since 2023

Resource Circulation and Environmental Applications

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Department of Advanced Social and Environmental Studies

Tohoku University, School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Intelligence and Aerospace Engineering, Energy and Environment Course


Efficiently cycling resources and CO2, for a cleaner environment!

Based on environmental chemical engineering, our group is conducting research on resource circulation and decarbonization systems required for the establishment of a sustainable society, covering a wide range of resource production, utilization, recycling, and disposal. Specifically, our group is developing carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies via mineral carbonation of alkaline materials (i.e., byproducts, waste, and minerals), investigating novel mineral materials and innovative electrodialysis techniques for effective water treatment, striving to develop final disposal methods for various waste, and accompanying environmentally hazardous substances. For mineral carbonation technology, our group is also working on establishing accounting methods for CO2 emissions reduction.


We have an international collaboration with South Africa.

Prof Iizuka and Sibu
sunset at Manila baywalk

For new third-year undergraduate students, please click here.

Past students’ research and other information


Atsushi IIZUKA

Hsing Jung Ho

IIZUKA LAB Introducing Movie(JP)

Blog Series

Three series are currently submitted.

Dr. Ho’s Business Trip to South Africa

Japan Life of Exchenge Students

Iizuka Lab Diary