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H |
He |
Li |
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Fe |
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Ni |
Cu |
Zn |
Ga |
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As |
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Br |
Kr |
Rb |
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Zr |
Nb |
Mo |
Tc |
Ru |
Rh |
Pd |
Ag |
Cd |
In |
Sn |
Sb |
Te |
I |
Xe |
Cs |
Ba |
*1 |
Hf |
Ta |
W |
Re |
Os |
Ir |
Pt |
Au |
Hg |
Tl |
Pb |
Bi |
Po |
At |
Rn |
Fr |
Ra |
*2 |
Rf |
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Sg |
Bh |
Hs |
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Nh |
Fl |
Mc |
Lv |
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Og |
*1 ランタノイド: |
La |
Ce |
Pr |
Nd |
Pm |
Sm |
Eu |
Gd |
Tb |
Dy |
Ho |
Er |
Tm |
Yb |
Lu |
*2 アクチノイド: |
Ac |
Th |
Pa |
U |
Np |
Pu |
Am |
Cm |
Bk |
Cf |
Es |
Fm |
Md |
No |
Lr |
① 論文データベース個人ID
- ResearcherID: D-6350-2011
- Scopus Author ID: 6603632786
② 原著論文(英文紙)
- Kasada, R., Ha, Y., Higuchi, T., Sakamoto, K., “Chemical state mapping of degraded B4C control rod investigated with soft X-ray emission spectrometer in electron probe micro-analysis”, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 25700.
- Yamada, H., Kasada, R., Ozaki, A., Sakamoto, R., Sakamoto, Y., Takenaga, H., Tanaka, T., Tanigawa, H., Okano, K., Tobita, K., Kaneko, O., Ushigusa, K., “Japanese endeavors to establish technological bases for DEMO”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 1318-1325.
- Takeda, S., Sakurai, S., Yamamoto, Y., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Limitation of fusion power plant installation on future power grids under the effect of renewable and nuclear power sources”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 1754-1758.
- Okino, F., Calderoni, P., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Feasibility analysis of vacuum sieve tray for tritium extraction in the HCLL test blanket system”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 1748-1753.
- Gwon, H., Matsuda, S., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Kawamura, Y., “Study on the characteristics of thermal structural response of full tungsten divertor under ELM-like heat pulse”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 1697-1700.
- Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Hamaguchi, D., Ando, M., Tanigawa, H., “Evaluation of strain-rate sensitivity of ion-irradiated austenitic steel using strain-rate jump nanoindentation tests”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 1507-1510.
- Kobori, H., Kasada, R., Hiwatari, R., Konishi, S., “Improvement of system code importing evaluation of Life Cycle Analysis of tokamak fusion power reactors”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 760-763.
- Ihira, R., Gwon, H., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Improvement of tensile properties of pure Cu and CuCrZr alloy by cryo-rolling process”, Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111 (2016) 485-488.
- Yamada, H., Kasada, R., Ozaki, A., Sakamoto, R., Sakamoto, Y., Takenaga, H., Tanaka, T., Tanigawa, H., Okano, K., Tobita, K., Kaneko, O., Ushigusa, K., “Development of Strategic Establishment of Technology Bases for a Fusion DEMO Reactor in Japan”, Journal of Fusion Energy 35 (2016) 4-26.
- Gwon, H., Matsuda, S., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Evaluation of thermal structural behavior of divertor under ELM”, Fusion Engineering and Design 98-99 (2015) 1318-1322.
- Namba, K., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Yamamoto, Y., “Evaluation of tritium transport in the biomass-fusion hybrid system and its environmental impact”, Fusion Engineering and Design 98-99 (2015) 2162-2165.
- Fujii, K., Fukuya, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Ohkubo, T., “Effects of tensile stress on Cu clustering in irradiated Fe-Cu alloy”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 458 (2015) 281-287.
- Takeda, S., Konishi, S., Yamamoto, Y., Kasada, R., Sakurai, S., “Dynamic simulation-based case study of fusion on small-scale electrical grids”, Fusion Science and Technology 68 (2015) 341-345.
- Kasada, R., Ishii, D., Ando, M., Tanigawa, H., Ohata, M., Konishi, S., “Dynamic tensile properties of reduced-activation ferritic steel F82H”, Fusion Engineering and Design 100 (2015) 146-151.
- Kasada, R., Kwon, S., Konishi, S., Sakamoto, Y., Yamanishi, T., Tobita, K., “A system dynamics model for stock and flow of tritium in fusion power plant”, Fusion Engineering and Design 98-99 (2015) 1804-1807.
