Laryngeal cancer
2021.03.16 note
Smoking is the most crucial carcinogenic risk factor for laryngeal cancer. The incidence of laryngeal cancer is high in people in their 60s and 70s, and the male to female ratio is 15:1, which is significant for males [1].
The table shows the 3-year and 5-year relative survival rates for different laryngeal cancer stages [2]. The survival rate decreases as the disease progresses. In stage IV, it is a life-threatening disease for about 50% of patients.

[1] K. Hanyu, Otolaryngology Disorders, in: T. Fukui (Ed.) Today’s Therapy, Igaku-Shoin, Tokyo, 2018.
[2] National Cancer Center Japan, Aggregation of survival rates for in-hospital cancer registries in hospitals and other centers for cancer care coordination, (2019).