フォトニックデバイス工学 北村研究室 東北大学大学院工学研究科 電子工学専攻物性工学講座




  1. T. Tokushima, S. Noda, and K. Kitamura, "High-order optical vortex beam generation based on watt-class spatial phase plate-integrated photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers,"Optics Letters Vol. 49, pp. 973-976 (2024).
  2. Z. Fang, J. Tatebayashi, R. Homi, M. Ogawa, H. Kajii, M. Kondow, K. Kitamura, B.Mitchell, S. Ichikawa, Y. Fujiwara, "Enhancement of Er luminescence from bridge-type photonic crystal nanocavities with Er, O-co-doped GaAs," Optics Continuum, Vol. 2, pp. 2178–2185 (2023).
  3. K. Nanjyo, Y. Kawamoto, H. Kitagawa, D. Headland, M. Fujita, and K. Kitamura, "Deflection of electromagnetic waves by pseudogravity in distorted photonic crystals,"Physical Review A Vol. 108, pp.033522(2023).
  4. R. Sakata, K. Ishizaki, M. D. Zoysa, K. Kitamura, T. Inoue, J. Gelleta, and S. Noda, "Photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with modulated photonic crystals enabling 2D beam scanning and various beam pattern emission," Applied Physics Letters 122(13) 130503-130503 (2023).
  5. Hitoshi Kitagawa, Kanji Nanjyo, and Kyoko Kitamura, "Effective field theory for distorted photonic crystals," Phys. Rev. A 103, 063506 (2021).
  6. Miki Kitazawa, Kyoko Kitamura, Shogo Ura, "Deformation of optical vortex beam by displacement of incident-beam optical axis from spiral phase plate center," Results in Optics, Volume 3, 100076 (2021).
  7. M. Kitazawa, H. Himura, T. Mine, and K. Kitamura, “Revisit: principle of transverse flow measurement by using an optical vortex beam in cylindrical coordinates,” OSA Continuum, Vol. 3, Issue 9, pp. 2470-2484 (2020).
  8. Y. Tanaka, A. Nishigo, K. Kitamura, J. Gelleta and S. Noda “Modulated Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser with Elliptical Lattice Points for Two-Dimensional Coupling Enhancement”, AIP Advances, Vol. 9, Issue 11, 115204 (2019).
  9. K. Kitamura, T. Okino, D. Yasuda and S. Noda “Polarization control by modulated photonic-crystal lasers”, Optics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 19, pp. 4718-4720 (2019).
  10. K. Kitamura, M. Kitazawa, S. Noda “Generation of optical vortex beam by surface-processed photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers”, Optics Express, Vol 27, No. 2, pp.1045-1050 (2019).
  11. S. Noda, K. Kitamura, T. Okino, D. Yasuda, and Y. Tanaka “Photonic-crystal Surface-emitting Lasers: Review and Introduction of Modulated-Photonic Crystals”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Volume 23, Issue 6 (2017).
  12. M. Nishimoto, K. Ishizaki, K. Maekawa, Y. Liang, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda “Fabrication of Photonic-Crystal Lasers by MBE Air-Hole Retained Growth”, Applied Physics Express, vol. 7, no. 9, 092703 (2014).
  13. Y. Liang, T. Okino, K. Kitamura, C. Peng, K. Ishizaki, and S. Noda “Mode stability in photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with large κ1DL”, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 021102-021105 (2014).
  14. K. Kitamura, Ting Ting Xu, and S. Noda "Investigation of electric field enhancement between metal blocks at the focused field generated by a radially polarized beam", Optics Express, vol. 21, Issue 26, 32217-32224 (2013).
  15. M. Nishimoto, K. Ishizaki, K. Maekawa, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Air-Hole Retained Growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Fabricating Ga­As -Based Photonic-Crystal Lasers", Applied Physics Express, vol. 6, no. 4, 042002, (2013).
