A Ceremony for the 2023 Tohoku University International Awards and International Alumni Association Award is held

On December 11, 2023, the annual Tohoku University International Award and International Alumni Association Award Ceremony was held at the International Research Institute of Disaster Science on the Aobayama Campus. President Hideo Ohno presented the awards to the two recipients of the International Award, Dr. Gargi Keeni and Dr. Ruttikorn Varakulsiripunth, and to Prof. Ardiansyah, who represented the Tohoku University Alumni Association in Indonesia (IATU), winner of the Alumni Association Award. The event was held in front of an audience including professors, students, and the recipients’ own family members.

The day started with a visit by the three award recipients to the student dormitories in the Sanjo area, as well as the Katahira and Aobayama Campuses, bringing back memories from their student days. They also visited NanoTerasu, the next-generation synchrotron radiation facility scheduled to commence operations in 2024.

Prior to the award ceremony, the three recipients participated in a talk session. They shared anecdotes from their time at the university and told of their many years of dedication to serving as bridges between their home countries and Japan, and with Tohoku University in particular. Prof. Ardiansyah also provided some interesting insights into the ongoing activities of the Indonesian alumni association. The audience listened attentively and with interest to the guests’ stories.

In his speech congratulating the recipients, President Ohno highlighted Tohoku University’s founding principle of ‘Open Doors’ and its history of attracting numerous outstanding individuals from both Japan and overseas. He expressed sincere respect and gratitude to the recipients for their global achievements and emphasized the continuing university’s need for their support for the further development of Tohoku University.

The Tohoku University International Awards and International Alumni Association Awards were established as part of the commemorative projects for the 115th anniversary of the founding of Tohoku University and its 100th anniversary as a comprehensive university, with the aim of strengthening cooperation with overseas alumni and stakeholders. The Tohoku University International Awards are presented to individuals who have contributed to improving Tohoku University’s international presence through their activities, and the International Alumni Association Awards are presented to international alumni associations who have led outstanding initiatives. The winners in both categories were announced at a ceremony held on September 30 this year to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the enrollment of the first female students at Tohoku University and the 100th anniversary of the enrollment of the first female humanities students at the university.


Front row, L-R: Vice President Masahiro Yamaguchi, Vice President Noriko Osumi, Professor Ardiansyah (Chairman of the Tohoku University Alumni Association in Indonesia), Dr. Gargi Keeni, President Hideo Ohno, Dr. Ruttikorn Varakulsiripunth, Executive Vice President Toshiya Ueki, Vice President Tetsuya Nagasaka

1.Tohoku University International Award Winners

Dr. Gargi Keeni

Former Vice President of Tata Consultancy Services Member of the International Electrotechnical Commission’s Chair Advisory Group (2013- )

Dr. Ruttikorn Varakulsiripunth

Vice President for Research and International Relations, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (2021- )

2.International Alumni Association Award

Tohoku University Alumni Association in Indonesia (IATU) (Photographed is its chairman, Prof. Ardiansyah)

For more details about the awards and the recipients, please see this page:
