
Removal of a lymph node (LN) activates metastatic tumor cells in the lung

2021.06.18 note

Resection of LNs with or without metastasis activates metastatic tumor cells in the lung (mouse experiment).[1-4]

Removal of micrometastatic LNs in breast cancer worsens the prognosis. [5]

 Patients: Patients with micrometastases in sentinel lymph nodes

 Results of 3-year event-free survival rate (EFS)


 patients who had mastectomy  EFS: 93.8%  vs.

 patients who underwent breast-conserving surgery  EFS: 97.8%

What is the relationship between the two results?

Figure.  Metastatic lesion in the lung.

A, B: Control.

C, D: Metastatic lesion in the lung

Metastases were induced in the lungs (day 0).

A Lymph node was removed (day 3).

Metastatic foci were found in the blood vessels of the lung (day 9).

EM: elastic fibers: purple-black, collagen fibers: green, muscle fibers: red Ki67: Cell proliferation marker. Tumor growth is prominent.

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[3] A. Sukhbaatar, M. Sakamoto, S. Mori, T. Kodama, Analysis of tumor vascularization in a mouse model of metastatic lung cancer, Scientific reports, 9 (2019) 16029.
[4] J. Zheng, L. Jia, S. Mori, T. Kodama, Evaluation of metastatic niches in distant organs after surgical removal of tumor-bearing lymph nodes, BMC cancer, 18 (2018) 608.
[5] A.O. Anderson, N.D. Anderson, Studies on the structure and permeability of the microvasculature in normal rat lymph nodes, Am J Pathol, 80 (1975) 387-418.