槙原 幹十朗 教授の業績リスト
[2025] High-Fidelity Analysis and Experiments of a Wireless Sensor Node with a Built-In Supercapacitor Powered by Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting
Yamada, T., Asanuma, H., Hara, Y., Erturk, A.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 224, Article No. 112147 (Open Access)
[in press] Support Vector Machine Framework for Detecting Ambiguous Contours of Space Debris Cloud
Morimoto, D., Takahashi, H., Sugiyama, Y., Otsuka, K., Ohtani, K., Hasegawa, S., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. XX, No. XX, pp. XX-XX (Open Access)
[2025] Magnetostrictive Vibration Suppression via Integration of Current Amplification Negative Capacitor and Current Inversion Semi-Active Control Circuit
Li, A., Kobayashi, Y., Hara, Y., Makihara, K.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 53-73 (Open Access)
[2025] Piezoelectric Flutter Energy Harvesting: Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation Model and Wind Tunnel Experiment
Mukogawa, T., Shimura, K., Dong, S., Fujita, K., Nagai, H., Kameyama, M., Shi, Y., Jia, Y., Soutis, C., Kurita, H., Narita, F., Hara, Y., Makihara, K., Otsuka, K.
Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 143, Article No. 104351 (Open Access)
[2025] Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Framework for Slender Structures Using the Modal Rotation Method
Shizuno, Y., Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Okada, T., Kawashima, S., Makihara, K., Otsuka, K.
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Article No. 021002 (Open Access)
[in press] Reduced-Order Modeling of Hamiltonian Formulation in Flexible Multibody Dynamics: Theory and Simulations
Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. XX, Article No. XX (Open Access)
[2024] Semi-Active Structural Excitation Method to Realize Energy-Saving On-Orbit Identification
Hara, Y., Tang, T., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Evolving Space Activities, Vol. 2, Article No. 125 (Open Access)
[2024] System Identification of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structures Subject to Unmeasurable Periodic Disturbances Using a Piezoelectric Device
Tang, T., Hara, Y., Zhou, M., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Evolving Space Activities, Vol. 2, Article No. 158 (Open Access)
[2024] Numerical Study Using Nonlinear Finite-Element Methods Based on Green-Lagrange Strain for Dynamics and Statics of Nonequatorial Space Elevator
Kuzuno, R., Dong, S., Takahashi, Y., Okada, T., Shizuno, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Evolving Space Activities, Vol. 2, Article No. 197 (Open Access)
[2024] High-Fidelity Flexible Multibody Model Considering Torsional Deformation for Nonequatorial Space Elevator
Kuzuno, R., Dong, S., Takahashi, Y., Okada, T., Xue, C., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Acta Astronautica, Vol. 220, pp. 504-515 (Open Access)
[2024] A Novel and Efficient Hamiltonian Dynamic Analysis Approach for Constraint Force Determination in Flexible Multibody Systems
Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 588, Article No. 118517 (Open Access)
[2024] Comparison of Magnetostrictive-Actuated Semi-Active Control Methods Based on Synchronized Switching
Li, A., Kobayashi, Y., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Actuators, Vol. 14, No. 4, Article No. 143 (Open Access)
[2024] Magnetostrictive-based Induced Current Inversion and Amplification: Semi-Active Vibration Suppression for Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Flexible Structures
Li, A., Kobayashi, Y., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 568, Article No. 118069 (Open Access)
[2024] State Observer of Multibody Systems Formulated Using Differential Algebraic Equations
Okada, T., Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Shizuno, Y., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 62, pp. 401-431 (Open Access)
[2024] Establishment of Iterative Modeling Method for Spherical Tensegrity Structure Using Rotational Symmetry and Regular Polyhedron Configuration
Mori, E., Matsumoto, Y., Kawabata, N., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 135, Article No. 104217 (Open Access)
[2024] Statistically-Oriented Optimal Control and Disturbance Prediction for Piezoelectric Semi-Active Vibration Suppression
Abe, M., Mishima, K., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. XX, Article No. XX (Open Access)
[2024] Energy Harvesting Using Magnetostrictive Materials: Effects of Material Anisotropy and Stress Multiaxiality
Liu, Y., Daniel, L., Lallart, M., Sebald, G., Makihara, K., Ducharne, B.
Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 366, Article No. 115017
[2024] Fractional-order Modelling and Dynamic Analysis on a Typical Beam Structure with a Semi-active Particle Damping Equipment
Xue, C., Ye, J., Kuzuno, R., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K., Xia, Z.
Powder Technology, Vol. 433, Article No. 119219
[2024] Moving Morphable Components Using Strain-Based Beam Geometry Description for Topology Optimization
Otsuka, K., Yamashita, H., Sugiyama, H., Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal, Vol. 62, No. 12, pp. 4846-4854 (Open Access)
[2023] Low-Energy-Consumption Structural Identification with Switching Piezoelectric Semi-Active Input
Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 187, Article No. 109914 (Open Access)
[2023] Strategy for Performance Improvement in Piezoelectric Semi-Active Structural System Identification by Excluding Switching Failures using Pseudo-State Feedback
Hara, Y., Tang, T., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 187, Article No. 109906
[2023] Energy Harvesting Using Magnetostrictive Transducer Based on Switch Control
Li, A., Goto, K., Kobayashi, Y., Hara, Y., Jia, Y., Shi, Y., Soutis, C., Kurita, H., Narita, F., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 355, Article No. 114303 (Open Access)
[2023] Hamiltonian Formulation with Reduced Variables for Flexible Multibody Systems Under Linear Constraints: Theory and Experiment
Dong, S., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 547, Article No. 117535
[2023] Analysis of Energy Conversion Capability among Various Magnetostrictive Materials for Energy Harvesting
Liu, Y., Ducharne, B., Lallart, M., Makihara, K., Sebald, G.
Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 32, No. 12, Article No. 125004
[2023] Investigation of Energy Harvesting Capabilities of Metglas 2605SA1
Liu, Y., Ducharne, B., Sebald, G., Makihara, K., Lallart, M.
Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 6, Article No. 3477
[2023] Performance Evaluation of Magnetostrictive Small Wind Turbines using Fe-Co Alloy-based Clad Sheets
[2023] Semi-Active Switching Vibration Control with Tree-Based Prediction and Optimization Strategy
[2023] Multibody Constraints in the Geometrically-Nonlinear Intrinsic Formulation
[2023] Moving Morphable Multi Components Introducing Intent of Designer in Topology Optimization
[2022] Self-Sensing Method for Semi-Active Structural Identification by Removing Piecewise Bias from Piezoelectric Voltage
[2022] Dynamics and Energy Analysis of Nonequatorial Space Elevator Using Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Method Extended to Noninertial Coordinate System
[2022] Comprehensive Predictive Control for Vibration Suppression Based on Piecewise Constant Input Formulation
[2022] Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Additively Manufactured Particle Dampers at Low Frequencies
[2022] Aeroelastic Simulation of High-Aspect Ratio Wings with Intermittent Leading-Edge Separation
[2022] Strain-Based Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Formulation for Rigid-Flexible Multibody Dynamic Analysis
[2022] Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of High-Aspect-Ratio Wings with a Low-Order Propeller Model
[2022] Recent Advances in the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation: Literature Review from 2012 to 2020
[2022] Consistent Strain-Based Multifidelity Modeling for Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Structures
[2022] Joint Parameters for Strain-Based Geometrically Nonlinear Beam Formulation: Multibody Analysis and Experiment