- Sato, M., Uchimura, H., Toda, K., Tokunaga, T., Watanabe, H., Yoshida, N., Hatano, Y., Kasada, R., Nagasaka, T., Kimura, A., Oya, Y., Okuno, K., “Preheating temperature effect on tritium retention in VPS-W”, Fusion Science and Technology 67 (2015) 551-554.
- Yabuuchi, K., Kuribayashi, Y., Nogami, S., Kasada, R., Hasegawa, A., “Evaluation of irradiation hardening of proton irradiated stainless steels by nanoindentation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 446 (2014) 142-147.
- Okino, F., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Study on flow instability for feasibility of a thin liquid film first wall”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1054-1058.
- Gwon, H., Takeuchi, Y., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Evaluation of heat transfer by sublimation for the application to the divertor heat sink for high fusion energy conversion”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1003-1008.
- Mori, D., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Morizono, Y., Hokamoto, K., “Underwater explosive welding of tungsten to reduced-activation ferritic steel F82H”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1086-1090.
- Kanai, A., Kasada, R., Nakajima, M., Hirose, T., Tanigawa, H., Enoeda, M., Konishi, S., “Corrosion behavior of F82H exposed to high temperature pressurized water with a rotating apparatus”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (2014) 431-435.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Nagasaka, T., Sokolov, M.A., Kim, T.K., “Interfacial microstructures and hardness distributions of vacuum plasma spraying W-coated ODS ferritic steels for fusion plasma facing applications”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 289-293.
- Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Yabuuchi, K., Nogami, S., Ando, M., Hamaguchi, D., Tanigawa, H., “Depth-dependent nanoindentation hardness of reduced-activation ferritic steels after MeV Fe-ion irradiation”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1637-1641.
- Kanai, A., Park, C., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., Hirose, T., Nozawa, T., Tanigawa, H., “Compatibility of Ni and F82H with liquid Pb-Li under rotating flow”, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1653-1657.
- Miyazawa, T., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Hishinuma, Y., Muroga, T., Watanabe, H., Yamamoto, T., Nogami, S., Hatakeyama, M., “Evaluation of irradiation hardening of ion-irradiated V-4Cr-4Ti and V-4Cr-4Ti-0.15Y alloys by nanoindentation techniques”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (2014) 440-444.
- Dou, P., Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “TEM and HRTEM study of oxide particles in an Al-alloyed high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened steel with Zr addition”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 444 (2014) 441-453.
- Tokunaga, K., Hotta, T., Otsuka, T., Kobayashi, A., Araki, K., Miyamoto, Y., Fujiwara, T., Hasegawa, M., Nakamura, K., Ezato, K., Suzuki, S., Enoeda, M., Akiba, M., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Material behavior on heat loading and hydrogen penetration of vacuum plasma spray tungsten coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel”, Yosetsu Gakkai Ronbunshu/Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society 31 (2013) 183s-187s.
- Ibano, K., Kasada, R., Yamamoto, Y., Konishi, S., “Neutronics and pumping power analyses on the Tokamak reactor for the fusion-biomass hybrid concept”, Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013) 2881-2884.
- Lee, C.-H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Lee, B.-S., Suh, D.-W., Lee, H.-C., “Effect of nickel content on the neutron irradiation embrittlement of Ni-Mo-Cr steels”, Metals and Materials International 19 (2013) 1203-1208.
- Oono, N., Kasada, R., Higuchi, T., Sakamoto, K., Nakatsuka, M., Hasegawa, A., Kondo, S., Iwata, N.Y., Matsui, H., Kimura, A., “Comparison of irradiation hardening and microstructure evolution in ion-irradiated delta and epsilon hydrides”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S826-S829.
- Yabuuchi, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effect of Mn addition on one-dimensional migration of dislocation loops in body-centered cubic Fe”, Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 6517-6523.
- Okino, F., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Deuterium transport prediction in oscillating liquid pb-17li droplet”, Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2013) 549-551.
- Okino, F., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Enhanced mass transfer of deuterium extracted from falling liquid pb-17li droplets”, Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2013) 543-548.
- Kwon, S., Sato, S., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Neutronics of sic-lipb high temperature blanket for tritium production”, Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2013) 599-603.
- Matsui, N., Maegawa, T., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Yamamoto, Y., Konishi, S., “Neutronics analysis on the beam optics from cylindical discharge type fusion device”, Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2013) 692-696.
- Nakai, Y., Noborio, K., Takeuchi, Y., Kasada, R., Yamamoto, Y., Konishi, S., “A feasibility study of an application of fusion neutron beam source based on cylindrical discharge device for cancer therapy”, Fusion Science and Technology 64 (2013) 379-383.
- Kasada, R., Dou, P., “Sol-gel composite coatings as anti-corrosion barrier for structural materials of lead-bismuth eutectic cooled fast reactor”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 440 (2013) 647-653.
