2021.06.18 note
肺に存在した転移性腫瘍細胞が活性化(マウス実験). [1-4]
微小転移リンパ節の摘出で予後が悪化(臨床試験). [5]
乳房切除術を受けた患者:93.8% vs. 乳房温存手術を受けた患者:97.8%

図. 肺の転移巣(マウス実験)
A, B: 肺のコントロール像
C, D: 肺の転移巣
肺に転移を誘導 (0日目)
リンパ節を切除 (3日目).
肺の血管内に転移巣が確認 (9日目).
EM: 弾性線維: 紫黒色, 膠原線維:緑色, 筋線維: 赤色
Ki67: 細胞増殖能マーカー. 腫瘍増殖が顕著
[1] L. Shao, T. Ouchi, M. Sakamoto, S. Mori, T. Kodama, Activation of latent metastases in the lung after resection of a metastatic lymph node in a lymph node metastasis mouse model, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 460 (2015) 543-548.
[2] A. Sukhbaatar, S. Mori, Y. Saiki, T. Takahashi, A. Horii, T. Kodama, Lymph node resection induces the activation of tumor cells in the lungs, Cancer science, 110 (2019) 509-518.
[3] A. Sukhbaatar, M. Sakamoto, S. Mori, T. Kodama, Analysis of tumor vascularization in a mouse model of metastatic lung cancer, Scientific reports, 9 (2019) 16029.
[4] J. Zheng, L. Jia, S. Mori, T. Kodama, Evaluation of metastatic niches in distant organs after surgical removal of tumor-bearing lymph nodes, BMC cancer, 18 (2018) 608.
[5] A.O. Anderson, N.D. Anderson, Studies on the structure and permeability of the microvasculature in normal rat lymph nodes, Am J Pathol, 80 (1975) 387-418.