Dheanara Pinka (D3)
Carbon footprint analysis of seafood production in small islands: Casestudy of Karimunjawa, Indonesia.(Master Thesis)
●Global Warming Potential and Waste Handling of Pearl Farming in Ago Bay, Mie Prefecture, Japan, Dheanara Pinka, Kazuyo Matsubae, Resources2023, Vol.12(7),75, 27 June 2023
●Dheanara Pinka, Zhengyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae,「Towards environmentally sustainable aquaculture: Investigation on the environmental impact of
the pearl oyster farming using life cycle assessment」 Poster on The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2022.10.30-11.2
●Dheanara Pinka「The life Cycle assessment of Akoya Pearl Oyster(Pinctada Fucata) Aquaculture in Japan」Poster on ISIE-SEM 2022 conference, Vienna in Austria, 2022.9.18-22
[The best poster award]
●Dheanara Pinka, Kazuyo Matsubae「Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions form Seafood Produmtion in Karimunjawa. Indonesia」Poster on The 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance, Online, 2021.3.4-5