- Dou, P., Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “Effects of titanium concentration and tungsten addition on the nano-mesoscopic structure of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S95-S100.
- Noto, H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Ukai, S., “Grain refinement of transient liquid phase bonding zone using ODS insert foil”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S567-S571.
- Yabuuchi, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effect of alloying elements on irradiation hardening behavior and microstructure evolution in BCC Fe”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S790-S795.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Wakai, E., Tanigawa, H., “Application of master curve method to the evaluation of fracture toughness of F82H steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S38-S42.
- Himei, Y., Yabuuchi, K., Kasada, R., Noh, S., Noto, H., Nagasaka, T., Nogami, S., Kimura, A., “Ion-irradiation hardening of brazed joints of tungsten and oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steel”, Materials Transactions 54 (2013) 446-450.
- Tokunaga, K., Hotta, T., Araki, K., Miyamoto, Y., Fujiwara, T., Hasegawa, M., Nakamura, K., Ezato, K., Suzuki, S., Enoeda, M., Akiba, M., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “High heat loading properties of vacuum plasma spray tungsten coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 438 (2013) S905-S908-.
- Oya, Y., Shimada, M., Tokunaga, T., Watanabe, H., Yoshida, N., Hatano, Y., Kasada, R., Nagasaka, T., Kimura, A., Okuno, K., “Behavior of deuterium retention and surface morphology for VPS-W/F82H”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S242-S245.
- Ueda, Y., Uekita, K., Oya, M., Ohtsuka, Y., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tokunaga, T., Yoshida, N., “Deuterium retention in VPS-W coated vanadium alloy (V-4Cr-4Ti)”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 438 (2013) S1125-S1128.
- Takayama, Y., Kasada, R., Sakamoto, Y., Yabuuchi, K., Kimura, A., Ando, M., Hamaguchi, D., Tanigawa, H., “Nanoindentation hardness and its extrapolation to bulk-equivalent hardness of F82H steels after single- and dual-ion beam irradiation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S23-S27.
- Tokunaga, T., Watanabe, H., Yoshida, N., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Lee, Y.-J., Kimura, A., Tokitani, M., Mitsuhara, M., Hinoki, T., Nakashima, H., Masuzaki, S., Takabatake, T., Kuroki, N., Ezato, K., Suzuki, S., Akiba, M., “Development of high-grade VPS-tungsten coatings on F82H reduced activation steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 442 (2013) S287-S291.
- Kimura, A., Kim, B.J., Mitsui, H., Kasada, R., “Evaluation of impact properties of weld joint of reactor pressure vessel steels with the use of miniaturized specimens”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 49 (2012) 618-631.
- Noh, S., Kim, B., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Diffusion bonding between ODS ferritic steel and F82H steel for fusion applications”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 426 (2012) 208-213.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tanigawa, H., “Evaluation of grain boundary embrittlement of phosphorus added F82H steel by SSTT”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 421 (2012) 153-159.
- Isselin, J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Work hardening, sensitization, and potential effects on the susceptibility to crack initiation of 316L stainless steel in BWR environment”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 (2011) 1462-1470.
- Ueda, Y., Lee, H.T., Ohno, N., Kajita, S., Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Nagasaka, T., Hatano, Y., Hasegawa, A., Kurishita, H., Oya, Y., “Recent progress of tungsten R&D for fusion application in Japan”, Physica Scripta T T145 (2011) 14029.
- Oono, N., Kasada, R., Higuchi, T., Sakamoto, K., Nakatsuka, M., Hasegawa, A., Kondo, S., Matsui, H., Kimura, A., “Irradiation hardening and microstructure evolution of ion-irradiated Zr-hydride”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 419 (2011) 366-370.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tanigawa, H., “Effects of cold work and phosphorous on the ductile to brittle transition behavior of F82H steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 135-139.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tanigawa, H., “Effects of specimen size on fracture toughness of phosphorous added F82H steels”, Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2011) 2403-2408.
- Kasada, R., Takayama, Y., Yabuuchi, K., Kimura, A., “A new approach to evaluate irradiation hardening of ion-irradiated ferritic alloys by nano-indentation techniques”, Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (2011) 2658-2661.
- Park, C., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Yamamoto, Y., Konishi, S., “Compatibility of SiCf/SiC composite exposed to liquid Pb-Li flow”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 1218-1220.
- Yabuuchi, K., Yano, H., Kasada, R., Kishimoto, H., Kimura, A., “Dose dependence of irradiation hardening of binary ferritic alloys irradiated with Fe3+ ions”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 988-991.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Park, S.H.C., Hirano, S., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 245-248.
- Nono, M., Nakajima, T., Iwama, M., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “SCC behavior of SUS316L in the high temperature pressurized water environment”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 878-882.
