2016年(fiscal year)
International Conference
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2017
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- Daoyuan Fang (Zhejiang University)
- Nakao Hayashi (Osaka University)
- Keiichi Kato (Tokyo University of Science)
- Takayoshi Ogawa (Tohoku University)
- Ting Zhang (Zhejiang University)
Invited Speakers
- Daoyuan Fang (Zhejiang University)
- Soichiro Katayama (Osaka University)
- Masakazu Kato (Muroran Institute Technology)
- Keiichi Kato (Tokyo University of Science)
- Zhen Lei (Fudan University)
- Tohru Ozawa (Waseda University)
- Hiroyuki Takamura (Hakodate Future University)
- Huanyao Wen (South China University of Technology)
- Qidi Zhang (East China University Science Technology)
- Ting Zhang (Zhejiang University)
- Ruizhao Zi (Central China Norm University)
International Workshop
Workshop Critical Problems in Nonlinear Evolution Equations
本研究会は,日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 |
Regional Workshop
第6回 弘前非線形方程式研究会
本研究会は,日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金 |
International Conference
Korea-Japan International Workshop for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations --- Aspect of Regularity and Asymptotics
本集会は, 本事業と以下の科研費との共同開催です: 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究S (代表小薗英雄氏 (早稲田大)) 「非線形解析学と計算流体力学の協働による乱流の数学的理論の新展開」 (課題番号: 16H06339) |
International Conference
- Nov. 9th (Wed.)
[13:50--14:40]: Tatsuki Kawakami (Osaka Prefecture University)
An exterior nonlinear elliptic problem with a dynamical boundary condition
[15:00--15:50]: Daisuke Naimen (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Two positive solutions of the Kirchhoff type elliptic problem with critical nonlinearity in high dimension
[16:10--17:00]: Robin Neumayer (The University of Texas at Austin)
A bridge between Sobolev and Escobar inequalities and beyond
- Nov. 10th (Thu.)
[9:40--10:30]: Tatsuya Miura (The University of Tokyo)
On minimizers of Euler’s elastica energy with an adhesion effect
[10:40--11:30]: Glen Wheeler (University of Wollongong)
Curve diffusion and straightening flows with free boundary
[11:30--13:00]: Lunch
[13:00--13:50]: Goro Akagi (Tohoku University)
Allen-Cahn equation with strong irreversibility
[14:20--15:10]: Kenji Nakanishi (Osaka University)
Maximizers of a Trudinger-Moser-type inequality with the critical growth on the whole plane
[15:10--16:00]: Eiji Yanagida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Extinction profile of solutions of the logarithmic diffusion equation on $¥mathbb{R}$
[15:10--16:00]: Andrea Cianchi (University of Florence)
Calderon-Zygmund pointwise estimates for nonlinear elliptic systems
[18:30--]: Banquet - Nov. 11th (Fri.)
[10:00--10:50]: Norihisa Ikoma (Kanazawa University)
On the existence of positive solutions of scalar field equations with fractional operator
[11:10--12:00]: Toshio Horiuchi (Ibaraki University)
Kato’s inequality when $¥Delta_p u$ is a measure and related topics
[12:00--]: Closing
Regional Workshop
研究集会「第12回 非線型の諸問題」
English Ver.
- September 11th (Sun)
[14:00--14:50]: 井口達雄 (慶応大)
Variational methods and the Isobe-Kakinuma model for water waves
[15:00--15:50]: 加藤孝盛 (佐賀大)
Local well-posedness in low regularity for fifth order KdV type equations with periodic boundary condition
[16:10--17:00]: 和田健志 (島根大)
Modified Strichartz estimates with applications to local well-posedness for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations
- September 12th (Mon)
[10:00--10:50]: 冨田直人 (大阪大)
[11:00--11:50]: 吉川周二 (大分大)
A finite difference method for two-dimensional semilinear thermoviscoelastic systems and its error estimate
[14:00--14:50]: 三沢正史 (熊本大)
[15:00--15:50]: 利根川吉廣 (東工大)
Existence and regularity theories of mean curvature flow
[16:10--17:00]: 松村昭孝(大阪大)
- September 13th (Tue)
[10:00--10:50]: 村田美帆 (神奈川大)
