Conference Venue

How to access

    How to access

    Access 2.1 : Flights to Sendai Airport

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  • From Taipei(Taoyuan International Airport) to Sendai Airport
  • From Seoul(Incheon International Airport)to Sendai Airport
  • From Dalian(Zhoushuizi International Airport) to Sendai Airport
  • From Beijing(Capital International Airport) to Sendai Airport
  • From Shanghai(Pudong International Airport) to Sendai Airport
  • Access 2.2 : Access to JR Sendai Station

    Image 1
  • From Sendai Airpor to JR Sendai Station
  • - You can take "Sendai Airport Access Line" to JR Sendai Station

    - Approximate time : 17 ~ 28 minutes

    - Fare : 650 Yen

    >> Sendai Airport

  • From Tokyo Airports (Narita/Haneda) to JR Tokyo Station
  • - Acess to JR Tokyo Station

    - Approximate time : 60 minutes from Narita Airport, 30 minutes from Haneda Airport

    - Take "Tohoku Shinkansen" from Tokyo station or Ueno station and get off at JR Sendai Station

    - Approximate time : 1 hour 40 minutes ~ 2 hours

    - For more information, please refer to

    >> East Japan Railway Company

    >> Narita Airport

    >> Tokyo Haneda Airport

    Access 2.3 : From JR Sendai Station to Centersqure (the conference venue): Approximately 35 miutes

  • There are two subway lines in Sendai: The Tozai Line and the Namboku Line. The Subway Sendai Stations are different for these two lines. Please make sure you go to the Subway Tozai Line Sendai Station.

  • Image 1
  • Walk from JR Sendai Station to Subway Sendai Station (Tōzai Line) within the JR Sendai Station Complex
  • - Approximate time : 10 minutes

  • Take Sendai subway Tōzai Line bound to "Yagiyama Zoological Park" and get off at "Aobayama station"
  • - Approximate time : 15 minutes

    - Fare : 250 Yen

  • Walk from "Aobayama station" to Centersqure (the conference venue)
  • - Approximate time : 15 minutes

Hotel Information