- Nagasaka, T., Muroga, T., Watanabe, H., Kasada, R., Iwata, N., Kimura, A., “Mechanical properties of V-4Cr-4Ti alloy after first-wall coating with tungsten”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 306-309.
- Zhang, C.H., Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Jang, J., Kishimoto, H., Yang, Y.T., “Characterization of the oxide particles in Al-added high-Cr ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 221-224.
- Oono, N., Noh, S., Iwata, N., Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Microstructures of brazed and solid-state diffusion bonded joints of tungsten with oxide dispersion strengthened steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 253-256.
- Lee, J.H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “Influence of alloy composition and temperature on corrosion behavior of ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 1225-1228.
- Wakai, E., Nogami, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Kurishita, H., Saito, M., Ito, Y., Takada, F., Nakamura, K., Molla, J., Garin, P., “Small specimen test technology and methodology of IFMIF/EVEDA and the further subjects”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 1325-1330.
- Kasada, R., Lee, S.G., Isselin, J., Lee, J.H., Omura, T., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “Anisotropy in tensile and ductile-brittle transition behavior of ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 180-184.
- Iwata, N.Y., Liu, T., Dou, P., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Abe, F., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., “Effects of MA environment on the mechanical and microstructural properties of ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 162-165.
- Isselin, J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “Evaluation of fracture behavior of recrystallized and aged high-Cr ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 185-188.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Iwata, N., Kishimoto, H., Zhang, C.H., Isselin, J., Dou, P., Lee, J.H., Muthukumar, N., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, T.F., “Development of Al added high-Cr ODS steels for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 176-179.
- Yabuuchi, K., Saito, M., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Neutron irradiation hardening and microstructure changes in Fe-Mn binary alloys”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 414 (2011) 498-502.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Solid-state diffusion bonding of high-Cr ODS ferritic steel”, Acta Materialia 59 (2011) 3196-3204.
- Dou, P., Kasada, R., “Preliminary study on nano- and micro-composite sol-gel based alumina coatings on structural components of lead-bismuth eutectic cooled fast breeder reactors”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 409 (2011) 177-182.
- Isselin, J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effects of aluminum on the corrosion behavior of 16%Cr ODS ferritic steels in a nitric acid solution”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 48 (2011) 169-171.
- Oono, N., Sagawa, M., Kasada, R., Matsui, H., Kimura, A., “Production of thick high-performance sintered neodymium magnets by grain boundary diffusion treatment with dysprosium-nickel-aluminum alloy”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (2011) 297-300.
- Fujii, K., Fukuya, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Ohkubo, T., “Effects of stress on radiation hardening and microstructural evolution in A533B steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 407 (2010) 151-156.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Oono, N., Iwata, N., Kimura, A., “Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of liquid phase diffusion bonded ODS steels”, Fusion Engineering and Design 85 (2010) 1033-1037.
- Isselin, J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Corrosion behaviour of 16%Cr-4%Al and 16%Cr ODS ferritic steels under different metallurgical conditions in a supercritical water environment”, Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 3266-3270.
- Isselin, J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, F., “Effects of Zr addition on the microstructure of 14%Cr4%Al ODS ferritic steels”, Materials Transactions 51 (2010) 1011-1015.
- Iwata, N.Y., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Abe, F., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., “Characterization of mechanically alloyed powders for high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steel”, ISIJ International 49 (2009) 1914-1919.
- Lee, J.H., Kasada, R., Cho, H.S., Kimura, A., “Irradiation-induced hardening and embrittlement of high-Cr ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of ASTM International 6 (2009) JAI101952.
- Nagasaka, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Ueda, Y., Muroga, T., “Thermophysical properties and microstructure of plasma-sprayed tungsten coating on low activation materials”, Fusion Science and Technology 56 (2009) 1053-1057.
- Okuda, N., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Statistical evaluation of anisotropic fracture behavior of ODS ferritic steels by using small punch tests”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 386-388 (2009) 974-978.
- Kishimoto, H., Kasada, R., Hashitomi, O., Kimura, A., “Stability of Y-Ti complex oxides in Fe-16Cr-0.1Ti ODS ferritic steel before and after heavy-ion irradiation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 386-388 (2009) 533-536.
- Hasegawa, A., Ejiri, M., Nogami, S., Ishiga, M., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Abe, K., Jitsukawa, S., “Effects of helium on ductile-brittle transition behavior of reduced-activation ferritic steels after high-concentration helium implantation at high temperature”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 386-388 (2009) 241-244.
- Nishitani, T., Tanigawa, H., Jitsukawa, S., Nozawa, T., Hayashi, K., Yamanishi, T., Tsuchiya, K., Möslang, A., Baluc, N., Pizzuto, A., Hodgson, E.R., Laesser, R., Gasparotto, M., Kohyama, A., Kasada, R., Shikama, T., Takatsu, H., Araki, M., “Fusion materials development program in the broader approach activities”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 386-388 (2009) 405-410.
