環境・エネルギー経済学分野 松八重研究室



Mohammed Engha Isah (D3)


●Bibliometric analysis and visualisation of research on life cycle assessment in Africa (1992–2022).
Mohammed Engha Isah, Zhengyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae,Norihiro Itsubo. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,(2024.4) "


●Mohammed Engha Isah,Junbin Xiao, Zhenyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae,「Mapping Land Use Changes of Artisanal small Scale Cobalt Mining Using Satellite Image Analysis(SIA)in the Democratic Republic of Congo」 Poster,The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance, November 3-7, 2024,Sendai, Japan
●Mohammed Engha Isah,Zhenyang Zhang, Kazuyo Matsubae,「A Life Cycle Assessment of conventional and electric tricycles(KEKE NAPEP) in Nigeria」 Poster,The 16th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance, November 3-7, 2024,Sendai, Japan
●Mohammed Engha Isah,「Distance-to-target Weighting and Nigeria Eco Factors (NEFs) in LCA under the 2030 agenda」 Oral,2024 Joint ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism and Asia-Pacific Conference(ISIE-SEM2024),24-27 August, Beijing in China
●Mohammed Engha Isah,「LCA of Palm oil production using Developed Nigeria Ecological Scarcity Method」 Oral,第19回日本LCA学会,6-8 March, Utsunomiya in Japan
●Mohammed Engha Isah,「Mapping Land Use Change Impacts of Artisanal Small-Scale Cobalt Mining Using Satellite Image Analysis(SIA) in Lualaba and Haut-Katanga In the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)」 Poster,SETAC Africa 11th Biennial Conference,2023.10.8-11 Accra in Ghana
●Mohammed Engha Isah,「A policy Based Distance-to-Target(DTT)Life Cycle Impact Assessment(LCIA)Method for Nigeria Undre the 2030 Agenda, using the Ecological Scarcity Method」 Oral,SETAC Africa 11th Biennial Conference,2023.10.8-11 Accra in Ghana
●Mohammed Engha Isah,「Life cycle assessment research and development in Africa: A bibliometric review」 Oral,The 9th 3RINCS conference,2023.03.13-17