


Presentation“Opening Up Scientific Incertitude: Some wider methodological and policy implications”

Andrew Stirling (Professor of Science & Technology Policy (SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, The Sussex Energy Group, School of Business, Management and Economics))

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(※)当日は、午後の部の尾内さん「専門知を意思決定にどう使うか:日本の現状を踏まえて」の講演のあとにアンディさんの講演が行われました。 プログラムはこちら

ありがとうございます。私がこれから申し上げたいことの素晴らしい導入となりました。(※)また、この度はお招きいただいたことに感謝申し上げます。今回の訪日ではここまでのお話で、日本、オーストラリアの両国で、この問題がどう議論され、受け止められているかを知ることができ、非常に興味深く感じています。本日私は、すでに提起されたいくつかのテーマ、特に、尾内教授がお話しされた課題を直接引き継いでお話ししたいと思います。また、私の講演のタイトルには、本堂教授が今朝の講演で言及されたいくつかの言葉が入っています。不定性と不確実性は区別されており、不確実性とは単に限られた知識のひとつの状態に過ぎません。ここでは、法廷での科学的証拠 と関連づけながら、政策や法的実務に対するいくつかの意味の違いを明らかにしたいと思います。

(Andy Stirling)
Well, thank you very much. That was a fantastic introduction to what I want to say, and may I say thank you very much also for inviting me here. It's been fascinating so far on this trip to learn so much about how these issues are being discussed and thought about here in Japan and also in Australia. And I'm going to follow up directly on a number of themes that have been raised already, in particular the challenges outlined by Prof. Onai, but also my title refers to some words used by Prof. Hondou this morning, distinguishing between incertitude and uncertainty, uncertainty being just one condition of limited knowledge. So I'm going to try to differentiate a number of different implications for policy and for legal practice around expert evidence.


Before I do so though, I should maybe say just a couple of words about my own background in this.


I am not a lawyer, nor do I have any background in law, nor am I scientific specialist in any particular field. I am an interdisciplinary researcher focusing on uncertainty, both in its scientific aspects and also in its social aspects and the way the two things are intimately related. And I've done, some of the things I will say in this talk, at the beginning I will give an account of some of the deep challenges we face which will draw on work we have already heard from, and then in the second part of the talk I will look at some of the practical methods and processes that we can adopt to allow more robust decision-making, whether it be in policy or in law, to take place in the face of incertitude, and my basis for that is working in a number of areas on regulatory committees, looking at toxic substances or energy technologies or genetically-modified organisms, in a European and British context, so I hope some of that experience is relevant.

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So we've heard a lot about the role that science plays in decision-making, and if we step back for a moment from the direct focus of this meeting on the practice of law and look at the political background, we see this role for sound science, science-based decisions, evidence-based decisions in this unique prescriptive fashion, internationally, in the health area, on the part of many leaders in different countries, referring to challenges around chemicals or genetic modification or nuclear power or energy more generally.


Repeatedly, in general policy debate, science is referred to as this source of authority, this definitive authority, and as we've heard a number of times, this is better seen, it's a reflection of reality, but it's better seen as a reflection of political reality than of scientific reality in these areas, that science can actually fulfill that role satisfactorily.


And the reason we hear politicians and also the legal process itself requiring this function from science are processes that have also been talked about so far today of justification. Decision-makers need to justify decisions, even in the face of a number of different alternatives being equally acceptable. They need to manage blame in the way we've heard. And for that purpose, even if science is open and uncertain, it needs to be represented in a unique fashion, to perform the justification. That is a reality as powerful in decision-making as any scientific reality interpreting nature.

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So let us just think about issues we've already heard about today in a bit more detail, about how science typically gives us a picture in an area like nuclear risks or chemical risks or genetically-modified crops, and just to illustrate this, I'm going to look at the picture from an area which is arguably the most mature and the most sophisticated for the practice of risk assessment because it is one way or another through procedures of risk assessment that science internationally delivers this firm basis for legal or policy decision-making about technologies and their hazards.


