- 関航太朗「(後日タイトル掲載)」→QST就職
- Kotaro Seki, Kenta Yoshida, Hotaka Miyata, Akira Hasegawa, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Yasuyuki Ogino, Kazuyuki Hokamoto, Shigeru Tanaka, Takaaki Koyanagi, Ryuta Kasada, “Suppression of irradiation hardening in tungsten-coated ferritic steel for fusion reactor blanket applications”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 607 (2025) 155657.
- 板垣克「(後日タイトル掲載)」→光学機器メーカー就職
- 宮岸太一「(後日タイトル掲載)」→進学
- Taichi Miyagishi, Sosuke Kondo, Hirokazu Katsui, Kiyohiro Yabuuchi, Ryutaro Usukawa, Yasuyuki Ogino, Hao Yu, Ryuta Kasada, “Effects of irradiation on interfacial strength and microstructure of double-layer mullite and alumina coating on SiC”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 603 (2025) 155410.
- [Review]宮岸太一,近藤創介,笠田竜太,「セラミックスコーティング界面強度評価のための微小試験法の開発」,材料試験技術 69 (2024) 79-81.
- 水口広太「(後日タイトル掲載)」→自動車関連メーカー就職
- 山村海爾「(後日タイトル掲載)」→進学
- 小川和希「(後日タイトル掲載)」→進学
- 三浦大知「(後日タイトル掲載)」→進学
- Yuan Xinwei「(後日タイトル掲載)」→日本国内半導体関連企業就職
- Xinwei Yuan, Sosuke Kondo, Kiyohiro Yabuuchi, Hao Yu, Yasuyuki Ogino, Ryuta Kasada, “Effects of grain boundary volume fraction on the threshold dose of irradiation-induced SiC amorphization at 30° C”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (2023) 5125 – 5135.
- Xinwei Yuan, Sosuke Kondo, Kazuya Shimoda, Hao Yu, Yasuki Okuno, Ryuta Kasada, “Compressive strength degradation of SiC fibers exposed to high temperatures due to impurity-induced internal oxidation”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (2022) 5334-5342
- Geng Diancheng「(後日タイトル掲載)」→JSPS PD(笠田研)
- Diancheng Geng, Hao Yu, Xinwei Yuan, Sosuke Kondo, Junichi Miyazawa, Ryuta Kasada, “Effects of Cr and Si addition on the high-temperature oxidation resistance in high-Mn alumina-forming oxide dispersion strengthened austenitic steels”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 38 (2024) 101572.[link to article]
- Diancheng Geng, Hao Yu, Masami Ando, Hiroyasu Tanigawa, Hironori Kurotaki, Takashi Nozawa, Sosuke Kondo, Ryuta Kasada, “Size dependence of micro-scale mechanical properties on heavy-ion irradiated tempered-martensitic steel evaluated through nanoindentation and micropillar compression tests”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 593 (2024) 155013.[link to article]
- Diancheng Geng, Hao Yu, Yasuki Okuno, Sosuke Kondo & Ryuta Kasada, “Practical method to determine the effective zero‑point of indentation depth for continuous stiffness measurement nanoindentation test with Berkovich tip”, Scientific Reports (2022) 12:6391.
- D. Geng, H. Yu, S. Kondo, R. Kasada, “Toward the correlation of indentation hardness in micro-and nano-scale: understanding of indentation edge behaviors in Fe–Cr alloys”, Journal of Materials Science 57 (2022) 13736-13755.
- Wu Xiangyu「(後日タイトル掲載)」→帰国後電子機器メーカー研究所就職
- Xiangyu Wu, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Yasuki Okuno, Masami Ando, Hironori Kurotaki, Shigeru Tanaka, Kazuyuki Hokamoto, Ryosuke Ochiai, Satoshi Konishi, Ryuta Kasada, “Bonding strength evaluation of explosive welding joint of tungsten to ferritic steel using ultra-small testing technologies”, Materials Science and Engineering: A 826 (2021) 141995.
- Xiangyu Wu, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Takuya Nagasaka, Ryuta Kasada, “Mechanical properties of the W coating and interface of vacuum-plasma-sprayed W–ferritic steel joints under shear and bending loads”, Surface and Coatings Technology 462 (2023) 129468.
