新しく飯塚研究室に配属になった3年生3名と台湾から来たLiu先生の歓迎会をしました。おいしい海鮮丼とLiu先生からの台湾マンゴー(こちらも美味)を食べながら、自己紹介などをしました。 これからよろしくお願いします。
8年前に柴田研を卒業された先輩です。 お土産のお菓子がとても美味しかったです。
at Tohoku U Aoyabayama campus at Matsushima at Amusement Park in Yokohama at Tohoku U Katahira campus with Sakura at Fuji-Television in Odaiba Tokyo at Tohoku U aobayama ground Pictures by Sibulele Zide
(2024.4.23-5.19) West view from the AER 展望テラス 2万年前の樹根at地底の森ミュージアム It was fun to watch 「名探偵コナン 100万ドルの五稜星」(Although I can not understand the dialogue) 仙台市電保存館(There were many children visitting and playing in this exhibition hall) A statue of魯迅 (who studied medicine in Sendai) at東北大学片平キャンパス A statue calledおどる布袋at仙台市博物館再開館記念祭企画展 仙台・青葉まつり——A great opportunity to experience the Japanese festival Pictures and coments …
Dr. Zeng and Ms. Lo from Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture came to visit Tohoku University. Two researchers were the guests for Prof. Chien and were introduced to us by Prof. Chein. After a fruitful discussion on the topic of circular agriculture and carbon neutrality, we felt it was important to have interactions with cross-disciplinary like …
Read more “Researchers from Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture came to visit”
Picture by Du Guri