So in looking at this example, I'm drawing an area where the science is arguably most robust in informing decisions. And typically speaking, when we ask the question, what is the risk of a particular technology, and we pose this to a bunch of scientists who maybe write a report over five years, a big scientific committee risk assessment, or maybe it's an expert panel who deliberate, we typically get a rather precise answer: these are the risks of this technology, of this pesticide, of this genetically-modified product, of this energy technology.


It's typically only when we step back and look at the comparable results obtained by different committees and different reports across a number of different contexts, all equally legitimate, that we start seeing a broader picture, because typically any one result that is obtained will display an enormous amount of variation across different studies.

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This chart shows 21 peer-reviewed studies conducted only by government regulatory bodies in industrialized countries answering the question, what are the risks of nuclear power? There's a big range, and even if we restrict our attention to the 50 percent of the studies in the middle, the interquartile range, we still see a very big difference between the studies that find a high value or a low value for nuclear risks because, if you notice, the horizontal axis to this chart, which gives risks in money terms, converts health risks and environmental risks into monetary values, but the same picture applies if we measure, if we use different indices like just human health, we get the same kind of picture, the scale is logarithmic. So the difference between the vertical lines is two orders of magnitude, a factor of 100.

このことから、原子力リスクについての科学文献の不一致度は1万倍以上になることが分かります。調査結果の違いは業界調査やNGOの調査を除外し、規制機関の調査や、ピアレビュー済みの学術文献に限定しても、高いリスク推測値と低い推測値が1万倍も違います。これが、原子力リスクにおける健全な科学(sound science)なのです。

So from this we can see that the disagreement in the scientific literature about the risks of nuclear power differ by more than 10,000 times. The high estimates are 10,000 times higher than the low estimates for studies that are just not looking at the industry studies or the NGO studies, just looking at the regulatory studies and restricting ourselves to peer-reviewed literature. This is the sound science of nuclear risks.


And we get a similar picture when we ask the question, what are the risks of the other energy technologies? It's a remarkable degree of variability. And as I say, this same picture applies if we're asking about chemicals or pesticides in particular or food products, et cetera, et cetera. We get enormous variability behind apparent unique closure of the kind that Prof. Onai spoke about.


So you see that grey line in the middle and that is the gray line shows you one study, all these different, more than 60 studies, give a much different picture.

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In fact, typically speaking, whether we're talking about toxicology or radiation hazards or other forms of occupational risk, it is typically possible to justify any ranking order one likes about the relative risks of different technologies based upon the peer-reviewed literature. It is only if we restrict our attention selectively to a particular study that we can give the impression of a firm scientific basis for a single particular decision.


This is quite a predicament. And so for me, what's important about this is this process of closure, this artificial closing down of what the picture we get of the science is not just something that occurs, as Judge McClellan very eloquently said, in the adversarial process of law, where one can see how powerful it is there, but also in the process of regulatory science, where committees sit and deliberate, one still gets this process of closure.


I've sat on many committees where we've explored the different interpretations, we've realized there are disagreements, we realize that they are reasonable disagreements, but in the end we have to come to consensus, because if we don't come to consensus, we are not doing our job and the chair of the committee will not get his reward from the government of some higher position, and a lot of pressure gets exercised to come to closure.

そのため、コンカレント・エビデンスのようなプロセスは非常に素晴らしい方法であり、重要であると思います。というのは、特定の「閉じ込め」を許さない というだけでなく、対話を通じて、権威のある優れた専門家同士が、ひとつの問題について、なぜそこまで意見が一致しないかという理由を評価することができ、それによって、この場合は判事ですが、政策立案者でも良いのですが、彼らがより多くの情報を調べ、不確実な科学に対してどちらの解釈が、決定に対してより頑健な基盤を提供するかを検討することが認められている点にあると私は思います。これは、決定をしないという意味ではなく、決定する場合は、不確実性という未確定(オープン)な含意についての情報もより多く得た上で決定するということを意味します。

So for me, what is exciting and important about processes like concurrent evidence is not so much that they allow particular closure, but they allow an appreciation through the dialogue process of why reasonable authoritative experts can disagree by this degree on an issue and allow in this case a judge, or it might be a policymaker, to explore with more information which interpretation of uncertain science is the most robust basis for a decision. It doesn't mean a decision is not made; it means that when it is made it is better informed about the open implications of uncertainty.

