日本非破壊検査協会 保守検査部門ミニシンポジウム

JSNDI Department of Maintenance and Inspection Symposium

Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute

The hall of this symposium.

The certificate of my presentation. Correction: ❌青梅本部 ⭕青海本部

Because I attended this symposium alone, there is no photo of my presentation.
I walked around during the lunchtime.

船の科学館 Museum of Maritime Science

テレコムセンター Telecom Center

A huge ship was loading.
After the symposium, I became a tourist. It’s time to enjoy!

The institute at dusk looks more beautiful.

今ユニコーンガンダム Unicorn Gundam RX-0

Very cool ! It’s still under construction, but almost finished.

フジテレビ Fuji TV

自由の炎像 Flame of Freedom Statue

Night Scene

レインボーブリッジ Rainbow Bridge

自由の女神像 Odaiba Statue of Liberty

Impression of this symposium : Daiba is a good place to see the night scene of Tokyo.

