Outline of Registration
Please make the registration until 16th July to participate the symposium. The early-bird registration is available till the end of May.
Please be advised that the registration fee is not refundable.
Registrations can be made by one of the following options:
- Visit the registration website and input your credit card details for the payment (applicable for overseas participants only)
- Send a registration form via e-mail and arrange a bank transfer for the payment (remittance charge will be paid by remitter)
See below for details.
NOTE: Participants living in Japan are requested to use the domestic bank transfer to make payments. Thank you very much for your cooperation!
日本にお住まいですか? お支払いには必ず銀行振込をご利用ください.ご協力に感謝します!
The receipt will be given at the symposium venue. If you need it in advance, please let me know that.
Registration Fee
The registration fee is 40,000 Japanese Yen if the registration is made by 31st May 2010. It is 45,000 Japanese Yen for those who finish the registration on 1st June 2010 or later.
The registration fee also includes costs for two dinners (including a buffet style dinner), three lunches, and coffee breaks during the symposium. Accommodation fees are not inclusive. Please see the travel plan for information on accommodations.
For accompanied persons: Those who visit to Takayama with a symposium participant but will not attend any session can be registered as an accompanied person. Cost is 15,000 Japanese Yen per person. Two dinners in the symposium are covered by this fee.
Registration by Credit Card (for
from overseas countries)
Please visit the agency's website indicated as below and input information including credit card details.
Before proceeding, please read the
- Those who will make
presentation(s) at the symposium are requested to provide their paper number(s) in the form specified on the registration site.
- If you register accompanied persons(s), please select "will attend" after you input the number of accompanied persons and proceed to the next page (otherwise they are not registered).
- Please check the total amount of fees before the payment. The fee of the full attendance is automatically set depending on the date of the registration (i.e. if the date is not later than 31st May, the price will be 40,000 JPY for the full attendance, otherwise it will be 45,000 JPY).
- The registration will be confirmed after the payment process is finished.
- Please let us know if you have any question on the registration process by sending e-mail to
The URL of the
website is: https://amarys-jtb.jp/dta2010/
Registration by Bank Transfer (for
from overseas countries)
- First, please download the registration form (MS Word / PDF), fill it, and send it to us
- Then, please arrange the bank transfer to our account, whose details are indicated in the form.
- Please be advised that the registration is confirmed when the transaction is finished.
国内からの銀行振り込み (Domestic bank transfer for residences in Japan)
- まず,こちらのフォーム(MS Word / PDF)に記入して,
- フォームに指定された口座へ登録料をお振込みください.申し訳ありませんが,振り込み手数料はご負担をお願いいたします.
- 振込みが確認できた時点で登録は完了となります.
- First, please download the registration form (MS Word / PDF), fill it, and send it to us
- Then, please arrange the bank transfer to our account, whose details are indicated in the form.
- Please be advised that the registration is confirmed when the transaction is finished.