2021 年度セミナー(雑誌会)
2021 -後期-毎週水曜日 9:30〜
- 10/6 関根
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Coexistence of Bloch and Neel walls in a collinear antiferromagnet,"
M. S. Wornle, et al., Phys. Rev. B 103, 094426 (2021).
- 10/13 辻
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Spectral dynamics of shift current in ferroelectric semiconductor SbSI,"
M.Sotome, et al., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. 116 6 1929-1933 (2019).
- 10/20 鈴木
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Wave-front Transformation with Gradient Metasurfaces,"
Nasim Mohammadi Estakhri, et al., Phys. Rev. X 6, 041008(2016).
- 10/27 村山
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Chirality-Dependent Circular Photogalvanic Effect in Enantiomorphic 2D Organic?Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites,"
Po-Jung Huang, et al., Adv. Mater. 33, 2008611(2021).
- 11/10 山田
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Equilibration Dependence of Fucoxanthin S1 and ICT Signatures on Polarity, Proticity, and Temperature by Multipulse Femtosecond Absorption Spectroscopy,"
Robert G. West, et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 2018, 122, 29, 7264?7276.
- 11/17 練
- I will introduce the following paper,
"Mode-Matching Enhancement of Second-Harmonic Generation with Plasmonic Nanopatch Antennas,"
Ahsan Noor, Anoop R. Damodaran, In-Ho Lee, Stefan A. Maier, Sang-Hyun Oh, and Cristian Ciraci,
ACS Photonics 2020 7 (12), 3333-3340.
2021 -前期-毎週水曜日 10:00〜
- 4/8 石原
- 非局所光学応答の紹介を行う。中心となる論文としては
Dadap, Shan, Eisenthal and Heinz,
"Second-harmonic Rayleigh scattering from a sphere of centrosymmetric
material," Phys.Rev.Lett 83(1999)4048
張紀久夫「光学応答の非局所理論」大阪大学低温センターだより. 80 P.7-P.9 (1992)
- 4/14 吉澤
- CNTのコヒーレント振動に関する論文を紹介する。
- 4/21 松原
- I will introduce the following paper
"Probing magnetism in 2D materials at the nanoscale with single-spin
L. Thiel et al., Science 364, 973 (2019).
- 4/28 冨田
- I am going to introduce a paper
entitled "Fermat’s Principle of Least Time Predicts Refraction of Ant Trails at Substrate Borders" in PLOS ONE 2013, together with a paper entitled
"Light Propagation with Phase Discontinuities: Generalized Laws of Reflection and Refraction" in Science 2011.
- 5/12 Habibullah
- I will be presenting in the next journal meeting on the paper "Training Deep Neural Networks for the Inverse Design of Nanophotonics Structure".
- 5/19 関根
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Control of emergent magnetic monopole currents in artificial spin ice"
H. Arava et al., Phys. Rev. B 102, 144413 (2020).
- 5/26 大野
- 現在進めている共同研究に関連して角度標準に関する論文を紹介する。
- 6/2 辻
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Giant Nonlinear Optical Activity of Achiral Origin in Planar Metasurfaces with Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinearities"
Shumei Chen et al., Adv.Mater 28 2992-2999 (2016).
- 6/6 鈴木
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Ultranarrow-Band Wavelength-Selective Thermal Emission with Aperiodic Multilayered Metamaterials Designed by Bayesian Optimization"
Atsushi Sakurai et al.,ACS Central Science 2019 5 (2), 319-326.-
- 6/16 村山
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Analysis of circular dichroism in chiral metamaterial at terahertz frequencies,"
Bo Sun et al., J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 025105 (2019).
- 6/23 山田
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Ultrafast Fluorescence Spectroscopy via Upconversion and Its Applications in Biophysics,"
Simin Cao et al., Molecules 2021, 26(1), 211.
- 6/30 練
- I will introduce the following paper.
"Enhanced magnetic Lorentz force second harmonic generation originating from a double-resonances plasmonic metasurface,"
Guanghui Yang et al. 2021 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 175110.