Remountable high temperature superconducting magnet

Page 1 : Remountable HTS magnet

Page 2 : Mechanical joint of a HTS conductor
Page 3 : Heat transfer enhancement of LN2 with metal porous media
Page 4 : Other superconducting applications
Page 5 : Published papers

Remountable high-temperature superconducting magnet

We have proposed the remountable high-temperature superconducting magnet as one of the design for future fusion power plant. The followings are concepts of the design.

  1. A superconducting magnet of a fusion reactor is fabricated separately and the magnet is constructed by assembling the separated parts of the magnet.
  2. The parts of the magnet can be mounted and demounted iteratively. (We define "Remountable" as "Being mounted and demounted iteratively.) This concept requires a remountable joint method such as a mechanical joint method.
  3. A high-temperature superconductor (HTS) is selected as material of the remountable magnet. A HTS has robustness against heat generation at joint parts because of its high heat capacity at relatively high operating temperature.
  4. An advanced heat removal technique is applied to the joint region. The technique and high heat capacity of a HTS ensure stability of the magnet.
This concept gives benefits especially to a helical reactor and a spherical tokamak, they have complex magnet configuration. We can construct the complex magnets from short parts and we can also replace a failure parts due to neutron irradiation, for example.

The following figure shows a schematic view of the remountable HTS magnet, which is applied to helical magnets of FFHR. (FFHR is a conceptual design of DEMO reactor proposed by National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan.)

National Institute for Fusion Science:

Remountable HTS magnet

Subjects of this research field are as follows.
  1. Research and development for mechanical joint of a HTS conductor achieving low resistance and remountability
  2. Research and development for heat removal system at joint region
  3. Design of the remountable HTS magnet based on the above researches and structural analysis treating electromagnetic force

[Research Top]