Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
6-6-01-2, Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi
980-8579 Japan
Tohoku University Aobayama East Campus
A40: Research Building - Quantum Science and Energy Engineering
3rd Floor, Rooms 309 and 303

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More information can be found at the website of Tohoku University.
How to access
- 9 min. from Sendai station to Aobayama Station by Sendai Subyway Tozai Line (東西線)
- About 15 min. from Aobayama Station on foot, or 5 min. by campus bus.
- Information on how to reach Sendai is available at School of Engineering webpage.
- Our campus is on the top of Aobayama mountain and surrounded by green. Consequently, sometimes bears appear.