20th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM) 2022@ オンライン

ISEM 2022 was held during June 5-8, 2022. It is my second time to attend the international conference.

This conference was supposed to be held in Greece last year.

It was changed to be online this year probably because of Covid-19.
I listened to others nice presentation in the first two days of the conference, since my presentation was on the last day
I was very interested in the presentation by Prof. Igarashi from Hokkaido University.
He talked about how to use machine learning method on engineering problem like automatic design of motors.

I was the first one in my session. After my presentation, Prof. Tian from China asked me one question about the influence of moisture on results.
It is a good question, and I am also thinking about how analyze it in my future study.

The Closing Ceremony was held from 20:10 on 06/08.
It was announced that ISEM2023 and ISEM2025 will be held in Tokyo and Michigan, respectively.
Nice video and pictures of these two cities were shown.
