[Report] Alumni and Students Online Career Talk, Chinese Language Edition

On Friday, 21st of June, we held the “Alumni and Students Online Career Talk, Chinese Language Edition.” The event was held in collaboration with the Career Support Center and the Taiwan Alumni Association.

From the upper left corner, clockwise: S. A. Assistant Prof. Wang, Dr. Yu-Ching Lin,  Mr. Justin Y. Chen, and Ms. Kō Mei Kin

Eighteen students listened attentively to the speeches of the three guests: Mr. Justin Y. Chen, Dr. Yu-Ching Lin, and Ms. Kō Mei Kin, and engaged with them in a fruitful Q&A session afterward.

Prof. Fukushima and Associate Prof. Kan from the Taiwan Liaison Team also participated actively in the event while Specially Appointed Assistant Prof. Wang from the Career Support Center hosted the event in Chinese language. Director Tanaka and International Officer Bitti also participated, representing the Global Engagement Division and the Alumni Network.

The students who remained until the end had the chance to win original goods from Tohoku University.

From the upper left corner, clockwise: GED Director Tanaka, Associate Prof. Kan, Prof. Fukushima, Int. Officer Bitti

The “Alumni and Students Online Career Talk, Chinese Language Edition” can be considered a great success that helped connect enrolled exchange students with their seniors. Hearing the stories of their careers will be a great inspiration for the students.

The Alumni Network will hold other editions of this event, each time focusing on a different language. Stay tuned!

You can watch the full event in the video below.