July 5th-8th, 2018
FENDT 2018@Xiamen, China

Arrival at Xiamen. When I entered the arrival hall, the first sign I saw is gI Love XIAMENh, which heralds that everyone comes here would fall in love with this city. This experience tells me this is the truth.

This photo was taken at the Xiamen port. Look at the clear sky and extensive sea. What a gorgeous scenery!

The venue of this conference ? Xiamen international seaside hotel

View of the sea beheld from the venue.

Opening ceremony (official photo). It is said that MORE THAN 800 participants attended this conference. And the topic of this FENDT is gNDT will go into IOT (Internet of Things) Timeh which somewhat inspires me.

Prof. Ramos was delivering her presentation. I was very glad to meet Prof. Ramos and Prof. Ribeiro there, and we also had a pleasant conversation.

My presentation (Thank my friend, Zhang Xiaozhu, from Beijing University of Chemical Technology, for taking this photo for me).

There were also a lot of stands exhibiting the advanced NDT instruments of various companies. Their products make me realize that the practical application of NDT techniques has a good prospect as well as a long way to go.

Banquet. I felt like attending a wedding ceremony.

At evening, I went cycling along the seaside road and dined out with my friends. The sea breeze, the sea food and the mango which is big and tasty deeply impress us.

The gate of Xiamen University. On the last day, the organizer arranged a visit to Xiamen University, one of the most famous and beautiful universities in China. Xiamen university is also a popular attraction where there are usually a large amount of tourists.

The aerial view of the whole campus. All of the buildings are of a unique style called gJiageng styleh that blends Western buildings and Chinese roofs, which compose a such beautiful campus. The most attractive thing is that the students are able to see the sea easily from their windows, which must be very enjoyable.

The elegant black swan was swimming on the lake. Itfs like a pop star in the campus as many people were taking its photo.

One of the landmarks of Xiamen university, named g?‰¶˜Oh, which is the tallest building in that campus.