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Now before I speak about some of the methods for that, I just want to quickly reflect quite how eccentric risk assessment is as a way of handling knowledge in policymaking or in law because there are a number of things from different intellectual cultures. We know very well about the nature of knowledge, and they all tell us that risk assessment does not do a good job. In fact, conventional expert processes forcing a single output, a single interpretation, suppress what we know about knowledge in a number of ways. Let me say a few words about that.


First of all, these risk assessment processes ignore that knowledge alone is an insufficient basis for action. As in the example here of neuroscience, we think we understand how we might enhance certain human faculties. We don't know what the side effects might be but we think we can enhance them. Does that mean we should? Knowledge alone does not justify action. People like Aristotle, Kant, Habermas explored these issues very well, but know-how is often less important than know-why, and yet as we heard from Prof. Hondou's talk, know-why is often explicitly excluded from legal procedures.

知識について私たちが知っていることに、知識の不完全性があります。ナノテクノロジーのような分野では、何らかの作用を起こすのに必要な知識が得られても、それだけでは、より幅広い影響を理解する知識として必ずしも充分でも完全でもありません。ドナルド・ラムズフェルドの「未知の未知」(unknown unknowns)という言葉は、知らないことが、知っていることと同じくらい重要にもなりうることを示唆しています。古代中国の哲学者、老子は、無知を知ることは知識のなかで最も素晴らしい部分であると述べています。何かができるとしても、そのことの広い意味を完全に理解したことにはならないので、無知を認識することが不可欠なのです。

Another point we know about knowledge is its incompleteness. In an area like nanotechnology, the knowledge necessary to make something work is not necessarily sufficient or complete enough to understand its wider effects. And in the words of Donald Rumsfeld about the "unknown unknowns," unknowns can be as important as the knowns. Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, spoke about knowing one's ignorance is the best part of knowledge. Recognizing ignorance is crucial because just because we can make something work doesn't mean we understand fully the wider implications.

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Linked to that point is the indeterminacy of knowledge, that actually just because we think we know only enough to make something work but enough about its environmental or health effects, doesn't mean we're immune to surprise. So when Donald Rumsfeld spoke about the unknown unknowns, he also spoke about the "known knowns," as if we can have confidence when we think we know.


But this is a misunderstanding, as we learned for instance in chlorofluorocarbons where we thought we understood very well why we were introducing chemicals that we had good reason to believe were benign because we were so closely thinking about the risks of existing chemicals using refrigerants and propellants and insulants, that we thought these new chemicals would be fantastic compared to the risks we knew about. But what we did not know was we were going to get a surprise from a completely unexpected mechanism when these chemicals, which were very inert, became exposed to ultraviolet in the stratosphere.

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So it often occurs that we are most exposed to the dangers of ignorance when we think we know, when we think we have a particular risk and we try to avoid it. This problem has been written about by many philosophers, including interesting Kurt Godel, the philosopher of mathematics, who showed that even within a system of logic, it is impossible to guarantee that surprise is absent.


Another thing we know very well about knowledge but forget in risk assessment comes up when we hear that actually what we should do, we have some uncertainty, let's do more research because more research will reduce uncertainty. This can happen but it can also happen the other way around. Einstein pointed out that knowledge is like a circle. As we increase knowledge we also increase the circumference of the circle. As we increase knowledge we increase ignorance. This is not a paradox. It's a fact of life.

例えば、 海洋や気候が非線形力学の法則に従っているということを認識すると、新しいことを発見し、知識が増えたことになります。しかし、非線形力学が非常に重要であるという知識を習得したために、海洋や気候がどんなことをするのかということへの確信が薄らぎます。知れば知るほど、不確実性が増すのです。

So for instance, when we realize the oceans and climate are subject to non-linear dynamics, we find out something new, we add knowledge. But the knowledge that non-linear dynamics are so important makes us less sure about what the oceans and the climate will do. We found out more; we became more uncertain.