The L_p-L_q approach to the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg equations
[11:00--11:50]: 石井克幸 (神戸大)
Convergence of a threshold-type algorithm for curvature-dependent motions
Regional Workshop
室蘭における偏微分方程式論 集中ワークショップ 第五回 北海道-東北 偏微分方程式コンソーシアム セミナー
- August 5th (Fri)
[15:10--16:10]: 小川卓克 (東北大・理)
[16:30--18:00]: 町原 秀二 (埼玉大・理)
空間一次元 Dirac-Klein-Gordon 方程式初期値問題の適切性について
- August 6th (Sat)
[9:40--10:40]: 高村 博之 (はこだて未来大・システム情報)
[11:00--12:00]: 高橋 太 (大阪市大・理)
重み付き Trudinger-Moser 型不等式について
[14:00--15:00]: 三沢正史 (熊本大・理)
[15:20--16:20]: 加藤圭一(東京理科大・理)
[16:40--18:30]: 内免 大輔 (室蘭工大・工)
Sobolev 臨界指数を持つ高次元 Kirchhoff 型方程式の2つの正値解の存在について
- August 7th (Sun)
[9:50--11:20]: 原田 潤一 (秋田大・教育)
非線形熱方程式系のタイプ II 爆発解について
[11:30--12:30]: 黒木場 正城 (室蘭工大・工)
[14:20--16:00]: 自由討論
Mathematical Analysis for Stability in Nonlinear Dynamics ‐in honor of Professor Vladimir Georgiev on his 60th birthday‐
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Organizing Commitee
- Tohru Ozawa (Waseda University)
- Hideo Kubo (Hokkaido University)
- Hiroyuki Takamura (Future University Hakodate)
Invited Speakers
- Yoshihiro Shibata (Waseda University)
- Atanas Stefanov (University of Kansas)
- Luis Vega (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU)
- Gustavo Ponce (University of California)
- Jean-Claude Saut (Universite Paris-Sud)
- Yoshio Tsutsumi (Kyoto University)
- Maria J. Esteban (University of Paris-Dauphine)
- Sandra Lucente (Universita Degli Studi di Bari)
- Nicola Visciglia (Universita Degli Studi di Pisa)
Regional Workshop
- June 12th (Fri)
[14:00--14:55]: 石渡通徳 (大阪大学・基礎工)
On the compactness of the Sobolev embedding with a variable exponent
[15:00--15:55]: 内免大輔 (室蘭工業大・ひと文化)
Sobolev の臨界指数を持つ高次元 Kirchhoff 型方程式の2つの正値解の存在について
[16:10--17:05]: 小薗英雄 (早稲田大学・基幹理工)
- June 13th (Sat)
[10:05--11:00]: 生駒典久 (金沢大学・理工)
Pucci 作用素と冪乗型非線型反応項を含む方程式の 正値解の存在・非存在
[11:10--12:05]: 若杉勇太 (名古屋大学・多元数理)
The Cauchy problem for the nonlinear damped wave equation with slowly decaying data
[14:00--14:55]: 村井宗二郎 (産業技術高専)
時間に依存する摂動をもつ磁場付き Klein-Gordon 方程式の外部領域における平滑化効果と散乱理論
[15:00--15:55]: 中村誠 (山形大学・理)
On a derivation of partial differential equations based on the relativistic theory
[16:10--17:05]: 加藤圭一 (東京理科大・理)
- June 6th (Mon)
[13:10--14:00]: Ting Zhang (ZheJiang University)
Some wellposedness results for the viscous MHD system
[14:10--15:00]: Yoshiyuki Kagei (Kyushu University)
On the artificial compressible system
[15:10--15:40]: Taisuke Yoneyama (Tokyo University of Science)
Characterization of ranges of wave operators for Schr ?odinger equation via wave packet transform
[16:00--16:50]: Shu Nakamura(University of Tokyo)
Microlocal scattering theory for discrete Schr ?odinger operators and related topics
- June 7th (Tue)
[10:00--10:50]: Mikko Parviainen (University of Jyvaskyla)
Regularity for nonlinear stochastic games and normalized p-Laplacian
[11:00--11:50]: Seiichiro Kusuoka (Okayama University)
A stochastic approach to the H ?older and Lipschitz continuity of the solutions to nondivergence form parabolic equations
[13:20--14:10]: Keisuke Takasao (University of Tokyo)
Global existence and monotonicity formula for volume preserving mean curvature flow
[14:20--15:10]: Naoyuki Koike (Tokyo University of Science)
Volume - preserving mean curvature flow for tubes in rank one symmetric spaces of non-compact type
[15:20--15:50]: Yuki Kimura (Tohoku University)
Asymptotic expansion on the solution to thermo-elastic equations and relation with damped wave equations via energy density
[16:00--16:50]: Shigeru Sakaguchi (Tohoku University)
Two-phase heat conductors with a stationary isothermic surface
- June 8th (Wed)
[10:10--11:00]: Takeshi Wada (Shimane University)
Modified Strichartz estimates with applications to local well-posedness for nonlinear Schr ?odingier equations
[11:10--12:00]: Jun-ichi Segata (Tohoku University)
Refinement of Strichartz estimates for Airy equation and application