  16. Y. Liang, C. Peng, K. Ishizaki, S. Iwahashi, K. Sakai, Y. Tanaka, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Three-dimensional coupled-wave analysis for triangular-lattice photonic crystal surface emitting lasers with transverse-electric polarization", Optics Express, vol.21, no. 1, 565-580 (2013).
  17. K. Kitamura, M. Nishimoto, K. Sakai, and S. Noda, “Needle-like focus generation by radially polarized halo beams emitted by photonic-crystal ring-cavity laser,” Applied Physics Letters, 101, 221103 (2012).
  18. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai, N. Takayama, M. Nishimoto, and S. Noda, “Focusing properties of vector vortex beams emitted by photonic-crystal lasers,” Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 12, pp2421-2423 (2012).
  19. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai and S. Noda, “Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis on the interaction between a metal block and a radially polarized focused beam,” Optics Express, Vol.19, No. 15, pp13750–13756 (2011).
  20. S. Iwahashi, Y. Kurosaka, K. Sakai, K. Kitamura, N. Takayama and S. Noda, “High-order vector beams produced by photonic-crystal lasers,” Optics Express, Vol.19, No. 13, pp11963–11968 (2011).
  21. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai and S. Noda, “Sub-wavelength focal spot with long depth of focus generated by radially polarized, narrow-width annular beam,” Optics Express, Vol 18, No. 5, pp4518-4525 (2010).


  1. Kyoko KITAMURA“Beam Trajectory Steering by Distorted Photonic Crystals,”13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Paris
    July, 2023 (invited)
  2. Kyoko KITAMURA“Distorted Photonic Crystal -novel approach of beam trajectory control-” Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS), PECS-XIII, Tokyo
    March, 2023 (invited)
  3. Kyoko KITAMURA“Control of Vector Beam Polarization Mode by Spatially Modulated Photonic-crystal Lasers,” The 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2022), Sapporo
    August, 2022 (invited)
  4. Kyoko KITAMURA“Spatially modulated photonic-crystal lasers for vector beams generation,”
    International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO) 2022, St. Petersburg (online) June, 2022 (invited)
  5. 北村恭子“格子点変位を有するフォトニック結晶の研究 -レーザビームの空間的形状・偏光制御と光伝搬制御‐”
    レーザー学会学術講演会第42回年次大会, オンライン, 2022年1月 招待講演
  6. 北村恭子“フォトニック結晶レーザーを用いた 実空間の光のトポロジー制御”
    日本学術振興会光電相互変換第125委員会 第257回研究会「光とトポロジー」, オンライン, 2021年12月 招待講演
  7. 北村恭子“フォトニック結晶レーザーによるトポロジカル光波の発生” 研究会「光の軌道角運動量の発生機構と物質相互作用の理解」, オンライン, 2021年3月 招待講演
  8. Kyoko KITAMURA, Susumu NODA: “Output beam control by photonic-crystal lasers having lattice points displacements”, Photonics Device Workshop 2019, (2019). December (invited)
  9. 北村恭子: “フォトニック結晶レーザによる出射ビーム制御-単一チップレーザで光の物量をどこまで制御できるか-”,平成30年電気関係学会関西連合大会, 大阪工業大学,12月(2018). 招待講演
  10. 田中良典, 北村恭子,野田進: “変調フォトニック結晶レーザによるビーム走査”,レーザー学会学術講演会,第38回年次大会 , 1月(2018). 招待講演
  11. 北村恭子,野田進: “変調フォトニック結晶レーザによるビーム操作”,IEEE Photonics Society Kansai Chapter 特別講演, 9月(2017). 招待講演
  12. 北村恭子,野田進: “フォトニック結晶レーザによる様々な形状・偏光/位相分布ビームの発生―光圧の自在なデザインに向けて―”, 第64回 応用物理学春季学術講演会, パシフィコ横浜, 横浜市, 3月(2017). 招待講演
  13. 北村恭子: “径偏光ビームの特異な集光場における電場増強効果に関する研究”,応用物理学会・量子エレクトロニクス研究会 「光-物質相互制御 ~制御技術の進展と新しい物理の探求~」, 上智大学軽井沢セミナーハウス, 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町, 12月(2016). 招待講演
  14. 北村恭子: “先進センシング分野を支える微小集光レーザの開発”,第197回 センシング技術応用研究会, 常翔学園大阪センター, 大阪市, 12月(2016). 招待講演
  15. 北村恭子,野田進: “フォトニック結晶レーザによる偏光・位相・偏向制御とその展開”,第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 朱鷺メッセ, 新潟市, 9月(2016). 招待講演
