Call for Participants : Workshop for the latest development of Sophia Research Branding Project by Institute for Studies of the Global Environment
Tohoku University participated in “MIRAI2.0”, a collaboration between 19 Swedish and Japanese universities, aiming to contribute to long-term research collaboration and to promote Sweden and Japan as nations of world-leading large-scale research infrastructure.
Sophia University (one of the member universities of MIRAI 2.0) will be hosting an online workshop on “Moving towards the collaboration between Sophia Branding Project, Mirai 2.0 and Island Sustainability Initiative”.
Date and time : Monday, February 8, 2021 16:00~20:30
Platform : Zoom
※Prior registration not required
For details about the event and speakers, please refer to the following flyer.
And for the detailed information on MIRAI2.0, please visit the following.