Another feature of the social context of knowledge is that our exposure to ignorance depends on the commitments we make, so if we think we know something, we invest in it, we commit to it, we start speaking about it in routine ways, and so it's not just that we have some ignorance about it, we are more exposed to that ignorance. If for instance we build an industry like the nuclear industry on the back of a certain understanding and that understanding turns out to be wrong, we're more exposed due to the commitments which can in turn affect the way we interpret the knowledge, in ways many sociologists of science have pointed out.

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最後の点として、 諮問委員会に出席すると、内容とは関係なく、知識が足し算にならないことが分かります。生態学者、分子生物学者、農学者等の、あらゆる分野の専門家を同席させ、その知識を足し合わせようというのが諮問委員会の目標です。しかし、知識は必ずしも足し算にはならず、引き算にも、割り算にもなります。よく言われることですが、様々な分野の知識を集めると、互いに影響し合い、互いに脱構築します。私の経験でも、遺伝子組み換え作物についてこのようなことが生じています。知識は、足し算ではないのです。

And then finally, anyone who has served on an advisory committee in any context will know that knowledge is also not additive. The idea is, well, let's bring together different disciplines, the ecologists, the molecular biologists, the agronomists, and we'll get all the different experts in the room and we'll add the knowledge together, but knowledge is not additive. Sometimes it subtracts or divides. And typically speaking, when you get different knowledges in a room they interact in ways that deconstruct each other, as I know from some of the work on genetically-modified crops. So knowledge is also not additive.


So many of these basic assumptions behind regulation are conveniently adopted to justify a particular answer, and yet we know, and hundreds of years of thinking about knowledge makes us know they are not true.


So let me then turn to some slightly more positive points that can be made in the second half of my talk.


Here is the usual way of addressing risk. We assume that we can assign probabilities to particular known things that might happen. And I don't want to be interpreted in what I say here as dismissing or being unfair to risk assessment. There are a very powerful set of tools and important tools for managing risk, like engineering design, which are closed, which are not open to open systems, where we have high-frequency events like transport accidents in a city where we can expect the following year to be well-predicted by the previous year's statistics or where the contexts are familiar. These are situations in which risk assessment using probabilities can be very powerful.

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But there are other conditions under which a changing world or much more complex open dynamic systems or human factors, what happens when we think about what engineers or operators might do in a crisis, or for instance issues like the different human susceptibilities to many types of health effect, we're learning more and more, an example of increasing knowledge and increasing ignorance, how it can be that different genetic makeups for people can make them more or less sensitive to different kinds of threat, all these things are reasons why we might not be confident in the probabilities that we normally apply. So the apparent, clear, precise notion of risk is misleading under these conditions of uncertainty.


So for me, going back almost 100 years in the English language tradition, this difference between risk and uncertainty is crucial. Uncertainty is a condition under which we are not confident in probabilities but which is a very common condition. There are still many who try to apply probabilities here saying there's nothing, there is no situation where I cannot apply a probability. But this is a rather macho way of simply boasting about their optimism, about their method. You could say it's a little bit like the proverbial person with a hammer for whom every problem is a nail. They have a hammer and they hit every problem with it. Risk assessment has something like that function in our current policy and legal culture. As I will show in a moment, there are other tools though that we can use.

その前に、さらに大きな論争になっている問題を紹介したいと思います。リスクは、確率 ×大きさ(マグニチュード)と定義することができます。これは科学的な定義で、リスク評価の基礎になっている概念です。ここまでは、確率に対して自信がないときはどうなるかという問題だけを取り上げてきましたが、事象の実現性については、大きさについての確信が持てない場合というもうひとつの軸があります。どう解釈すべきか、何を意味するのか、異なるアウトカムが出たときにはどのような順位にするか、何を優先するかを決めるには、私たちの知識に問題があるかもしれません。

But before I do that, I want to show something even more controversial because the definition of risk is a probability times a magnitude. That's the scientific definition, that's the one that risk assessment is based on. So far, I've just looked at the problem of what happens if we aren't confident in the probability, but there's another axis, where we might not be confident in the magnitude, in the possibilities. Our knowledge may be considered problematic about how to interpret, what are the meanings, what are the ranking orders, what are the priorities when it comes to different outcomes?