  16. K. Kitamura “Photonic-crystal Lasers for Needle-like Focus Properties”
    International Symposium on Optical Memory 2015, Tu-F-02, Toyama International Conference Center, Toyama, October, 2015. (invited)
  17. 北村恭子,野田進: “フォトニック結晶レーザーによる新奇な集光特性を有するビームの発生”,レーザー学会学術講演会第34回年次大会, 北九州国際会議場, 北九州市, 1月(2014). シンポジウムにおける招待講演
  18. K. Kitamura and S. Noda, “Vector Beam Generation by Photonic-crystal Lasers and Its Focusing Properties”, Topological light wave synthesis and its applications (t-LWS), 5P-5, Chiba, July (2012). (invited)
  19. 北村恭子, 西本昌哉, 野田進, “フォトニック結晶レーザによる新奇なビームの発生と集光特性,”第59回 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 16a-E9-5, 早稲田大学, 3月 (2012). シンポジウムにおける招待講演


  1. Kanji Nanjyo, Hitoshi Kitagawa, and Kyoko Kitamura, "Study on beam propagation in distorted photonic crystal – the case of y
    square distortion-", Photonics Device Workshop 2019, Japan, December (2019).
  2. K. Kitamura, and H. Obuchi, "Investigation of plasmonic lasing by using focused radially polarized beam", Optical Manipulation and Structured
    Materials Conference(2019), Yokohama, Japan, April (2019).
  3. K. Kitamura, M. Yone, A. Nishigo, and S. Noda, "Vector Beam Generation Using Modulated Photonic-crystal Lasers", The 24th General Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-25), Tokyo, Japan, August (2017).
  4. M. Kitazawa, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Generation of Optical Vortex Beam emitted by Surface-processed Photonic-crystal Lasers", The 24th General Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO-24), Tokyo, Japan, August (2017).
  5. D. Yasuda, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Realization of Two-dimensional Beam Steering by Position-modulated Photonic-crystal Lasers", The 25th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC2016), Kobe, Japan, September (2016).
  6. K. Kitamura, M.Kitazawa, and S. Noda, "Study of Surface Processing onto Photonic-crystal Lasers for Generating Optical Vortex Beam", The Optical Manipulation Conference (OMC) 2016 of the Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC) 2016, Yokohama, Japan, May (2016).
  7. K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Photonic-crystal Lasers for Needle-like Focus Properties", Tu-F-02(Invited) , International Symposium on Optical Memory 2015 (ISOM’15) Toyama, Japan, October (2015).
  8. K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Generation of Strong Electric Fields with Pure Longitudinal Polarization by Using a Dielectric Structure and a Focused Radially Polarized Beam", CK-13.6, The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015) Munich, Germany, June (2015). .
  9. T. Okino, K. Kitamura, D. Yasuda, Y. Liang and S. Noda, "Position-modulated Photonic-crystal Lasers and Control of Beam Direction and Polarization", SW1F.1 , The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2015) San Jose, USA, May (2015). 登壇
  10. K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, “Creation of Small and Strong Electric Fields by Using a Dielectric Structure and a Focused Radially Polarized Beam”, OMC8-3, The Optical Manipulation Conference (OMC) 2015 of the Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC) 2015, Yokohama, Japan, April (2015).
  11. K. Kitamura, T. T. Xu, and S. Noda, “Generation of electric-fields enhancements between metal cubes by focused radially polarized beams”, OMC4-3, The Optical Manipulation Conference (OMC) 2014 of the Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC) 2014, Yokohama, Japan, April (2014).
