Hiroaki Matsueda(分担)
Application of density matrix renormalization group method to photoinduced phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems
“Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing – Vol. 4 Froutiers in Quantum Information Research: Decoherence, Entanglement, Entropy, MPS and DMRG”
Eds. Mikio Nakahara and Shu Tanaka, World Scientific, 2012, p.227 (38 pages).
Hiroaki Matsueda(分担)
Scaling of entanglement entropy and hyperbolic geometry
“Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing – Vol. 7 Interface between Quantum Information and Statistical Physics”
Eds. Mikio Nakahara and Shu Tanaka, World Scientific, 2012, p.143 (23 pages).
「量子系のエンタングルメントと幾何学 ホログラフィー原理に基づく異分野横断の数理」
森北出版 2016年6月10日出版 383頁 ISBN:4627155719
Kenji Harada, Hiroaki Matsueda and Tsuyoshi Okubo(分担)
Application of Tensor Network Formalism for Processing Tensor Data
“Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society”
Eds. Kazushi Ikeda, Yoshiumi Kawamura, Kazuhisa Makino, Satoshi Tsujimoto, Nobuo Yamashita, Shintaro Yoshizawa and Hanna Sumita, Springer, 2024, p.79 (22 pages).