Tohoku University Future Global Leadership Program
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International Undergraduate Program in Chemistry ADVANCED MOLECULAR CHEMISTRY COURSE

Teaching Staff

Organic Chemistry It returns to a index page.



Research Area

molecular architecture, transition metal complexes, σ-bond activation, shift reagents, absolute configuration, functional ligands

Research Subjects
Overview of Research

Our laboratory focuses on organometallic chemistry. We studies preparations, properties, reactions, and applications of various transition metal complexes as well as their ligands.

One of our research areas is a development of bio-inspired large ligand systems, which contain sequence-defined side chains: In our ‘linked (ethynylthienyl)oligoarene system’, various side chains can be introduced in a defined order.

Another area of research is the study of labile tungsten and molybdenum complexes, showing high reactivity toward various reagents.

The third area is the development of new methods for determining the absolute configuration of organic compounds, using lanthanoid metal-containing chiral NMR shift reagents.

Selected publications
Contact Information
“Please delete “/” after “@” in a mail address.”

(TEL 022-795-7714, Email: toyota@/
Shigeru SASAKI
(TEL 022-795-7721, Email: shigeru.sasaki.d5@/

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