Molten salt Flibe blanket

Page 1 : Molten salt Flibe blanket

Page 2 : Molten salt loop

Page 3 : Heat transfer enhancement of high Prandtl-number fluid
Page 4 : Numerical analysis for electromagnetic fluid
Page 5 : Neutron transport calculation
Page 6 : Published papers

TNT Loop

We are using high temperature molten salt loop named Tohoku-NIFS Thermofluid Loop (TNT Loop) for experiments in terms of heat transfer enhancement of molten salt. This loop is constructed by our research group in Tohoku University and National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) for our joint research. Flibe includes Be and its melting point is 732K, that means we need special handling technique for Flibe. Therefore, as a first step, we are using alternative molten salt, HTS (Heat Transfer Salt@KNO3 : NaNO2: NaNO3 = 53 : 40: 7) for the experiment.

TNT Loop

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