[2021] Adaptive and Robust Operation with Active Fuzzy Harvester under Nonstationary and Random Disturbance Conditions
[2021] Piezoelectric Energy Enhancement Strategy for Active Fuzzy Harvester with Time-Varying and Intermittent Switching
[2021] Assessment of Space Debris Collisions Against Spacecraft with Deorbit Devices
[2021] Damage Assessment for Electrodynamic Tape Tether Against Space Debris Impact
[2021] Geometrically Nonlinear Aeroelastic Characteristics of Highly Flexible Wing Fabricated by Additive Manufacturing
[2021] Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation with Vector-Strain Transformation for High Aspect Ratio Wings
[2021] Three-Dimensional Aeroelastic Model for Successive Analyses of High-Aspect-Ratio Wings
[2020] Self-Sensing State Estimation of SSHI Energy Harvesters
[2020] Predictive Switching Vibration Control Based on Harmonic Input Formulation
[2020] Damage of Twisted Tape Tethers on Debris Collision
[2020] 3Dプリンティングによる大変形を伴う柔軟翼の空力弾性特性
[2019] Compact, Digital and Self-Powered Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester with Generation Control Using Voltage Measurement Circuit
[2019] Fracture Investigation of Hollow Cylindrical Tether during Space Debris Impact
[2019] ピエゾアクチュエータによるモーフィング翼の幾何学的非線形電気・空力弾性解析
[2019] Versatile Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation Model for Dynamic Folding Wing Deployment and Flutter Analyses
[2019] Absolute Nodal Coordinate Beam Element for Modeling Flexible and Deployable Aerospace Structures
[2019] Multifidelity Modeling of Deployable Wings: Multibody Dynamic Simulation and Wind Tunnel Experiment
[2018] Structural Evaluation for Electrodynamic Tape Tethers Against Hypervelocity Space Debris Impacts
[2018] 平板の超音速パネルフラッタ振動を利用した圧電振動発電における圧電素子最適配置
[2018] Deployment Simulation Using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Plate Element for Next-Generation Aerospace Structures
[2017] Bayesian Cloud Extraction for Assessment of Space-Debris Impact Using Conditional Entropy
[2017] Analog Self-Powered Harvester Achieving Switching Pause Control to Increase Harvested Energy
[2017] Strategy for Enhancing the Active Harvesting of Piezoelectric Energy
[2017] Deployable wing Model Considering Structural Flexibility and Aerodynamic Unsteadiness for Deployment System Design
[2016] Survival Probability of Hollow Cylindrical Mesh Tether Under Space-Debris Impact
[2016] Survivability Evaluation of Electrodynamic Tethers Considering Dynamic Fracture in Space-Debris Impact
[2016] Energy Investigation into Damage Evaluation of Pressure Wall at Oblique Impacts
[2016] 振動ハーベスティングにおける発電エネルギ増加制御の研究
[2016] 質量変化を伴う柔軟多体システムのMBD解析
[2016] スペースデブリ衝突におけるアルミテザー破断基準の算出方法
[2016] Aeroelastic Deployable wing Simulation Considering Rotation Hinge Joint based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics
[2016] Parametric Studies for the Aeroelastic Analysis of Multibody Wings
[2015] A Novel Cntroller to Increase Harvested Energy from Negating Vibration-Suppression Effect
[2015] Transient Analysis of Self-Powered Energy-Harvesting using Bond-Graph
[2015] Self-Reliant Wireless Health Monitoring Based On Tuned-Mass-Damper Mechanism
[2015] Power Evaluation of Advanced Energy-Harvester Using Graphical Analysis
[2015] Synthetic Assessment of Self-Powered Energy-Harvesting Including Robustness Evaluation
[2015] エネルギー回生式セミアクティブ振動制御装置に対するSRS制約を導入した圧電アクチュエータ最適配置
[2015] 誤識別率を用いた超高速衝突のデブリクラウド抽出法
[2014] Development of Wireless Health Monitoring System for Isolated Space Structures
[2014] Layout Optimization Methodology of Piezoelectric Transducers in Energy-Recycling Semi-Active Vibration Control Systems
[2013] Adaptive Multimodal Vibration Suppression using Fuzzy-Based Control with Limited Structural Data
