東北大学 東北大学新型コロナウィルス対応特別研究プロジェクト,The Front Line of COVID-19

The Front Line of COVID-19 Research The Front Line of COVID-19 Research
Tohoku University takes social responsibility seriously and we are fully committed to collaborating with our partners - at home and abroad- in the fight against the deadly coronavirus.
To coordinate our efforts, the university has launched a collaborative project focused on coronavirus research.
History has shown that we can overcome great challenges by working together and leveraging our strengths. We invite you to learn more about this project and our work here.


Tohoku University Announces Proposals of "Promoting Grants for Research Toward Resilient Society, 2021"

"Starting Grants for Research toward Resilient Society (SGRRS)"

"The seven pillars of research project, Co-pro 7"

Research (Japanese only)

Introducing the university’s coronavirus related research.

Event (Japanese only)

Introducing events pertaining to coronavirus research.

People (Japanese only)

Introducing the universities researchers working on coronavirus related projects.