- Tanigawa, H., Hirose, T., Shiba, K., Kasada, R., Wakai, E., Serizawa, H., Kawahito, Y., Jitsukawa, S., Kimura, A., Kohno, Y., Kohyama, A., Katayama, S., Mori, H., Nishimoto, K., Klueh, R.L., Sokolov, M.A., Stoller, R.E., Zinkle, S.J., “Technical issues of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels for fabrication of ITER test blanket modules”, Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (2008) 1471-1476.
- Hayashi, T., Kasada, R., Tobita, K., Nishio, S., Sawai, T., Tanigawa, H., Jitsukawa, S., “Impact of N-isotope composition control of ferritic steel on classification of radioactive materials from fusion reactor”, Fusion Engineering and Design 82 (2007) 2850-2855.
- Cho, H.S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effects of neutron irradiation on the tensile properties of high-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A (2007) 239-243.
- Yutani, K., Kishimoto, H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Evaluation of Helium effects on swelling behavior of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels under ion irradiation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A (2007) 423-427.
- Kishimoto, H., Yutani, K., Kasada, R., Hashitomi, O., Kimura, A., “Heavy-ion irradiation effects on the morphology of complex oxide particles in oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A (2007) 179-184.
- Kasada, R., Toda, N., Yutani, K., Cho, H.S., Kishimoto, H., Kimura, A., “Pre- and post-deformation microstructures of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A (2007) 222-228.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Kohyama, A., Tanigawa, H., Hirose, T., Shiba, K., Jitsukawa, S., Ohtsuka, S., Ukai, S., Sokolov, M.A., Klueh, R.L., Yamamoto, T., Odette, G.R., “Recent progress in US-Japan collaborative research on ferritic steels R&D”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370 A (2007) 60-67.
- Yutani, K., Kasada, R., Kishimoto, H., Kimura, A., “Irradiation hardening and microstructure evolution of ion-irradiated ODS ferritic steels”, Journal of ASTM International 4 (2007)
- Kimura, A., Cho, H.-S., Toda, N., Kasada, R., Yutani, K., Kishimoto, H., Iwata, N., Ukai, S., Fujiwara, M., “High burnup fuel cladding materials R&D for advanced nuclear systems nano-sized oxide dispersion strengthening steels”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 44 (2007) 323-328.
- Nakata, H., Fujii, K., Fukuya, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Grain boundary phosphorus segregation in thermally aged low alloy steels”, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 43 (2006) 785-793.
- Kasada, R., Ono, H., Kimura, A., “Small specimen test technique for evaluating fracture toughness of blanket structural materials”, Fusion Engineering and Design 81 (2006) 981-986.
- Kishimoto, H., Yutani, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Helium cavity formation research on oxide dispersed strengthening (ODS) ferritic steels utilizing dual-ion irradiation facility”, Fusion Engineering and Design 81 (2006) 1045-1049.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Kohyama, A., Konishi, S., Enoeda, M., Akiba, M., Jitsukawa, S., Ukai, S., Terai, T., Sagara, A., “Ferritic steel-blanket systems integration R&D – Compatibility assessment”, Fusion Engineering and Design 81 (2006) 909-916.
- Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effects of nickel addition on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of reduced activation martensitic steels irradiated in the ATR-A1”, Materials Transactions 46 (2005) 475-480.
- Kasada, R., Kudo, T., Kimura, A., Matsui, H., Narui, M., “Effects of neutron dose, dose rate, and irradiation temperature on the irradiation embrittlement of a low-copper reactor pressure vessel steel”, Journal of ASTM International 2 (2005) JAI12399.
- Kimura, A., Shibata, M., Kasada, R., Fujii, K., Fukuya, K., Nakata, H., “Assessment of neutron irradiation-induced grain boundary embrittlement by phosphorous segregation in a reactor pressure vessel steel”, Journal of ASTM International 2 (2005) JAI12398.
- Ono, H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Specimen size effects on fracture toughness of JLF-1 reduced-activation ferritic steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 329-333 (2004) 1117-1121.
- Lee, J.S., Kim, I.S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Microstructural characteristics and embrittlement phenomena in neutron irradiated 309L stainless steel RPV clad”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 326 (2004) 38-46.
- Kimura, A., Shibata, M., Kasada, R., Nakata, H., Fujii, K., Fukuya, K., “Grain boundary phosphorous segregation and its influence on the ductile brittle transition temperature in reactor pressure vessel steels”, Journal of ASTM International 1 (2004) JAI11369.
