2021.03.03-05 Our lab. members presented in the 16th LCA Conference.
From our laboratory
〇Mr. Jiarui Liu
"Nitrogen and phosphorus footprint analysis on the agri-food consumption in Miyagi prefecture" (2021/3/4 11:20~ Venue 2-2A-02)
〇Mr. Aurup Ratan Dhar
"Time Series Analysis on Food Nitrogen Footprint of Indian Subcontinent Associated with Religious Food Taboos" ( 2021/3/5 11:40~ Venue 2-2A-03)
〇Ms. Farah Wiresenjasya
"Nitrogen and Phosphorus Footprints of Food in Indonesia" (2021/3/4 11:00~ Venue 2-2A-01)
〇Ms. Lu Yan
"Material Flow Analysis of Elemental Phosphorus in China" (2021/3/3 9:40~ Venue 1-B1-01)
〇Ms. Wang Binze
"Analysis of secondary aluminum flows in China" (2021/3/3 11:20~ Venue 1-D2-02,)(2021/3/4 15:50~ Venue 2-P2-11Poster)
〇Mr. Tomoya Sugiyama
"Preparing to develop a model to analyze mineral supply chain risks"(2021/3/5 11:00~ Venue 3-C2-1) (2021/3/4 15:50~ Venue 2-P2-09Poster)