  12. K. Kitamura, T. T. Xu, and S. Noda, “Generation of Electric-fields Enhancements by Focused Radially Polarized Beams”,T2G-2, The 9th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS), Hawaii, USA, April (2014).
  13. Y. Liang, C. Peng, K. Ishizaki, S. Iwahashi, K. Sakai, Y. Tanaka, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Three-Dimensional Coupled-Wave Theory for Triangular-Lattice Photonic-Crystal Lasers.",ThI1-6, The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2013), Kyoto, Japan, July (2013).
  14. T. Nobuoka, K. Kitamura, S. Iwahashi, T. Okino, Y. Liang and S. Noda, "Two-dimensional Beam-steering Achieved Using Photonic-crystal Lasers", CTh3G.3, The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2013) San Jose, USA, June (2013). 登壇
  15. M. Nishimoto, K. Ishizaki, K. Maekawa, K. Kitamura, and S. Noda, "Air-hole Retained Growth on Photonic-crystal Structures by MBE", The 40th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2013) , Japan, May (2013) .
  16. Y. Liang, K. Ishizaki, T. Okino, K. Kitamura, M. Nishimoto, and S. Noda, "Modeling Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers with a Coupled-Wave Approach", IONS-13, Switzerland、January (2013).
  17. K. Kitamura and S. Noda, “Vector Beam Generation by Photonic-crystal Lasers and Its Focusing Properties”, Topological light wave synthesis and its applications (t-LWS), 5P-5, Chiba, July (2012). (invited)
  18. K. Kitamura, M. Nishimoto, K. Sakai and S. Noda, “Photonic-crystal ring-cavity lasers emitting a beam with needle-like focus characteristics”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics(CLEO ‘12), CTu1N.3, San Jose, May (2012).
  19. K. Kitamura, “Tighter Focal Spot with Longer Depth of Focus Generated by Radially Polarized Beams from Photonic-crystal Lasers,” 11th APRU Doctoral Student Conference, Jakarta, July (2010).
  20. S. Iwahashi, Y. Kurosaka, K. Sakai, K. Kitamura, N. Takayama, and S. Noda, “Sophisticated Vector Beams Produced by Photonic-Crystal Lasers” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO ‘10), San Jose, May (2010).
  21. K. Sakai, N. Takayama, K. Kitamura, S. Iwahashi, Y. Kurosaka, and S. Noda, “Focusing properties of vector vortex beam,” International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum, Th2-2, York, March (2010).
  22. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai, and S. Noda, “Small focal spot with long depth of focus generated by radially polarized beams from photonic-crystal lasers, “3rd GCOE International Symposium on Photonics and Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto, March, (2010).
  23. K. Kitamura, “Tight Focal Spot and Long Depth of Focus by Radially Polarized Beam from Photonic-Crystal Lasers,” HOPE MEETING 2009, 9028, Hakone, Sep. (2009).
  24. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai, Y. Kurosaka, W. Kunishi, E. Miyai, D. Ohnishi, and S. Noda, “Tight Focal Spot and Long Depth of Focus by Radially Polarized, Narrow-Width Annular Beams from Photonic-Crystal Lasers,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO ‘09), CTuH3, Baltimore, June (2009).
  25. K. Kitamura, K. Sakai, and S. Noda, “Characterization of the focused doughnut beam generated by photonic crystal lasers, “2nd GCOE International Symposium on Photonics and Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto, March, (2009).
  26. K. Sakai, K. Kitamura, Y. Kurosaka, W. Kunishi, D. Ohnishi, S. Noda, “Photonic-crystal lasers with radially polarized doughnut beams for tighter spot focusing,” The 34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2007), ThBI-5, Kyoto, Oct. (2007).
  27. K. Sakai, K. Kitamura, E. Miyai, W. Kunishi, D. Ohnishi, and S. Noda, “Radially Polarized Doughnut Beam Emitted by a Two-Dimensional Photonic-Crystal Laser,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO‘07), CMV4, Baltimore, May (2007).