- Kudo, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Hono, K., Fukuya, K., Matsui, H., “Factors Controlling Irradiation Hardening of Iron-Copper Model Alloy”, Materials Transactions 45 (2004) 338-341.
- Kasada, R., Ono, H., Sakasegawa, H., Hirose, T., Kimura, A., Kohyama, A., “Mechanical properties of JLF-1 reduced-activation ferritic steels”, Fusion Science and Technology 44 (2003) 145-149.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Morishita, K., Sugano, R., Hasegawa, A., Abe, K., Yamamoto, T., Matsui, H., Yoshida, N., Wirth, B.D., Rubia, T.D., “High resistance to helium embrittlement in reduced activation martensitic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 307-311 (2002) 521-526.
- Kasada, R., Morimura, T., Hasegawa, A., Kimura, A., “Effect of helium implantation on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of reduced-activation 9Cr-2W martensitic steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 299 (2001) 83-89.
- Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Modeling of microstructure evolution and mechanical property change of reduced-activation martensitic steel during varying-temperature irradiation”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 283-287 (2000) 188-192.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Sugano, R., Hasegawa, A., Matsui, H., “Annealing behavior of irradiation hardening and microstructure in helium-implanted reduced activation martensitic steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 283-287 (2000) 827-831.
- Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Matsui, H., Hasegawa, M., Narui, M., “Effects of varying temperature irradiation on the neutron irradiation hardening of reduced-activation 9Cr-2W martensitic steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 271-272 (1999) 360-364.
- Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Matsui, H., Narui, M., “Enhancement of irradiation hardening by nickel addition in the reduced-activation 9Cr-2W martensitic steel”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263 (1998) 1199-1203.
③ 原著論文(和文紙、解説論文含む)
- 笠田竜太,「核融合炉が拓く30年後の未来社会に向けて」,日本機械学会誌 119 (2016) 510-513.
- 笠田竜太,「原子炉・核融合炉材料の照射硬化評価のための硬さ試験とナノインデンテーション試験」,材料試験技術 60 (2015) 18-26.
- 笠田竜太,「インターネットアウトリーチと核融合ポータル(<小特集>社会との連携をめざしたプラズマ・核融合アウトリーチ活動の展開)」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌91 (2015) 111-114.
- 木村晃彦,檜木達也,笠田竜太,藪内聖皓,松井秀樹,近藤創介「イオン加速器による複合ビーム材料照射装置と産業支援」,加速器 : 日本加速器学会誌 12 (2015) 217-221.
- 笠田竜太,後藤拓也,藤岡慎介,日渡良爾,大山直幸,谷川博康,宮澤順一,核融合炉実用化若手検討会,「若手による核融合炉実用化に向けた技術成熟度評価」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌 89 (2013) 193-198.
- 廣瀬貴規,芹澤久,岸本弘立,荻原寛之,藤井英俊,長坂琢也,笠田竜太,野澤貴史,谷川博康,芝清之,「小特集 原型炉実現に向けた低放射化フェライト鋼研究開発の進展 4.低放射化フェライト鋼接合技術の現状と課題」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌 87 (2011) 172-180.
- 濱口大,笠田竜太,落合謙太郎,安堂正巳,谷川博康,「小特集 原型炉実現に向けた低放射化フェライト鋼研究開発の進展 5.低放射化フェライト鋼における核融合中性子照射効果」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌 87 (2011) 181-186.
- 芝清之,笠田竜太,野上修平,中田隼矢,大久保成彰,「小特集 原型炉実現に向けた低放射化フェライト鋼研究開発の進展 6.低放射化フェライト鋼データベースの現状と課題」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌87 (2011) 187-194.
- 木村晃彦,笠田竜太,奥田隆成,藤原優行,井上賢紀,阿部富士雄,大貫惣明,鵜飼重治,藤澤敏治,佐野浩行,「高速炉燃料被覆管材料「スーパーODS鋼」–高Crフェライト系酸化物分散鋼の開発研究」,配管技術 52 (2010) 5-9.
- 小西哲之,Park Changho,笠田竜太,登尾一幸,「小特集 核融合炉ブランケット燃料増殖材・冷却材中の材料の共存性 4.共存性研究の最前線 4液体金属鉛リチウム中の共存性について(構造材料と機能性材料) 4.4.2 SiCと液体ブランケットの共存性問題」,プラズマ・核融合学会誌86 (2010) 417-419.
- 中田早人,藤井克彦,福谷耕司,笠田竜太,木村晃彦,「熱時効処理による低合金鋼中におけるリンの粒界偏析挙動」,近畿大学原子力研究所年報 43 (2006) 13-24.
- 清水昭比古,木村晃彦,笠田竜太,栗下裕明,馬場護,「小特集国際核融合材料照射施設(IFMIF)の設計と開発の現状2.テストセル系の開発」プラズマ・核融合学会誌 82 (2006) 7-15.
