Farewell Party for Dorota

We held the farewell party for Ms.Dorota, an abroad student from Porland.
Almost People went to the venue by Sendai City Subway.

Thanks to many people attending, elevetor was full.

At first, we were told great words by Prof.Hashizume.

Mr.Yasunega was drinking the beer as it was water.


Associate Profesers!

B3s and Mr.Muraoka.

Mr.Kawamoto and Mr.Kaneko.

Mr.Shishido and Mr.Cheng.

Prof.Hashizume and Ms.Dorota.

Mr.Tazima and Mr.Mochizuki eating.

Mr.Oishi and me.

Last, Associate Prof.made a speech for Ms.Dorota.

Next, we went to "Karaoke" with associate Prof.Ebara.

After the day, we gave "Calpis gift set" to Ms.Dorota.
We hope she enjoy it.

See you next time.

