[Call For Researcher information]RENKEI Researcher Catalog

RENKEI is now collecting researchers’ information for RENKEI UK/Japan researcher catalogue, which supports RENKEI member institutions and researchers to identify opportunities for research and other collaborations, outside of core RENKEI activities. It is intended to provide helpful references members can use to approach each other for starting conversations, and to search for more information made available on online databases.

The catalogue will be shared with researchers and staff members of RENKEI member universities. Past RENKEI members may access the catalogue by contacting the secretariat (through their coordinator).

If you are interested in being listed in this catalogue, please fill out the following form by Monday 25th November:

For more details about the catalogue, please see the attached guidance.
You can see the items to fill in the form beforehand by the attached file named ‘質問項目_ RENKEI researcher catalogue’.

Guidance: RENKEI UK/Japan researcher catalogue
質問項目_ RENKEI researcher catalogue

Contact: Global Engagement Division   kokusai-k@grp.tohoku.ac.jp