Our research activities

We are studying on novel technologies for designing advanced fusion reactors, and on fundamental technologies for the higher reliability of nuclear power plants such as present light water reactors and a next generation fast-breeder reactor. In addition, high-heat-flux removal for devices, electromagnetic applications and superconducting applications based on the above technologies are also subjected to study in our laboratory. We are using knowledge of fluid engineering, heat-transfer engineering, electromagnetism and structural mechanics for our research activities.

Designing advanced fusion reactors

Please see the following web-sites if you want to learn fundamental things about nuclear fusion reactors.

National Institute for Fusion Science:
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka Fusion Institute:
ITER Organization:

Please click the followings if you want to check detail of our present research activities.

  • Development and design of remountable high-temperature superconducting magnet
  • Development and design of molten solt Flibe blanket
  • Development and design of self-cooled liquid Li blanket with Vanadium-alloy
  • Development of the high heat load removal system for fusion reactors using metal porous media

  • Development of technologies for the higher reliability of nuclear plants

    Please click the followings if you want to check detail of our present research activities.

  • Clarification of mechanism of the flow accelerated corrosion (FAC)
  • Development of microwave nondestructive testing for complex piping system

  • [Index]