④ 国際会議プロシーディングス(査読付)
- Higashino, S., Takahashi, A., Kasada, R., Miyake, M., Hirato, T., “Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Al-W Alloy Films and the Effects of Subsequent Heat Treatment”, ECS – The Electrochemical Society PRiME Meeting MA2016-02 (2016) 1622.
- Higashino, S., Takahashi, A., Kasada, R., Miyake, M., Hirato, T., Electrodeposition of Al-W Alloy Films from Ionic Liquid and Evaluation of Their Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties”, ECS – The Electrochemical Society MA2016-01 (2016) 2032.
- Kwon, S., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Operation scenario of DT fusion plant without external initial tritium”, 2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE (2013) 6635449.
- Gwon, H.S., Kim, S.H., Kasada, R., Konishi, S., “Anisotropic heat transfer characteristics of composite material enhanced with high thermal conductivity fiber”, 2013 IEEE 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, SOFE (2013) 6635450.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Tensile behavior of transient liquid phase bonded ODS ferritic steel joint”, Green Energy and Technology 66 (2011) 292-299.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tanigawa, H., “Specimen size effects on fracture toughness of F82H steel for fusion blanket structural material”, Green Energy and Technology 66 (2011) 286-291.
- Kasada, R., Takahashi, H., Yutani, K., Kishimoto, H., Kimura, A., “Helium ion irradiation effects in ODS and non-ODS ferritic steels”, Green Energy and Technology 66 (2011) 300-305.
- Sato, K., Kinomura, A., Omura, T., Xu, Q., Yoshiie, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Morishita, K., “Positron annihilation lifetime measurements of He-ion-irradiated Fe using pulsed positron beam”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 262 (2011) 12053.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Relationship Between Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded ODS Steel”, Green Energy and Technology 44 (2010) 339-345.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Development of Small Specimen Technique to Evaluate Ductile-Brittle Transition Behavior of a Welded Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel”, Green Energy and Technology 44 (2010) 306-309.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Tanigawa, H., “Evaluation of fracture toughness of F82H steels added with phosphorus by small specimen test technique”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2010, ICAPP (2010) 2001-2007.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of solid state diffusion bonded ODS ferritic steels”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2010, ICAPP (2010) 2008-2012.
- Noh, S., Kasada, R., Oono, N., Nagasaka, T., Kimura, A., “Joining of ODS steels and tungsten for fusion applications”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2891-2894.
- Kasada, R., Takahashi, H., Kishimoto, H., Yutani, K., Kimura, A., “Superior radiation resistance of ODS ferritic steels”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2791-2794.
- Takayama, Y., Kasada, R., Yabuuchi, K., Kimura, A., Hamaguchi, D., Ando, M., Tanigawa, H., “Evaluation of irradiation hardening of Fe-ion irradiated F82H by nano-indentation techniques”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2915-2918.
- Kim, B.J., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Effects of chemical composition on the impact properties of A533B steels”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2895-2898.
- Yabuuchi, K., Saito, M., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Neutron irradiation hardening of Fe-based binary alloys”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2911-2914.
- Oono, N., Sagawa, M., Kasada, R., Akihiko, M., Kimura, A., “Microstructural evaluation of Dy-Ni-Al grain-boundary-diffusion (GBD) treatment on sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 2919-2922.
- Iwata, N.Y., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Abe, F., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., “Microstructure and tensile properties of ODS ferritic steels produced by mechanical alloying in argon and hydrogen gas environments”, Materials Science Forum 654-656 (2010) 166-169.
- Park, C., Noborio, K., Kasada, R., Yamamoto, Y., Nam, G., Konishi, S., “Compatibility of materials for advanced blanket with liquid LiPb”, Proceedings – Symposium on Fusion Engineering (2009) 5226459.
- Kishimoto, H., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Inoue, M., Okuda, T., Abe, F., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., “Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems 8) ion irradiation effects at elevated temperatures”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP (2009) 2227-2234.
- Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Iwata, N., Kishimoto, H., Zhang, C.H., Isselin, J., Dou, P., Lee, J.H., Muthukumar, N., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, T.F., “Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems 1) Introduction and alloy design”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP (2009) 2187-2194.
- Kasada, R., Lee, S.G., Lee, J.H., Omura, T., Zhang, C.H., Dou, P., Isselin, J., Kimura, A., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Okuda, T., Abe, F., “Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems 5) mechanical properties and microstructure”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP (2009) 2211-2215.
