- Regularity condition by mean oscillation to a weak solution of the harmonic heat flow into sphere
(Masashi Misawa -) preprint(PDF) (25 pages)
This is the continuing work on the regularity criterion for the weak solution of the 2 dimensional harmonic heat flow into a sphere. The regularity criterion for the weak solution to the 2-dimensional harmonic heat flow is considered. The regularity criterion by term of the Bounded Mean Oscillation (BMO) in space and L^2 in time is proven. This is know for the continuity properties for the strong solution. The key method is to enploy the critical interpolation inequality in BMO of logarithmic type and establish the monotonicity formula by mean oscillation. This is corresponding to the monotonicity for the second derivative of the solution in the saling point of view.
- Decay and asymptotic behavior of a solution of the Keller-Segel system of degenerated and non-degenerated type,
submitted to Banach Center Publ. (2006) preprint (PDF) (23 pages)
This is a survey article for the global existence and finite time blow up of the Keller-Segel system of elliptic-parabolic case. The paper firstly summerize the result for the non-degenerated case as a reference and show the critical threshold for the global existence and finite time blow up for the degenarated case in terms of the power of the degeneracy of the top term. For the crictical case, the threshold number is given by the best possible constant of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality. The decay and asymtotic profile for the decaying solution is also presented for the subcritcal case.
- Global Existence of solutions for a nonlinearly perturbed Elliptic Parabolic System in R^2,
(Masaki Kurokiba, - Futoshi Takahashi), preprint (PDF) (18 pages)
Nonlinearly perturbed Keller-Segel system is considered. The system has the power nonlinear term in the elliptic term which is considered in the literutures. In this paper, we consider the system of simplified Keller-Segel system with drift-heat equation with nonlinear elliptic equation. It is known that this elliptic type of equation has at least two positive solution, the uniquness of the solution is not expected. Nevertheless, we show the existence and conditional uniquness of the time global solution for the system. The key idea is to combine the variational method to construct the time dependent system and avoid to non-uniequness problem.