0 ICPE2024 Sendai Newsletter ICPE2024 Sendai

ICPE2024 Newsletter 2024/7/8

Dear ICPE2024 Authors,

Thank you for your kind submissions to ICPE2024.

We look forward to receiving your Camera-ready Manuscript before July 15, 2024 (UTC-8).

The following are some of the important information on the conference for your reference. Please kindly transfer the information to your co-authors who plan to attend ICPE2024.

Hotel Image

1) Hotels

Sendai is one of the most popular destinations of tourists in Japan. October is a high season in Sendai for tourists and events. It is strongly suggested to book your hotel at your earliest convenience. Basically, any of the hotels in the city center of Sendai (around the JR Sendai Station) would be convenient for a subway access to the Conference Venue. Any of the hotels in Sendai, from reasonable business hotels to luxury city hotels, is clean and safe. A list of hotels is provided in the following for your reference.

2) The Conference Venue

The Conference Venue will be at School of Engineering, Tohoku University, a few kilometers west of the center of Sendai city with direct subway-connection to the city center. Please see below for more information on the Conference Venue.

Venue Image

3) Conference Events

In addition to Technical Paper Sessions, a number of Conference Events are scheduled as follows:

Oct. 24-Oct. 26: Technical Paper Sessions at School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Oct. 23: Technical Tour (free of charge with financial support from the Japan Tourism Agency, max. 50 participants for each course, totally 4 courses, no cancellation after application/registration.)
Oct. 23 Evening: Reception at Hotel Metropolitan Sendai
Oct. 25 Evening: Banquet at Hotel Metropolitan Sendai
Oct. 26 Evening: Farewell Party at School of Engineering, Tohoku University

For more information on the events, please see below:

4) Transportation to the Conference Venue

As an environment-friendly and a convenient means of transportation, public subway will be utilized in ICPE2024 for transportation between the Conference Venue and the city center. Subway tickets will be provided to ICPE2024 participants for the transportation.

Please see below for more information on the access to the Conference Venue.

Transportation Image

5) Deadline for Early Conference Registration: August 15, 2024 (UTC-8)

Please kindly note that there will be no refund of the registration fee for your cancellation once the registration fee has been paid. Please make sure you will attend the conference before you make the payment of the registration fee.

For more information on Conference Registration, please click the button below:

6) Technical Tour Registration (Optional)

With support from the Japan Tourism Agency, participation in the tour is free of charge. However, participants are required to fill out a questionnaire during the tour. The maximum number of participants for each course is limited to 50.Please note that we may not be able to meet your request depending on the number of applications. Each tour can include one night's accommodation for participants (the night BEFORE the technical tour). If you do not need to stay overnight, please choose the tour without overnight stay.The itinerary is subject to change according to circumstances.Cancellation will not be accepted.Registration for the technical tours will be available after the completion of the conference registration. (Receipt of the conference registration fee is required to register for the technical tours).

Technical Image

7) For Visa Application

It is suggested to apply at your earliest convenience due to the time-consuming application process and the complicated application documents. For more information on visa application, please see below:

Please feel free to contact me or the Conference Secretary at icpe2024@grp.tohoku.ac.jp if you have any questions and suggestions on ICPE2024.

More information such as the Conference Program, etc. will be announced once available. I beg your continuous support to ICPE2024 for a successful, exciting and enjoyable event.

Thank you and best regards.

Wei Gao
Chair, ICPE2024