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This is a situation of ambiguity. It's not a question of not knowing how likely things are. It can apply to something that may be certain. It's about different definitions of harm, different understandings in pros and cons. For GM is the harm safety, human safety, or is it ecological or is it agronomic or is it to do with the poorest farmers in the world and how vulnerable they might be to big business or is it to do with world trade? These are not issues that depend on probabilities. They depend on interpretation of the benefits and the harms.


So where we find ourselves arguing about different options, different perspectives, different ethical frameworks, these are all issues that apply whether or not something is likely or not, even if we think it is 100 percent likely, even if it is already happened. The example I often give is that of the Iraq war which occurred, probability one, it happened, but what happened? Was it about democracy? Was it about oil? Was it about imperialism? Or a clash of cultures? We disagree on these things. That's ambiguity.

他にも、私たちが無知だったために驚かされる状態があります。それは、意見が一致しないという状況ではなく、予想さえしていなかったBSEのようなことです。それまで全く知られていなかったプリオン がBSEの原因でした。フロンについても申し上げましたが、成層圏のなかで紫外線によって化学反応が活性化されるという事実は驚きでした。内分泌かく乱物質についても、その有害作用をもたらすメカニズムは、既存の毒物学では全く考慮されていませんでした。

And then down here we see the condition of ignorance where we are subject to surprise, whereas completely, not things we disagree about, things we just didn't even expect, like BSE and the prion agent, the unknown agent that causes BSE. I mentioned chlorofluorocarbons. It's a surprise that there is a chemistry activated by ultraviolet light in the stratosphere which we didn't know about, like endocrine-disrupting chemicals, where the mechanism for harm was simply not taken into account by existing toxicology.

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But there are all sorts of ways in which these are the most important environmental and health issues that law and policy are concerned with, that we actually know about, not questions of risk but of ignorance.


So why is it then that we carry on using this hammer? Is it that we are stupid or rather mischievous in the way we conduct these things? I think it's important to understand, as Prof. Onai said and other have commented, the social and political and institutional reasons why we constantly find ourselves in that top-left area interpreting all the kinds of incomplete knowledge we find as risk. It's because we're driven there by institutions. When we have liability law, it tells a company you only have to worry about certain kinds of harm and certain kinds of levels of impact after which it's someone else's problem. So things that occurred that are a surprise, beyond that framework, are not your problem. That's the problem for the state or for whoever suffers the effects.


And likewise, insurance companies provide cover where a company is subject to uncertainty but the institution of insurance, subject to liability law, takes us into a position where certain kinds and conditions of incertitude are covered and we find ourselves in a position of risk.

さらに、 モデリングプロセス、政治プロセス、費用便益分析がすべてを包括し、このような健全な科学的プロセスによって、私たちは、是非は関係なく左上隅に移動してしまいます。

So likewise, modeling processes, political processes, cost-benefit analysis, aggregates things together, these sound science processes move us to that top-left corner whether or not we should be there.

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So this is why I use the term incertitude because one of the reasons why we don't see these different implications of a lack of knowledge is because we don't have the words for them. We treat everything as risk. We sometimes call that uncertainty but still use probabilities, and then uncertainty is also the word for the whole thing. So in the end we end up thinking, because we've just got one word for it all, that risk assessment is applicable. And it might be useful to refer to all of these different conditions together collectively as incertitude.


Anyway, it doesn't matter what the particular words are. The point is, if we don't discriminate between the different implications, we don't see the real reason to use different kinds of method, because even though we can't use risk assessment, there are very powerful approaches to thinking hard about the burden of evidence, about who has the responsibility to persuade in an argument, about what kinds of levels of proof we might demand, higher or lower, which one can engage in deliberatively without doing risk assessment.


