Klautau, Orion, “Shūkyō Gainen to Nihon: Religion to no deai to dochaku shisō no saihensei 宗教概念と日本——Religion との出会いと土着思想の再編成” [The Concept of Shūkyō and Japan: The Encounter with Religion and Rearrangement of Local Ideas] In Shirīzu nihonjin to shūkyō: kinsei kara kindai e シリーズ日本人と宗教——近世から近代へ [The Japanese and Religion Series: From the Early Modern to the Modern Era], vol. 2, edited by Shimazono Susumu 島薗進, Takano Toshihiko 高埜利彦, Hayashi Makoto 林淳 and Wakao Masaki 若尾政希. Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 2014, pp.241-267.
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© 近代日本ゼミ
“In my opinion, the general conception of Japan and its people that has been built in the West until a very short while ago is highly ridiculous.” (Wenceslau de Moraes, 1905)
“Samuel Johnson defined a nation as ‘people distinguished from other people’ (…) His definition is a particularly pleasing one because it exposes the enormous questions concealed inside this self-assertive little word. How do we distinguish between people? Where do we draw the lines?” (Tessa Morris-Suzuki, 1998)