Engagement Division at Tohoku University will provide participants with travel subsidies.

How to apply

Complete an application form and send it to by Email.
*In the case that there are more applicants than places available, participants will be selected from among the applicants at the discretion of Tohoku University.

Application Form (WORD)

Acceptance Notices

Acceptance notices will be sent out on August 9 at the latest.


Global Engagement Division, Tohoku University(