One can also use techniques like decision analysis, sensitivity analysis where you explore, you have a problem, you have a model, and you ask the question, what happens if I change the inputs to my model, what happens to the outputs? And you see the outputs change, and you don't take one value, you take the whole envelope. There are many sophisticated techniques like this which do not deliver these unique interpretations of the science but are more scientific, more rigorous under uncertainty.

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Likewise, when we face ambiguity we can deliberately explore different scenarios and perspectives and value judgments by different perspectives and see how the relative decisions, the decisions vary in their relative acceptability. And there are many mapping techniques which map how different perspectives interact with the science, in ways I'll show at the end of my talk.


But also participatory processes where we bring people in, not because we're being romantic or politically correct about the role ordinary citizens can play, who do not understand the technical details, but the ordinary citizens often have very important things to say about the kinds of questions that are being asked, and more importantly the kinds of questions that are not being asked because the experts find themselves in an institutional environment that puts blinkers on them. So we're not being romantic about citizens when we do these processes; we're being rigorous about the questions asked of science.


And democracy itself, having an array of different views treated equally in political discourse, even if in the end one will prevail over another, according to political process.


The fact that these views are out there in society and contending with one another is a healthy environment for science itself. In fact, science is based through peer review, through skepticism, through comment, communitarian action by scientists on very similar principles to democracy.

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And even under ignorance, where we don't know what we don't know, we can still do quite concrete things. We can not put all our eggs in one basket so that we are ready for surprise, good or bad surprise. We can put a premium on flexible options, things that if they go wrong we can withdraw more easily, whether it be in environmental terms or in social terms.


So essentially then, recognizing incertitude in a broad sense means recognizing that risk assessment is only part of the picture, that narrowing down science to a single view often is very unscientific and highly political, and instead, being scientific, we need to look in a precautionary way at uncertainty to include attention to participation and to be more open about learning and adaptation. These are the implications we see when we take incertitude seriously in its broader senses.


Now it means then going from the picture on the left, which is what a typical expert committee or a legal process will deliver, and going down to the right where you appreciate how you can get different answers, and then you start deliberating on the reasons why.

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So let me say a few words about precaution because the precautionary principle is very controversial. It's often treated as a very emotional response to challenges of technologies and of risk, and of one which is very difficult to operationalize because you could get any answer you like and probably you end up not pursuing any technology and it leads to paralysis.

ときに予防を含めることもある決定則ですが、それ自体で満足の行くものではないことは確かです。深刻な危害や非可逆的危害の脅威があれば、科学的証拠の欠如は不活動の理由として使うべきではないというのがひとつの公式です。様々な予防的公式(precautionary formulations)がありますが、どれも、私たちが何をすべきかを示しておらず、どれも、確かな答を出していません。

And it's true that the decision rules that precaution is sometimes compressed into are not satisfactory in themselves. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible harm, we shall not use, we shall not take a lack of scientific evidence as a reason for inaction is one of the formulations. There are many different formulations of precaution, but none of them tell us exactly what to do.None of them give us the exact answer.


But then I've just tried to show that the principles behind risk assessment, even though we've been following them for 60 years and have very elaborate techniques and institutions, costing many hundreds of millions of dollars per year following these practices, it also does not give us a firm picture of what to do.

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What precaution really is about is opening up a series of different features of the process, the legal or political policy process, for deliberating about what we call risks, what I would call incertitude. It means, and here I'm drawing on work from the European Environment Agency Study, "Late Lessons from Early Warnings," which looked at 13 different case studies in the history, over 100 years of environmental regulation around the world, and drew some general conclusions, which I'm summarizing here.


One conclusion is you extend the scope. You don't just say, is this acceptable or not, this particular product. You look at the range of different products, you look at a range of different effects, not just the ones that have been measured by the risk assessment, which are typically the ones where there's most quantitative techniques for toxicology or some other well-known practice, you look across different areas which are less well easily measured, not because you try and get a precise answer but because you want to answer broadly what those consequences might be.


