A Ceremony for the 2024 Tohoku University International Awards and International Alumni Association Award is held

On Tuesday December 10, 2024, the annual Tohoku University International Award and International Alumni Association Award Ceremony was held at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) on the Aobayama Campus. President Teiji Tominaga presented the awards to the two recipients of the “International Award”, Ms. Pelonomi Moiloa and Mr. Pedro B.F. Hsu, to the recipient of the “International Award・Science and Technology Award”, Prof. Lidong Chen and to Prof. Ardiansyah, who represented the Tohoku University Alumni Association in Indonesia (IATU), winner of the “Alumni Association Award” for the third year in a row . The event was held in front of an audience including professors, students, and the recipients’ own family members.

In his speech congratulating the recipients, President Tominaga highlighted that their activities perfectly embody  Tohoku University’s philosophy and mission  to contribute to society  through excellent education and research. He expressed sincere respect and gratitude to the recipients for their global achievements and emphasized the continuing university’s need for their support for the further development of Tohoku University.

President Tominaga during his speech

Prior to the award ceremony, the four recipients participated in a talk session. Moderated by International Exchange Officer Mr. Davide Bitti, they shared anecdotes from their time at the university and told of their many years of dedication to serving as bridges between their home countries and Japan, and with Tohoku University in particular. Prof. Ardiansyah also provided some interesting insights into the ongoing activities of the Indonesian alumni association. The audience listened attentively and with interest to the guests’ stories.

The talk session・From the upper left corner:Ms. Moiloa、Mr. Hsu、Prof. Chen、Prof. Ardiansyah

The Tohoku University International Awards and International Alumni Association Awards were established as part of the commemorative projects for the 115th anniversary of the founding of Tohoku University and its 100th anniversary as a comprehensive university, with the aim of strengthening cooperation with overseas alumni and stakeholders. The Tohoku University International Awards are presented to individuals who have contributed to improving Tohoku University’s international presence through their activities, and the International Alumni Association Awards are presented to international alumni associations who have led outstanding initiatives. The winners of the “Tohoku University International Alumni Award” were announced at the “Tohoku University’s Homecoming Day 2024” held on Saturday, September 28 at the Tohoku University Centennial Hall (Kawauchi Hagi Hall) to celebrate the 117th anniversary of its founding.

(Article: Winners Announcement of Tohoku University International Award and International Alumni Association Award )

Group Foto・In the front line:Associate Executive Vice President Prof. Suematsu, Prof. Chen, Ms. Moiloa, President Tominaga, Mr. Hsu, Prof. Ardiansyah, Executive Vice President Prof. Ueki, Vice President Prof. Yamaguchi
Some pictures from the reception dinner

This year’s winners:

  1. Tohoku University International Award

Ms. Pelonomi Moiloa 

Lelapa.ai – CEO and Co-founder

Mr. Pedro B.F. Hsu

Fortune Electric Co., Ltd – Chairman

2.Tohoku University International Award・Science and Technology Award

Prof. Lidong Chen

Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences – Professor

3.Tohoku University International Alumni Association Award

Indonesian Alumni Association of Tohoku University (IATU)