[2013] Mamdani推論法に基づく複数モード振動のロバスト制御
[2013] 過渡応答における構造・電気連成系の位相遷移に着目した連成統合制御
[2013] Energy Harvesting using an Analog Circuit under Multi Modal Vibration
[2013] 過渡応答に対する完全セルフパワード・デジタル振動制御システムの特性
[2012] Innovative Digital Self-Powered Autonomous System for Multimodal Vibration Suppression
[2012] Reliable and Evolvable Vibration Suppression by Self-Powered Digital Vibration Control
[2012] Development of a Self-Powered Digital System for Vibration Control
[2012] Portable Power Scavenging from Structural Vibrations using Autonomous Self-Powered Device
[2012] Energy-Efficiency Enhancement and Displacement-Offset Elimination for Hybrid Vibration Control
[2012] Electrically-Induced Actuation for Open-Loop Control to Cancel Self-Excitation Vibration
[2012] Supersonic Flutter Utilization for Effective Energy-Harvesting Based on Piezoelectric Switching Control
[2012] 完全セルフパワード・デジタル振動制御システムの開発
[2012] 超高速翼フラッタを用いた圧電スイッチングによる環境発電機構
[2012] Comparison of Analog and Digital Self-Powered Systems in Multimodal Vibration Suppression
[2011] Assessment of Electrical Influence of Multiple Piezoelectric Transducers' Connection on Actual Satellite Vibration Suppression
[2010] Fuselage Panel Noise Attenuation by Piezoelectric Switching Control
[2008] Performance of Simple and Sophisticated Control in Energy-Recycling Semi-Active Vibration Suppression
[2007] Using Tuned Electrical Resonance to Enhance Bang-Bang Vibration Control
[2007] Observability of Self-Sensing System using Extended Kalman Filter
[2007] Comprehensive Assessment of Semi-Active Vibration Suppression Including Energy Analysis
[2007] A Self-Sensing Method for Switching Vibration Suppression with A Piezoelectric Actuator
[2007] Numerical Analysis of Powerful Shock Absorber Utilizing Particle-Dispersion ER Fluid
[2006] Novel Approach to Self-Sensing Actuation for Semi-Active Vibration Suppression
[2006] Behavior of Piezoelectric Transducer on Energy-Recycling Semiactive Vibration Suppression
[2006] Low Energy Dissipation Electric Circuit for Energy Harvesting
[2006] New Approach to Semi-Active Vibration Isolation to Improve the Pointing Performance of Observation Satellites
[2006] Investigation of Performance in Suppressing Vrious Vibrations with Energy-Recycling Semi-Active Method
[2006] Flutter Suppression of Cantilevered Plate Wing using Piezoelectric Materials
[2005] Low-Energy-Consumption Hybrid Vibration Suppression based on an Energy-Recycling Approach
[2005] Stability Analysis of Open-Loop Stiffness Control to Suppress Self-Excited Vibrations
[2005] 滑り状態制御を参考にしたエネルギ回生準能動的制振
[2004] Semi-Active Vibration Suppression of Beam Structures based on Energy-Recycling Method
[2003] Energy-Recycling Semi-Active Method for Vibration Suppression with Piezoelectric Transducers
Ueno, T., Nakaki, T., Mukogawa, T., Dong, S., Kurita, H., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K., Narita, F.
Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 25, No. 19, Article No. 2300185
Abe, M., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 440-460
Wang, Y., Otsuka, K.
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 18, No. 12, Article No. 121007
Otsuka, K., Dong, S., Kuzuno, R., Sugiyama, H., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1720-1734 (Open Access)
Hara, Y., Tang, T., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 347, Article No. 113907
Kuzuno, R., Dong, S., Okada, T., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 43964-43980 (Open Access)
Takamoto, I., Abe, M., Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 901 - 917
Guo, H., Ichikawa, K., Sakai, H., Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Tsuruta, K., Makihara, K., Takezawa, A.