- Xiangyu Wu, Yuki Jimba, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Yayuyuki Ogino, Akira Hasegawa, Ryuta Kasada, “Mechanism of enhanced room temperature ductility of cold-rolled tungsten under micro-bending test”, Materialia 33 (2024) 101971
- 陣場 優貴「(後日タイトル掲載)」→東北大金研研究員→米国研究所就職予定
- Jimba Y., Kondo S., Yu H., Wang H., Okuno Y., Kasada R., ‘Effect of mechanically alloyed sintering aid on sinterability of TiB2’, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 21660-21667.
- Yuki Jimba, Yasuki Okuno, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Yasuyuki Ogino, Shuhei Nogami, Ryuta Kasada, “High-strength TiB-TiB2 ceramics fabricated by low-temperature sintering with mechanically milled aids”, Ceramics International 49 (2023) 34863-34871.
- 松戸 玲菜「(後日タイトル掲載)」→プラント事業会社就職
- 岩本 空「(後日タイトル掲載)」→半導体・電子部品会社就職
- Sola Iwamoto, Sosuke Kondo, Hirokazu Katsui, Kazuya Shimoda, Hao Yu, Yasuyuki Ogino, Ryuta Kasada, “Evaluation of equi-biaxial strength of thin sic coatings using ring-on-ring testing and digital image correlation”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 21 (2024) 2738-2746. [link to article]
- 齋藤 隼輝「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士後期課程進学
- 工学研究科長賞
- Toshiki Saito, Hao Yu, Zimo Gao, Koji Inoue, Sosuke Kondo, Ryuta Kasada, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Y. Oba, K. Hiroi, “Multiscale Observation of Nano-Oxide Particles in Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Cu alloys”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 983 (2024) 17385
- 古川 雄磨「(後日タイトル掲載)」→鉄鋼会社就職
- 岡田 航汰「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 上山 魁「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 中野優「マイクロ波加熱を用いた難溶性ベリリウム鉱物の溶解技術及び精製プロセスの開発」(QST、社会人博士)
Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Shota Yokohama, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi, “Development of new dry dissolution process of poorly soluble beryl and its acceleration effect by microwave heating”, Fusion Engineering and Design 212 (2025) 114860.
Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Yoshiaki Akatsu, Taehyun Hwang, Yutaka Sugimoto, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi, “Kinetic study on leaching process of beryl with basic solution under microwave heating”, Fusion Engineering and Design 196 (2023) 114014.
- Suguru Nakano, Jae-Hwan Kim, Taehyun Hwang, Ryuta Kasada, Masaru Nakamichi, “Dissolution and recovery of beryllium from beryl using a novel wet process with microwave heating”, Nuclear Materials and Energy 30 (2022) 101113.
- 若旅 航基「(後日タイトル掲載)」→半導体装置メーカー就職
- 工学研究科長賞
- K. Wakatabi, Y. Jimba, Y. Okuno, S. Kondo, H. Yu, Y. Ogino, R. Kasada, “Effect of Molten Al/Si Impregnation on the Oxidation Resistance of TiB2 at 1300° C”, Materials Transactions 65 (2024) 1367-1372.
- 野呂 崇史「(後日タイトル掲載)」→電力会社就職
- 宮岸 太一「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 板垣 克「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- Lyu Shaofan, “To be shown”→帰国・LIBメーカー就職
- 岩本 空「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 齋藤 隼輝「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 関 航太朗「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程後期進学
- 水元 希「(後日タイトル掲載)」→非鉄金属会社就職
- Liu Jiarui, 「(後日タイトル掲載)」→帰国・電子機器メーカー就職
- Wang Haoran, “Study on Liquid Lead Alloy Corrosion Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Al-Added High-Mn Austenitic Steels for Nuclear Applications”→電子機器関連メーカー就職
- H Wang, H Yu, S Kondo, N Okubo, R Kasada, “Corrosion behaviour of Al-added high Mn austenitic steels in molten lead bismuth eutectic with saturated and low oxygen concentrations at 450℃”, Corrosion Science 175 (2020) 108864.
- H. Wang, H. Yu, J. Liu, S. Kondo, N. Okubo, R. Kasada, “Characterization and corrosion behavior of Al-added high Mn ODS austenitic steels in oxygen-saturated lead–bismuth eutectic”, Corrosion Science 209 (2022) 110818.
