環境・エネルギー経済学分野 松八重研究室



Thesis 論文
Aurup Tatan D, Azusa Oita, Kazuyo Matsubae, “The Effect of Religious Dietary Cultures on Food Nitrogen and Phosphorus Footprints: A Case Study of India " Nutrients 2021,Vol.13(6),1926(2021.6.3)
Numfor Solange A, Omosa Geoffrey B, Zhengyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae, “A Review of Challenges and Opportunities for End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies: A SWOT Analysis " Sustainability,Vol.13(9)(2021.4.27)

Graduation Thesis 卒業論文
・ Blue carbon perceptions by locals deriving from coastal ecosystem services:A proposal for sustainable community-based managements inIndonesia
(沿岸部生態系サービスに由来するブルーカーボンに関する地域住民の認識:インドネシアにおけるコミュニティ・ベース管理への提案)Kevin Muhamad Lukman (博士卒業論文 2021.9)
・Social and policy science of blue carbon ecosystems assessment:Local perceptions towards global benefits and contributions in the Philippines.
(ブルーカーボン生態系評価の社会・政策科学的研究:フィリピンにおけるグローバルな便益と貢献に関する地域住民の認識) Jay Mar Dioquito Quevedo (博士卒業論文 2021.9)


Thesis 論文
Quevedo JMD, Uchiyama Y, Kohsaka R,“A blue carbon ecosystems qualitative assessment applying the DPSIR framework: Local perspective of global benefits and contribution”Marine Policy.128,104462(2021.3)
Quevedo JMD, Uchiyama Y, Lukman KM, Kohsaka R“Local perceptions of blue carbon ecosystem infrastructures in Panay Island, Philippines” Coastal Engineering Journal,(2021.2)
Quevedo JMD, Uchiyama Y, Lukman KM, Kohsaka R“Are municipalities ready to integrating blue carbon concepts?: Content analysis of coastal management plans in the Philippines”Coastal Management, (2021)
Quevedo JMD, Uchiyama Y, Lukman KM, Kohsaka R“How blue carbon ecosystems are perceived by local communities in the Coral Triangle: Comparative and empirical examinations in the Philippines and Indonesia”Sustainability,13(1)127,(2020.12)
Lukman KM, Uchiyama Y, Quevedo JMD, Kohsaka R“Local awareness as an instrument for management and conservation of seagrass ecosystem: Case of Berau Regency, Indonesia.”Ocean and Coastal Management,203,105451(2020.11)
・Robi Kurniawan, Gregory P. Trencher, Achmed S. Edianto, Imam E. Setiawan, Kazuyo Matsubae “Understanding the multi-faceted derivers of increasing coal consumption in Indonesia”Energies,13(14):3660.(2020.7)

Graduation Thesis 卒業論文
・ Nitrogen and Phosphorus Footprint Analysis on Food Production in Indonesia
(インドネシアにおける食料生産の窒素・リンフットプリント解析)Farah Wirasenjaya (修士卒業論文 2020.9)
・Carbon footprint analysis of seafood production in small islands: Casestudy of Karimunjawa, Indonesia.
(小島嶼における漁業の炭素フットプリント解析:インドネシア、カリムンジャワ島の事例) Dheanara Pinka (修士卒業論文 2020.9)


Thesis 論文
Quevedo JMD, Uchiyama Y, Kohsaka R., “Perceptions of Local Communities on Mangrove Forests, their Services and Management: Implications for Eco-DRR and Blue Carbon Management for Eastern Samar, Philippines.” Journal of Forest Research, 25(1):1-11. (2019.8)
Lukman KM, Quevedo JMD, Kakinuma K, Uchiyma Y, Kohsaka R. “Indonesia Provincial Spatial Plans on mangroves in era of decentralization: Application of content analysis to 27 provinces and “blue carbon” as overlooked components.” Journal of Forest Research, 24(6):341-348. (2019.4)
・Azusa Oita, Farah Wirasenjaya, Jiarui Liu, Elizabeth Webeck, Kazuyo Matsubae."Trends in the food nitrogen and phosphorus footprints for Asia's giants: China, India, and Japan. Resources"Resources, Conservation and Recycling,157,104752(2020.2)

Graduation Thesis 卒業論文
・リユースに着目した使用済自動車由来の金属資源の動的循環解析 張 政陽(博士卒業論文2020.3)
・日本における地域別汚泥発生に関連する稀少資源フロー解析   林 舒航(修士卒業論文2020.3)
・次世代自動車の関与物質総量における地域依存性分析      廖 翰卿(修士卒業論文2020.3)
・The performance of mined land reclamation in Indonesia: a case study in the coal mining
(インド ネシアにおける採掘埋立地の活 用: 炭鉱における事例研究)IMAM EKO SETIAWAN(修士卒業論文2019.9)