Vibrational spectroscopy for size-selected fluorene-(H2O)n=1,2 clusters in supersonic jets
N. Guchhait, T. Ebata, and N. Mikami,
J. Phys. Chem. A 104, 11891 (2000).

The OH and CH stretching vibrations of fluorene-(H2O)n=1,2 clusters have been observed by IR-UV and stimulated Raman-UV double resonance spectroscopy in supersonic jets. for fluorece-(H2O)1, a clear intensity alternation was observed for the symmetric and antisymmetric OH stretching modes in the IR and the Raman spectra, while in fluorene-(H2O)2 the IR spectrum of the OH stretching vibration indicates the water dimer formation in the cluster. For the CH stretching vibration it was found that the aliphatic CH stretching vibration shows a remarkable blue shift in the clusters. From the observed spectra and the ab initio calculations at HF/6-31G and HF/6-31G(d,p) levels, it was concluded that the n=1 and 2 clusters have similar structures in which the water monomer or the dimer locates above the plane of fluorene.