- Yuan Xinwei「The Effect of High-Temperature Oxidation on the Mechanical properties of SiC Fibers (SiC繊維の強度特性に及ぼす高温酸化の影響)」→博士課程後期進学
- Geng Diancheng「The Effect of Contact Area on Correlation between Nano and Micro-Indentation Hardness in Fe-Cr Alloys (Fe-Cr合金におけるナノインデンテーションおよびマイクロインデンテーション硬さの相関に及ぼす接触面積の影響)」→博士課程後期進学
- Gao Zimo, “Effects of Zr Addition on the Material Properties and Microstructure of ODS-Cu Alloys (ODS銅合金の材料特性および微細組織に及ぼすZr添加の影響)”→帰国・就職(エネルギー関連企業研究職)→博士課程後期進学
- 松戸 玲菜「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- 若旅 航基「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士課程前期進学
- Zheng Yuyang「原子炉圧力容器鋼の局所力学特性に及ぼす照射影響」→帰国・就職(LIBメーカー)
- Yuyang Zheng, Diancheng Geng, Hao Yu, Sosuke Kondo, Akihiko Kimura, Hideki Yuya & Ryuta Kasada, “Evaluating the irradiation hardening of reactor pressure vessel steels by nanoindentation hardness test and micropillar compression test”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (2022).
- Wu Xiangyu, “Evaluation of Bonding Strength of Explosive-Welded W/F82H by Ultra-Small Testing Technologies”→博士課程後期進学
- 陣場 優貴「二ホウ化チタンの焼結性に及ぼす機械的合金化自己共晶助剤の影響」→博士課程後期進学
- Liu Yuchen, “Ultra-Small Testing Technologies for Predicting Macroscopic Strength of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloy as a Potential Heat Sink Material in Fusion Reactor Divertor”→帰国・研究機関就職
- Yuchen Liu, Ryuta Kasada, Zimo Gao, Hideaki Yao, Sosuke Kondo, Hao Yu, Satoshi Konishi, Mohammad Aghamiri, Naoko Oono, Shigeharu Ukai, Hiroyuki Noto, Yoshimitsu Hishinuma, Takeo Muroga, “A trade-off between mechanical strength and conductivity in oxide dispersion-strengthened-Cu alloys fabricated by mechanical alloying”, Journal of Japan Institute of Copper 62 (2023) 152-157.
- Liu, Y., Kondo, S., Yu, H., Yabuuchi, K., & Kasada, R. (2021). Evaluation of irradiation hardening in ODS-cu and non ODS-cu by nanoindentation hardness test and micro-pillar compression test after self-ion irradiation. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 26
- Liu, Y., Kondo, S., Yu, H., Yabuuchi, K., & Kasada, R. (2020). Statistical approach for understanding the effect of specimen size on the yield stress and its scattering in mechanically-alloyed cu and ODS-cu obtained by micro-pillar compression test. Materials Transactions, 61(5), 955-962.
- 関 航太朗「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士前期課程進学
- 水元 希「(後日タイトル掲載)」→博士前期課程進学
- 陣場 優貴 学術研究員(米国オークリッジ国立研究所に転出)
- 岩城 栄子 事務補佐員
- マップ亜莉沙 事務補佐員
- 奥野 泰希 助教 (京都大学複合原子力科学研究所に転出)
- Liu Yuchen(補佐員)→帰国・研究機関就職
- 水野 翔太(青木研B3→M1前半):Spring 2021 to Sep, 2024
- Kim Gibum(韓国ソウル国立大学小田研究室D1):Feb 12 to Mar 2, 2024 (GIMRT), with Park Jonghyeon and Lee Seongbeen
- Lee Sumin(韓国釜慶大学Noh Sanghonn研究室M1):Jun 21 to Aug 24, 2023 (including GIMRT)、Jan 23 to Feb 27, 2024
- Bae Jaeyoon(韓国釜慶大学Noh Sanghonn研究室M1):Jan 11 to 30, 2023
- 宮田 穂高 (永井研M1):Apr to Sep, 2019
- 松川 義孝 助教 (熊本大学 准教授に転出)
- Zhengang DUAN (段 振剛)
- 鈴江 瞭平、大熊 一平、小林 明博、西村 憲治
1959-1970 幸田成康教授
1970-1986 諸住正太郎教授
1986-1987 鈴木秀次教授
1987-2007 松井秀樹教授
2009-2015 阿部弘亨教授(現在:東京大学教授)
2017- 笠田竜太教授