Powder Technology, Vol. 396, Part B, pp. 696-709
Wang, Y., Zhao, X., Palacios, R., Otsuka, K.
AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 1769-1782
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Palacios, R., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 4954-4968 (Open Access)
Otsuka, K., Del Carre, A., Palacios, R.
AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 293-306 (Open Access)
Otsuka, K., Makihara, K., Sugiyama, H.
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 8, Article No. 080803 (Open Access)
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Fujita, K., Nagai, H., Makihara, K.
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 11, Article No. 111003 (Open Access)
Otsuka, K., Dong, S., Fujita, K., Nagai, H., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 538, Article No. 117241 (Open Access)
Hara, Y., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 11, p. 3913 (Open Access)
Hara, Y., Zhou, M., Li, A., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 30, No. 1, Article No. 015038
Tomizaki, H., Kobayashi, R., Suzuki, M., Karasawa, N., Hasegawa, S., Makihara, K.
Advances in Space Research, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 1526-1534
Fujiwara, M., Tomizaki, H., Hasegawa, S., Ohtani, K., Makihara, K.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 34-41
Tsushima, N., Tamayama, M., Arizono, H., Makihara, K.
Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 117, 2021, Article No. 106923
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Makihara, K.
ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 16, No. 1, Article No. 011007
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Makihara, K.
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 143, No. 6, Article No. 061006
Hara, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Makihara, K.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol. 31, No. 20, pp. 2326 - 2341
Takamoto, I., Abe, M., Hara, Y., Nakahara, T., Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical Vol. 315, Article No. 112271
Uwamino, Y., Fujiwara, M., Tomizaki, H., Ohtani, K., Makihara, K.
International Journal of Impact Engineering Vol. 137, Article No. 103440
津島 夏輝, 玉山 雅人, 槙原 幹十朗, 有薗 仁
日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 86, No. 890, Article No. 19-00452
Hara, Y., Saito, K., Makihara, K.
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical 299 Article No. 111609
Sasahara, K., Uwamino, Y., Hasegawa, S., Makihara, K.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 383 - 391
津島 夏輝, 有薗 仁, 横関 智弘, 槙原 幹十朗
日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 85, No. 979, Article No. 18-00506
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Makihara, K.
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Vol. 141, No. 1, Article No. 011014
Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 1343 - 1346
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Fujita, K., Nagai, H., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 4300 - 4311
Makihara, K., Kondo, S.
AIAA, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 462 - 472
亀山 正樹, 笠原 尚哉, 石川 皓士, 槙原 幹十朗
日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 47 - 52
Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 1266 - 1276
Makihara, K., Oki, Y.
AIAA, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1235 - 1245
Makihara, K., Asahina, K.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 26, No. 5, Article No. 055007
Yoshimizu, K., Yamamoto, Y., Asahina, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1059 - 1070
Otsuka, K., Wang, Y., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 408, pp. 105 - 122
Makihara, K., Matsumoto, N.
AIAA, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 520 - 527
Makihara, K., Takahashi, R.
AIAA, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 209 - 216
Makihara, K., Oki, Y., Hasegawa, S.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan Vol. 14, No. 30, Pr_1 - Pr_8
槙原 幹十朗, 吉水 謙司, 竹澤 晃弘
日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 82, No. 835, Article No. 15-00499
槙原 幹十朗, 吉川 尭志, 菅原 佳城
日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 82, No. 834, Article No. 15-00504
近藤 周, 沖 義弘, 長谷川 直, 槙原 幹十朗
航空宇宙技術, Vol. 15, pp. 79 - 84
Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 369, pp. 147 - 167
Otsuka, K., Makihara, K.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan Vol. 14, No. 30, Pc_33 - Pc_42
Makihara, K., Yamamoto, Y., Yoshimizu, K., Horiguchi, C., Sakaguchi, H., Fujimoto, K.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 24, No. 3, Article No. 037005
Makihara, K., Shigeta, D., Fuijta, Y., Yamamoto, Y.
