オンライン交流会に参加した方へのアンケート /Questionnaire for persons who participated in Time to Unite! Online Alumni Gathering for Founders Day 2020

    /Date of the event for which you registered
    Dater of you registered*
    6月19日 /June 196月23日 /June 23
    /City and Country/Region of Residence*
    例:シアトル、米国 /Example: Seattle, United States
    /How did you learn about this event?


    東北大学グローバルウェブサイト /Tohoku University’s global website東北大学FB /TU Facebook Account東北大学Twitter /TU Twitter Account東北大学Instagram /TU Instagram Account東北大学LinkedIn /TU LinkedIn AccountGLCウェブサイト・SNS /the Global Learning Center’s website or social network accounts同窓会からの連絡 /from an alumni associationother

    その他 /Other
    /To what extent were you satisfied with the event?
    To what extent were you satisfied with the event?*
    とても満足 /Very satisfied満足 /Satisfied普通 /Neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedあまり満足していない /Not satisfied全然満足していない /Not at all satisfiedOther

    その他 /Other
    /Length of the event (90min)
    Length of the event (90min)*
    長い /Longちょうど良い /Just about right短い /Short4.Other

    その他 /Other
    /time for participation
    早い /Earlyちょうど良い /Just about right遅い /Late

    その他 /Other
    /Convenient time for participation
    時間および標準時の記載をお願いします。例:19:00-21:00 (JST)
    /Please supply the standard time in addition to the Convenient time for participation
    Example:19:00-21:00 (JST)
    /What did you find particularly interesting or useful? (multiple responses allowed)*
    東北大学の最新の情報を知ることができた /Hearing about the latest information from Tohoku University同窓生とのネットワークを強化したいというメッセージが伝わった /Hearing about the future strengthening of the alumni network他の同窓生と有意義な意見交換ができた /Being able to share meaningful opinions with other alumni東北大学の情報を継続して得る方法を知ることができた /Learning about new ways to find out about the latest information from Tohoku UniversityOther

    その他 /Other
    /Satisfaction with the Group Discussions (June 19 gathering only)
    とても満足/ Very satisfied満足 /Satisfied普通 / Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,あまり満足していない /Not satisfied全然満足していない /Not at all satisfiedOther

    その他 /Other
    /The reason of Satisfaction with the Group Discussions (June 19 gathering only)
    /Were you able to network with other participants through this event? (Were you able to exchange contact information?)
    自分と同じ国・地域に住む同窓生とのつながりを持つことができた /I was able to network with alumni who live in the same country or region as me.異なる国・地域に住む同窓生とのつながりを持つことができた /I was able to network with alumni from different countries and regions.他の参加者とのつながりを持つには至らなかった /I did not network with other participantsOther

    その他 /Other
    /What did you think of the Zoom background image? If there is a background image you'd like us to design for future events on Zoom, please let us know in the "Other" section.
    気に入った /I liked it普通 / I neither liked it nor disliked it好みではなかった /I didn't like it

    その他 /Other

    /Please let us know if there are any improvements we can make to the event.

    /What kind of events do you expect in the future? 

    /If you have any ideas as to how we can make alumni activities more active, please share them with us.

    /If you don't mind, please tell us your information for future collaboration.(Please fill in English.)

    氏名 /Your name 

    現在の役職・所属 /Current Position and Affiliation 

    連絡先 /Email Address

    卒業年 /Year of graduation or completion at TU

    学部学科 /Your Faculty or School at TU 

    指導教官 /Your academic supervisor at TU

    その他 /Other

    Thank you very much for your cooperation! We are looking forward to seeing you again at future events!