- Lee, J.H., Kimura, A., Kasada, R., Iwata, N., Kishimoto, H., Zhang, C.H., Isselin, J., Dou, P., Muthukumar, N., Okuda, T., Inoue, M., Ukai, S., Ohnuki, S., Fujisawa, T., Abe, T.F., “Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems: 6) Corrosion Behavior in SCPW”, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2009, ICAPP 2009 3 (2009) 2216-2221.
- Kimura, A., Cho, H., Toda, N., Kasada, R., Kishimoto, H., Iwata, N., Ukai, S., Ohtsuka, S., Fujiwara, M., “Super ODS steels R&D for cladding of highly efficient nuclear plants”, Societe Francaise d’Energie Nucleaire – International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants – ICAPP 2007, “The Nuclear Renaissance at Work” 4 (2008) 2148-2154.
- Kasada, R., Cho, H.-S., Okuda, N., Kimura, A., “Effects of neutron irradiation and thermal aging on mechanical properties of ODS ferritic steels for advanced nuclear systems”, Materials Science Forum 561-565 (2007) 1773-1776.
- Kimura, A., Cho, H., Toda, N., Kasada, R., Kishimoto, H., Iwata, N., Ukai, S., Ohtsuka, S., Fujiwara, M., “Fuel cladding materials R&D for high burn-up operation of advanced nuclear energy systems”, Proceedings of the 2006 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP (2006) 2229-2237.
- Kasada, R., Toda, N., Cho, H.S., Kimura, A., “Tensile deformation behavior of oxide-dispersion strengthened ferritic steels”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society – International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2005, ICAPP (2005) 1703-1711.
- Kishimoto, H., Yutani, K., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Microstructural evolution by heavy damage accumulation on high chromium oxide dispersion strengthening (ODS) ferritic steels”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society – International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2005, ICAPP (2005) 2432-2439.
- Kimura, A., Cho, H., Toda, N., Kasada, R., Kishimoto, H., Iwata, N., Ukai, S., Fujiwara, M., “Fuel cladding materials R&D for high burn-up operation of advanced water-cooling nuclear energy systems”, Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society – International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2005, ICAPP (2005) 1737-1745.
- Kimura, A., Cho, H.S., Lee, J.S., Kasada, R., Ukai, S., Fujiwara, M., “R & D of oxide dispersion strengthening steels for high burn-up fuel claddings”, Proceedings of the 2004 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP (2004) 2070-2076.
- Kitao, T., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., Nakata, H., Fukuya, K., Matsui, H., Narui, M., “Irradiation hardening and microstructaral evolution in Fe-Cu model aloys”, ASTM Special Technical Publication (2004) 365-375.
- Lee, J.S., Kim, I.S., Kasada, R., Kimura, A., “Influence of neutron irradiation on hardening and embrittlement phenomena in reactor pressure vessel cladding material”, Materials Science Forum 426-432 (2003) 4477-4482.
- Kimura, A., Morimura, T., Kasada, R., Matsui, H., Hasegawa, A., Abe, K., “Evaluation of ductile-brittle transition behavior of helium-implanted reduced activation 9Cr-2W martensitic steel by small punch tests”, ASTM Special Technical Publication (2000) 626-641.
- Kasada, R., Morimura, T., Matsui, H., Narui, M., Kimura, A., “Two-step recovery process of irradiation hardening in 1%Ni doped 9%Cr-2%W martensitic steel”, ASTM Special Technical Publication (2000) 448-459.
- Kasada, R., Kitao, T., Morishita, K., Matsui, H., Kimura, A., “Effects of copper concentration and neutron flux on irradiation hardening and microstructure evolution in Fe-Cu model alloys”, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series (2000) 237-246.
- Kasada, R., Suzuki, T., Itoh, K., Naruse, Y., Kimura, A., “Relation between resistivity and mechanical properties in heat affected zone of welded pressure vessel steel”, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series (2000) 315-327.
④ 特許
- 特開2017-161364:熱分離方法、熱の回収方法、気体および熱の分離方法、気体および熱の分離回収方法、熱分離装置、気体および熱分離装置、気体および熱分離回収装置、ならびに核融合装置
- 出願人:京都大学
- 出願日:2016年3月9日
- 発明者:興野 文人、笠田竜太、小西哲之
- 特開2015-178578:ガス化反応装置
- 出願人:京都大学
- 出願日:2014年3月19日
- 発明者:小西哲之、笠田竜太
- 特開2010-65302:スーパーODS鋼
- 出願人:京都大学,北海道大学,日本原子力研究開発機構,コベルコ科研
- 出願日:2008年9月12日
- 発明者:木村晃彦、笠田竜太、他7名
- 特開2008-064641:鋼又はフェライト鋼中の窒素同位体濃縮による放射性核種の低減方法
- 出願人:日本原子力研究開発機構
- 出願日:2006年9月8日
- 発明者:林孝夫,沢井友次,笠田竜太