International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 47 - 52
Makihara, K., Hirai, H., Yamamoto, Y., Fukunaga, H.
Smart Structures and Systems Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 1625 - 1642
Makihara, K., Takezawa, A., Shigeta, D., Yamamoto, Y.
Mechanical Engineering Journal Vol. 2, No. 4, Article No. 14-00444
Yamamoto, Y., Yoshimizu, K., Makihara, K.
Mechanical Engineering Journal Vol. 2, No. 5, Article No. 14-00549
中野 陽平, 竹澤 晃弘, 槙原 幹十朗, 北村 充
日本機械学会論文集, Vol. 81, No. 830, Article No. 15-00191
沖 義弘, 松本 紀彦, 大谷 清伸, 長谷川 直, 槙原 幹十朗
日本航空宇宙学会論文集, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 157 - 165
Yamamoto, Y., Makihara, K.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan Vol. 12, pp. 55 - 60
Takezawa, A., Makihara, K., Kogiso, N., Kitamura, M.
Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 333, No. 2, pp. 327 - 344
Makihara, K., Kuroishi, C., Fukunaga, H.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 22, No. 7, Article No. 075031
槙原 幹十朗, 黒石 千香子, 福永 久雄
知能と情報, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 730 - 739
槙原 幹十朗, 下瀬 滋
日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol. 79, No. 801, pp. 1616 - 1627
Shimose, S., Makihara, K., Onoda, J.
Smart Materials Research 2013 Article No. 736487
山本 雄大, 鈴木 孝宜,槙原 幹十朗
日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol. 79, No. 808, pp. 490 - 493
Makihara, K., Shimose, S., Onoda, J.
AIAA Journal Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 2004 - 2011
Makihara, K., Onoda, J.
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 134, No. 2, Article No. 024502
Makihara, K., Shimose, S., Onoda, J.
Journal of System Design and Dynamics Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 583 - 596
Makihara, K., Shimose, S., Onoda, J.
Transactions of JSASS, Aerospace Technology Japan 10(itst28) Pc_13 - Pc_18
Makihara, K.
Smart Structures and Systems Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 193 - 207
Makihara, K., Ecker, H.
Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 189 - 206
Makihara, K., Shimose, S.
Smart Materials Research, 2012 Article No. 181645
槙原 幹十朗, 下瀬 滋, 竹内 伸介, 小野田 淳次郎
日本機械学会論文集C編, Vol. 78, No. 789, pp. 1440 - 1450
槙原 幹十朗, 下瀬 滋, 小野田 淳次郎
日本風工学会論文集, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 35 - 42
Shimose, S., Makihara, K., Onoda, J.
Smart Materials Research 2012 Article No. 287128
Shimose, S., Makihara, K., Minesugi, K., Onoda, J.
Smart Materials Research 2011 Article No. 686289
Makihara, K., Miyakawa, T., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1 - 10
Onoda, J., Makihara, K.
Journal of Vibration and Control Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 417 - 436
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 497 - 504
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Yabu, T.
AIAA Journal Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 306 - 308
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 84 - 93
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 455 - 461
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Vol. 49, No. 166, pp. 203 - 210
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 1445 - 1453
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 411 - 413
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Miyakawa, T.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 1493 - 1498
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 342 - 350
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Tsuchihashi, M.
Acta Astronautica Vol. 58, No. 10, pp. 506 - 514
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
KSAS, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 70 - 85
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Minesugi, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 1706 - 1715
Makihara, K., Ecker, H., Dohnal, F.
Journal of Vibration and Control Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 643 - 669
槙原 幹十朗, 小野田 淳次郎
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 Vol. 53, No. 619, pp. 343 - 350
Makihara, K., Onoda, J., Tsuchihashi, M.
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Vol. 47, No. 157, pp. 167 - 174
Onoda, J., Makihara, K., Minesugi, K.
AIAA Journal Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 711 - 719