In recent years, the state of global affairs has become increasingly unstable. To address issues from security to natural resources and energy and to face the natural disasters and pandemics affecting our shared global society, transnational diplomatic efforts are not only required but vital.
Since 1907, Tohoku University has cultivated a long history of contributing to society through its world-leading research. In 2022, it also marked the 100th anniversary of the
establishment of the Faculty of Law and Letters. With its ‘Research First’ philosophy, Tohoku University is driven by a sense of duty to apply its comprehensive knowledge to contribute to solving global issues. The university therefore decided to establish the Center for International Law and Policy.
The center will share its international law and policy expertise with society. It will produce
policy recommendations on how Japan should contribute to the efforts of international judicial institutions to bring about the peaceful resolution of international conflicts as well as the work of formulating international rules for organizations such as the United Nations and World
Health Organization.
For the Commemorative Opening Seminar, Specially Appointed Visiting Professor and
international human rights law and international criminal law expert Kuniko Ozaki, former
Judge of the International Criminal Court, will give a lecture. The event is open to the public, with registration information listed below.
Thursday, March 23 from 14:00-15:30
Hybrid Format: In-person and online via Zoom
Language: Japanese (with simultaneous English translation)
Location: Tohoku University Katahira Campus
TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity 3F Lecture Theater
Introductory Remarks
Tohoku University Executive Vice President (for General Affairs, Financial Affairs and International Relations)
Toshiya Ueki
“On the establishment of the Center for International Law and Policy”
Commemorative Opening Lecture
Tohoku University Specially Appointed Visiting Professor,
Former Judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Kuniko Ozaki
“On the role and challenges of the International Criminal Court”
・Graduate of Balliol College, University of Oxford
・Former Professor of International Law at Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University
・Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
・Expert in international human rights law and international criminal law
♦To attend: Register in advance via the link or QR code.
※ Deadline: Tuesday, March 21 at 23:59
※ The Zoom link will be sent the day before the seminar.
♦Capacity: 40 (in-person); first-to-arrive basis
♦Organizer: Center for International Law and Policy
♦Contact: Tohoku University Center for International Law and Policy
E-mail: cilp@grp.tohoku.ac.jp