Projects Supported by the 2025 Tohoku University-University of Washington Matching Fund

Tohoku University and the University of Washington have set up a joint research fund to encourage collaborative research. Based on an agreement of both Presidents made in September 2024, both universities invited the first round’s applications from researchers who would like to use the funds for joint projects in the 2025 academic year. There were 12 applications for funding in this first round. Following a joint review carried out by the two universities, the following 4 interdisciplinary joint research projects have been approved.

The fund will provide financial support to the 4 projects for up to one academic year beginning in April 2025.


Research Areas Tohoku University PI UW PI Project
Data Science and Material Science Assoc. Prof. Hao Li

(Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR))

Assoc. Prof. Chaoyue Zhao (Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE)) Establishing a TU-UW AI-Driven Catalyst Design Network
Composites, Computational modeling, Data Science Prof. Tomonaga Okabe

(Graduate School of Engineering)

Assoc. Prof. Navid Zobeiry

(Department of Materials Science & Engineering)

Sustainable Aerospace Manufacturing Using In-Situ Automated Fiber Placement of Thermoplastic Composites
Materials Science and Engineering, Physics Specially Assigned Professor Fumio Ohuchi (Office for International Initiatives) Prof. Emeritus Fumio S. Ohuchi

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

Research Initiative on Quantum Materials for the Next Generation of Information Processing
Disaster Science Assis. Prof. Shohei Nagata

(International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS))

Prof. Cynthia Chen

(Civil & Environmental Engineering)

Developing a Mobile Phone Network Data-Driven Methodology to Quantify Community Resilience in Disaster-Affected Areas




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