You look at life cycles. You look at how things might change in the future, things that are very difficult to pin down to a single interpretation, but that's okay because we've already heard how actually you can't get a single interpretation anyway, even if you narrow it down.


We're much more explicit about incertitude. We use different techniques to address different kinds of risk and ambiguity and uncertainty and ignorance in ways that, the examples I put here of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and GMOs and chlorofluorocarbons are examples of how we did not do this in those cases, when we left ourselves exposed to the consequences of relying on risk assessment.

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We are more humble about what science can do. This does not mean throwing science out. Science is still absolutely essential to the decision-making, it just doesn't give us one decision. It can rule out many things. But for instance, properties like persistence and bioaccumulation, chemicals or products in the environment, they accumulate or persist, that's not necessarily bad and many times we want the things to persist, like steel, and when we build a structure we want it to persist. So many people who do toxicology say, this is crazy, why should we treat persistence as a problem? But that can only be said if we are completely confident in risk assessment.


If we realize there are limits to risk assessment, then we ask the question, what happens if we're wrong? And if we're wrong then it is a disadvantage if we get a bad surprise that the products are persistent. It doesn't mean persistence is bad. It just means all else being equal, if we feel we're ignorant, we should probably follow options that are less persistent or more reversible.


It means being proactive about research, recognizing that where research does and doesn't get done is often highly political, and in cases like BSE it was often the case. The crucial research wasn't done for many years because there was a worry that the public would be scared, so it was deliberately not undertaken. The same is true in cases like tributyltin or the anti-fouling agent.

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We're much more deliberate about the argument. We recognize that the experts alone can't tell you what the appropriate level of proof is or the burden of evidence or who should do the persuading. This is a political matter or a matter subject to legal deliberation in different contexts of law. It's not a matter that you can rely on experts to tell you.


You consider different options. You don't just look, is this acceptable or not? I've sat on advisory committees in a European context where everyone agrees that a particular option is really rather bad, a particular pesticide is a bad product, but it's not worse than some things that are already on the market, so you actually still, you have no legal basis for prohibiting it because if you did that, you would be inconsistent with the fact that there are worse things on the market. The fact that there are other things that could be a lot better doesn't come into it because you are simply looking at one product at a time, on a case-by-case basis. So if we look more comparatively we can look at what the better general directions for progress in a particular area might be.


You involve different disciplines, as well as involving public engagement, again, as I say, not because we're romantic about the public but because we're trying to be rigorous about different values and interests and how they interact with science.


So in short, what one does in precaution is open up the more subjective and political dimensions of risk regulation and decision-making. You don't make them subjective ? these things are already there. But you treat them in a way that I refer to as plural and conditional. This is not an argument that anything goes. There will be plenty of interpretations or understandings that could be shown by science to be wrong. But typically, in a way I'll show in a moment, the answers you get from science will not reduce the correct answers to just a single one.

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So you look at different answers. You look at answer A and answer B in relation to their assumptions, X and Y, and the scientific process hands that on to the judge or to the political decision-maker, and it is not up to the scientist to decide whether A or B is the right course of action. They just say A applies to condition X, B applies to condition Y. The difference between X and Y is more a matter for the decision-maker, be it a judge or be it a policymaker in a political administrative process.


So these are things that precaution tells us. They're not about not doing anything. They're not about being scared of technology. They're not even in tension with science. They're about being more rigorous about knowledge and about the real nature of knowledge and the real value and limits of science.


So to try to just finish my talk and be concrete about what I'm saying, I think coming in a little bit under 40 minutes, I want to give an example which comes from the field of genetic modification and thinking about how science can help us to decide what kinds of ways of producing crops might be best.

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And I served on a number of different scientific committees in Europe and the UK on this matter, and this experience is drawn from that, because on one committee I sat on, it was under huge pressure to come up with one answer, that this product should be licensed, and yet you could see that in the committee were many different views.

GM Science Review Panel (GM科学検討パネル)と命名された機関(GMの様々なリスクを総合的に検討する目的で10年前に英国で設置された機関)が採用していたプロセスは、私の知る限りでは、英国の規則のなかではユニークなもので、科学者が何に合意したかを述べるだけではありません。コンカレント・エビデンスのプロセスと非常に良く似ているのですが、意見が不一致の場合、リスクとしてみなすことのできない不確実性がある場合、驚きに遭遇する可能性が高い場合は、意思決定者に向けて公の文書を提出し、幅広い議論を求めるというものでした。

And as a result of that experience, the process that was employed in a thing called the GM Science Review Panel, which was a panel we had about ten years ago in the UK looking across the board at different GM risks, was unique in British regulation to my knowledge in actually encouraging the scientists not only to say what they agreed about, but very similar to the concurrent evidence process, to also document publicly for the decision-makers but also for the wider debate where they disagreed, where there was uncertainty that could not be treated as risk, and where we were most exposed to the possibility of surprise.


And the report went through those issues, and in the end, much to the politicians' surprise, concluded that we don't have a red light or a green light for GM food in the UK. It's basically a political matter how you interpret the science, which I think is a much more scientifically robust basis for that decision at the time.

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But to give a bit more detail, I and some colleagues went through and interviewed using a very detailed technique what the different views of different experts was on the risk of different options for producing a particular crop in the UK.


So these two charts show you two experts, who at the time chaired the main government advisory committees in the UK, which were given the government in an apparently single answer. I don't want to go into the details but you see the views of these two people are utterly different about what are the risks of different agricultural strategies, and if you add other committee members to the picture, all of them experts but coming from different perspectives, you see the full range.


Now at one level what this does is show you how much disagreement there is behind apparently simple answers. Yes, license this product. But another answer is, there's a lot of really quite important detail here. When I showed this to a senior British civil servant, who ? because I did this work for a big company called Unilever, a big multinational company, the British government took it seriously and wanted to listen to it at a high ministerial level ? but on the way to that meeting I was told by a senior civil servant, you are dead showing a minister this, this is completely irresponsible because a minister wants a certain view from science. This is just telling the minister you don't know what you're doing and I'm going to enjoy watching you die, he said.


So I wasn't very optimistic about presenting this to the minister, who was a very senior person at the time in charge of the Cabinet Office in the UK because the GM was such a big issue in 2004.

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But actually what happened when the minister saw this was she said, well, thank you very much, what you've told me is certain things don't ever look good. There were certain strategies. For instance, it's in the detail here, but the government strategy at the time of regulating GM crops was voluntary controls and nobody thought that was the best strategy, not Greenpeace, not the industry, not the regulatory committees. Nobody thought that was the best strategy for GM. So something concrete came out of the plural and conditional advice ? that the existing strategy was the worse strategy.


Other things that came out was the NGOs agreed with industry that actually organic farming had very strong potential in the British context for reducing risk in food production, but normally organic farming was not looked at by regulatory committees who just looked at particular products.


And also, on the other side, it showed that even for environmental organizations campaigning against GM, for them, GM, if you took the uncertainty seriously, could be better than organic farming if it was implemented well and organic farming was implemented poorly.


So the minister said thank you very much, when I was a security minister I had to get a briefing every week about what the situation was, and then only at the end could I come back and interrogate my experts saying what have you assumed. And you're telling me, Prof. Stirling, that experts can come already saying what they've assumed and leave it to me as the decision-maker to decide which assumptions seem most robust because they're not scientific. Now this woman called Mo Mowlam was a very unusual politician.


But I end on this example because I think it shows how, despite the pressures in decision-making, there is a sense in which this kind of picture, this plural and conditional picture of the science, can be much more practical, it can help a decision, it can help it be more efficient and more quickly arrived at than trying for many years to force a consensus which in the end might be wrong.

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And in the end it also shows the intrinsic links between being rigorous about science and being serious about democracy, because in the end this is typically what science says about big issues in the regulation of technology.


And to treat it as giving one answer is undermining science, and it's also undermining democracy because the way you get the answer depends on how the question is posed, and this kind of approach draws that out more clearly.


So I hope that has illustrated quite concretely the kind of argument I'm making about the general predicaments of incertitude. Thank you very much.


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